Martial Inverse

Chapter 1740 The Disappeared Ball

Chapter 1740 The Disappeared Ball

After signing countless unequal treaties, Feng Hao followed Le Tian out of the stone room with a wry smile on his face. . .

Can this kind of thing really pretend that it didn't happen?

Feng Hao smiled bitterly in his heart, looking at Le Tian's back, the look in his eyes was a little complicated, more guilt.

Can Lotte himself really pretend that nothing happened?

However, at this time, Feng Hao couldn't ask each other, he could only follow Le Tian's wishes, and everything was as usual, as if nothing had happened.


After exhaling slightly, Feng Hao raised his head, and saw that Fatty Wei was constantly scanning the two of them with an extremely strange gaze, especially when he looked at himself, that A look of admiration flashed in his eyes, and immediately, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly.

Fatty Wei might not be able to hide this kind of thing from him.

What he didn't know was that Fatty Wei was actually more shocked than him, looking at him was like looking at a monster.

After doing that kind of thing to Lotte, it is really not easy to survive.

Fatty Wei's eyes were full of emotion. He once remembered that there was a guy who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, because he teased Le Tian, ​​he ended up extremely miserable, and his third leg was directly crippled on the spot.

After that incident, among their forces, no one dared to provoke this witch again.

"What kind of soup did you feed her?" Fatty Wei asked involuntarily. Suddenly, Le Tian, ​​who had already walked a certain distance, suddenly stopped and turned around suddenly. His narrowed eyes stared dangerously at her. Looking at him, he was terrified, and subconsciously hid behind Feng Hao.

"I don't have anything, I don't know anything, I just saw the scenery..." Fatty Wei raised his hands in surrender, vowing.

"I hope so."

Le Tian squinted his eyes, glanced at him meaningfully, and then continued to turn his head, "I feel that many people are gathering in the same place, let's go and have a look."


..." At this time, Fatty Wei heaved a sigh of relief, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

He was really afraid that Le Tian would kill him to silence him.

No, with Lotte's personality, this possibility is really great.

"Let's go."

Seeing Fatty Wei silently gesticulating with his thumb, Feng Hao shook his head, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he quickly followed.

If possible, he hoped that none of this happened, and it wouldn't be like this now, even if it was awkward to talk, there would be no common topics.

Along the way, the three of them were very silent, and there were people passing by from time to time, but after seeing Fatty Wei and Lotte, they all chose to avoid it, so along the way, they didn't have any conflicts with anyone.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that there is no competition at this time. If there is a common goal, no one will show mercy.

This point, Feng Hao and the others are very clear in their hearts, so even if some people want to come up to please and strike up a conversation, they all choose to treat them indifferently and ignore them, and the latter will retreat in embarrassment after they feel that they are boring themselves .

On the way, Feng Hao's eyes kept scanning around, as if he was looking for something, the longer the time, the deeper his frown.

Ball is gone.

He didn't know how the ball disappeared, because after refining the light and dark holy crystals, he fell into a state of chaos, so he didn't remember very clearly what happened at that time .

But now, after waking up from such a sleep, Feng Hao was shocked to find that Qiuqiu didn't come back after the matter was over as usual.

Also, the ball is missing.

If Qiuqiu left by himself, Feng Hao would not believe it, so there must be a reason he doesn't know.

"Could it be that he died under the punishment of heaven?"

Thinking of this possibility, Feng Hao shook his head and denied it.

He didn't think that Qiuqiu would be so easily crushed by heaven's punishment, but because Qiuqiu was in a weak state at that time, this possibility was still somewhat possible.

Therefore, Feng Hao still had some worries in his heart.

However, soon, he thought of the mysterious black box inside the ring...

If Qiuqiu's description is correct, as long as he has completely controlled the power of Xuwu, he can open it.

Judging from the things that are happening now, it is very possible that the existence of Qiuqiu is inextricably linked with this mysterious black box.

Perhaps, very likely, after opening the black box, he was able to see Qiuqiu again.

However, it is obvious that now is not a good time to open the box. Now he wants to use it as a hole card and wait for the time to use it.

"I hope it's okay..."

Feng Hao let out a slight breath, this time, he was indeed harmed by Fen Lao, and what happened was beyond his control.

Moreover, he vaguely remembered that Huangfu Wushuang chose to blew himself up at that time...

This is not an ordinary thing, Feng Hao deduces from the words of Le Tian and the current situation, the origin of Huangfu Wushuang is definitely beyond his imagination, maybe, it is even more likely that they are the two giants from the world of Penglai one of the .

If Huangfu Wushuang really died because of him, it is conceivable that the giant might easily let him go.

It's not that I'm only promoted to the peak of the holy rank now, even if I have a higher achievement, it is very likely that I am not the opponent of these two giants.

After all, these two giants are the origin of mystery, the representatives of miracles, and even the existence that made the Supreme Being sluggish in ancient times. For Feng Hao, it was a mountain that could not be seen at a glance, and he was just a bird at the foot of the mountain. Just ants.

Therefore, now he can only pray, pray that Huangfu Wushuang will not have an accident, otherwise, not only him, it is very likely that it will bring disaster to the human race.

Fatty Wei followed Feng Hao alone. He was always interested in asking something, but seeing Feng Hao was in deep thought, he wanted to speak a few times, but he held back.

This is a weirdo.

Fatty Wei was extremely depressed. Ordinary people, even the top forces, would try their best to please and win him over after seeing his displayed ability. However, beside this guy, he didn't listen to a good word, let alone please him.

"Monsters and monsters are a perfect match..." he muttered softly,

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