Martial Inverse

Chapter 1741: Stele

Chapter 141 Stele

In the depths of the ancient palace, there is a wide and large square, and in the middle of this square is a stone altar. On this altar, a monument stands there, reaching straight into the sky.

The monument is in the shape of a diamond, with six sides, and is dark in color. It looks like a star universe outside the territory. Just looking at it will give people the illusion of being swallowed up.

On the large monument, some glittering lights flashed from time to time on the six sides, revealing some obscure and mysterious lines, making it difficult to understand and appearing extraordinarily mysterious. Invisibly, a palpitating wave spread out from this monument, full of ancient rhymes and vicissitudes, which made people feel awe-inspiring.

This may be the place where the great forces worshiped the sky at that time, and it can be seen from the surrounding layout, so even after eternity, this place still exists forever, and it has not been destroyed by time.

At this time, hundreds of Yin spirits gathered in this large square, and the most noticeable thing was that the end under the altar was covered with a gloomy and cold luster. It is almost three meters high, a tall ghost like a god of death.

This tall Yin Spirit, which is much taller than ordinary Yin Spirits, has almost condensed into a human form, and its body looks basically solid, unlike the Yin Spirits around it, although there are already signs of solidification, but , the body is still foggy, it looks like a ghost in the legend.

And judging from its position, this tall Yin spirit is very extraordinary, it is definitely the strongest one, I am afraid that if it erupts, it will definitely be extremely shocking.

And around these Yin spirits, there are ancient wreckages. The bones are old and look dim, but they still stand in this square. The number is equal to the number of Yin spirits in the square!

Obviously, these people must be the guards who guarded the altar in this great force.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying and astonishing the cultivation of the people guarding such a place would be in the mythical period at that time. It's no wonder that today, after countless years, even if they are immortal, the Yin spirits derived from Yin Qi are extremely extraordinary, and the worst one can be compared with the one Feng Hao met in that stone room. Even stronger.

But at this time, in this square, a lot of bloodstains were left on the ground, broken limbs can be seen everywhere, it looks as if they were directly torn to pieces, their appearances can no longer be distinguished, they are just a pool of shredded flesh That's all.

Obviously, these guards, even if they passed away, their wills are still left on the ghosts, and they have been guarding the altar here, but anyone who dares to approach will be ruthlessly torn and crushed.


In the distance of this square,

Dozens of people have also gathered, and they hide in the corner, not daring to enter the scope of this square.

Obviously, the impulsive ones were already injured on the spot. At the same time, what happened at that time gave them a shock, so they chose to temporarily avoid and wait and see.

But at this time, their eyes were all on the altar in the middle of the square, on the extremely shocking monument, and various lights shone in their eyes. Without exception, they all want to get this monument.

Because, on the top of this monument, an extremely bright beam of light spewed out, directly sinking into the sky. This is most likely the main reason for the current situation in the Domain of Longevity!

Therefore, they dare to conclude that the secret of longevity is hidden in this monument!

During this period of time, there were quite a few people who came here, but those who broke into the square were already a pile of minced meat, turned into dead souls.

Therefore, after smelling the strong smell of blood in the square, these people who came later all chose to stagnate. Looking at the towering monument from a distance, they could only stare and sigh.

So far, none of the dozens of people who have come to the monument have been able to detect the reality of this monument, nor can they fully understand the profound meaning of the lines on this monument.

Shenbao is right in front of them, but they can't do anything about it. This feeling is very uncomfortable, and it makes them feel so depressed that they want to vomit blood. However, they also know that even if they are impatient or impulsive, it will not help. It is better to calm down and think about countermeasures, how to hunt and kill these ghosts.

However, the situation at this time is different. When they are in the basin, they can choose to unite with each other temporarily. However, it doesn't work here, because success or failure is only in an instant, and none of them want outsiders to rush in and get the divine treasure inside this monument!

Therefore, the camp is also very clear, and even, they are observing each other. If someone chooses to rush into the square, what they have to do is not to help, but to hold them back!

It is precisely because they understand this that no one rushes in at risk. Because, sometimes, people are more deadly than ghosts.

Who dares to say that these dismembered corpses lying in the square all died under the claws of the ghosts? !

Not long after, a graceful figure and an old man with a red face came to the edge of this square.

It was Huangfu Wushuang and the mysterious old man who was proficient in formation patterns!

At this time, Huangfu Wushuang's pretty face was bloodless, pale as paper, quite sickly, like someone recovering from a serious illness. Moreover, in her pair of beautiful eyes, there is more indifference and coldness. With her arrival, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, making the surrounding people look sideways and startled.

Based on their intuition, it is natural to judge that something must have happened, or someone attacked Huangfu Wushuang?

This possibility is not impossible.

So, when they saw the two of them coming, the people around them all chose to avoid it because they were afraid that they would offend her and bump into the bad luck.

Huangfu Wushuang didn't pay attention to these, and she was indifferent to everything around her. Her eyes were placed on the stone tablet on the altar in the middle of the square.

After a while, she turned her head and looked at the red-faced old man, who nodded slightly. After that, Huangfu Wushuang ignored everyone around him and walked straight towards the altar.

At the same time, her figure became a little ethereal, as light as a ray of wind, flexibly dodging the attacks of those ghosts, and turned into an elegant afterimage, rushing towards the altar in an instant .

And the red-faced old man behind her didn't hesitate at all, he didn't care about the people around him at all, with mysterious patterns on his feet, his figure was almost jumping and flashing, and he followed closely behind Huangfu Wushuang .

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