Martial Inverse

Chapter 1742 Huanling Immemorial Formation

Chapter 1742 Huanling Immemorial Formation

The sudden change suddenly made everyone on the edge of the square inexplicably horrified, and even a few couldn't help but chase after it.


In a short time, there was a scream, and those few people were directly torn apart by the Yin spirit, their internal organs and intestines were scattered all over the ground, and their deaths were very miserable.

At this time, Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man had already approached the altar area in the middle of the square.


Standing under the altar, the tall and condensed Yin Ling suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of ice-cold eyes, full of evil spirit, looked at the intruder in front of him, icy cold The breath that could freeze the blood spread from its huge body, and the cold air swept across the surroundings.

Even if this Yin spirit did not advance to the half-step emperor realm, at least, it would have touched the existence of the threshold of the emperor realm, and no one would dare to contend with it except the half-step emperor!

However, at this time, Huangfu Wushuang's eyes did not show the slightest look of fear. With her cold eyes, she almost ignored its existence, and rushed straight towards her, with no intention of avoiding it.

"It's now!"

Just when the attack of the Yin spirit was about to fall, the red-faced old man behind Huangfu Wushuang suddenly shot a gleam of light from his eyes, stomped his feet, and a mysterious formation enveloped him and Huangfu Wushuang Inside……


Under the eyes of everyone, the two of them disappeared out of thin air. Yin Ling's attack fell through, and hit the ground with a deafening sound. Although the ground did not shatter, everyone could feel the vibration under their feet .

It can be seen how powerful this Yin spirit is.

"There they are!"

The sharp-eyed person immediately spotted the traces of Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man, and immediately let out a cry of surprise.

Because, the two of them leaped over the ghost out of thin air and appeared directly on the altar, and at this time, Huangfu Wushuang had already stuck his white jade-like palm on the flowing stone tablet.


Just after her palm was attached to the stele,

Her whole body disappeared out of thin air, and then, the old man with a red face did the same, his palm was close to the stone tablet, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.


Immediately, the ghost under the altar let out a shrill howl, so sharp that it made people's eardrums hurt, and some people's ears even overflowed with bright red blood.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the two people who disappeared on the altar, everyone could not help but curse secretly.

It fell short!

Just when they wanted to give up, they saw that the beam of light bursting from the top of the stone tablet had not dissipated for a long time. Immediately, there was a look of doubt in the eyes of many people.

If Huangfu Wushuang had scooped away the divine treasure, then this beam of light forming the realm of longevity would definitely disappear. But now, this beam of light still exists, which means that Huangfu Wushuang has not succeeded yet!

"Could it be that there is a space inside that stone tablet?!"

The people here are indeed well-informed, and many smart people began to become suspicious.

"If I'm not mistaken, this site was once sealed, so it couldn't be opened. Now, the power of the seal has disappeared, so this site has been rediscovered!"

A white-haired old man murmured softly, his eyes flickering with a strange light.

If this is the case, then the stone tablet on this altar is likely to be the foundation of this great power...

This kind of place exists among many top forces, and it is jointly forged by many sages who spent their entire lives.

After thinking of this, the eyes of those who had planned to give up suddenly had a gleam of hope, and many people had already started sprinting towards the altar again, wanting to enter the space of the stele.

Obviously, there will be many rare treasures in it, and they still belong to the ancient times. If you get them at will, they can be regarded as the existence of foundation.

Soon, weird things happened...

After many people worked together to kill a Yin spirit, almost instantly, another same Yin spirit was directly spawned. The number of Yin spirits in the square did not decrease at all, and these people who rushed into it almost All were killed and torn into pieces. The scene was very bloody. Only a few people took advantage of the chaos to rush up to the altar and disappeared into the stone tablet.

"Oh my god, could it be that the Huanling Immemorial Formation has been deployed here?!"

Seeing this kind of scene, some people of the older generation suddenly exclaimed with trembling sounds, and the tone was full of inconceivable and shocking.

The so-called Huanling Immemorial Formation is a rare thing, even among the many top forces in Penglai, it may not be seen. Because, this ancient array can gather all the spiritual energy in the world!

This is also one of the ultimate foundations of the long-term prosperity of the great forces!

It is conceivable that if a force owns this formation, how much advantage will it have? The aura is never exhausted, and it has always been in the strongest state!

And here, obviously, it has been isolated from the world, but this Huanling Immemorial Formation is still playing its role, gathering all the yin energy in this ruins, so it appears now. An almost weird situation.

Now they suddenly remembered why when Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man rushed into it, they didn't choose to attack, but used various hole cards to avoid it. The reason is obvious, because these ghosts will not decrease!

Soon, the screams in the square stopped, and more than half of the people around were reduced, only a few cautious people survived.

Afterwards, people kept coming and rushing in, and tragedies continued to be staged...

No one can resist this kind of temptation, everyone has sharpened their heads and wants to rush in. However, with the Huanling Immemorial Great Formation, no matter how many people enter it, they will be wiped out, and Yinling, Not even a head was cut.

When Feng Hao, Le Tian, ​​and Fatty Wei rushed over, a strong smell of blood rushed to their faces, making the three of them frown slightly.

"Be careful, that square has been set up with the Huanling Immemorial Formation!"

From a distance, but just glanced at it, Fatty Wei reminded the two people around him in a low voice.

Le Tian's face remained unchanged, as if this was what she expected. But Feng Hao looked at Fatty Wei blankly.

Fatty Wei was a little stunned, and after glancing at Le Tian, ​​he explained, "Simply put, the ghosts in that square area are inexhaustible, so we have to rush directly, enter there, understand ?"

While speaking, he pointed to the stone tablet on the altar.

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