Martial Inverse

Chapter 1758: The Old Man in the Stone Chamber

Chapter 1758 The Old Man in the Stone Chamber

Fatty Wei's words made Feng Hao startled, and immediately thought that if there is a magic treasure that makes people live forever, this possibility really exists!

After all, it is not surprising that people who survived from that era in ancient times possessed this kind of realm, and it is even very likely that they will have even more unpredictable cultivation bases.

However, what Feng Hao couldn't understand was why the rays of light spreading out from the ruins could make people prolong and live forever? And what exactly is at play?

Now that I think about it, maybe most of the people who come here want to know the answer!

After all, after endless years and the two flourishing ages of ancient times and ancient times, the sages did not make much progress in terms of longevity. As time went by, most of them died in the long river of history.

Therefore, even if there is only one clue, it is priceless!

"Why, do you believe that people will live forever?"

Seeing Feng Hao lost in thought, Fatty Wei asked curiously.

There are not many people who can make him pay attention, and Feng Hao is already honored to be one of them.

"Who is sure about this kind of thing?" Feng Hao smiled slightly, neither denying nor affirming.

He believes that since the Great Way of Heaven and Earth can last forever, there must be a reason for it, but this reason has not been discovered yet.

Maybe, if we find out the reason why the Great Way of Heaven and Earth exists forever, then, people may also be able to survive forever!

It's just that this kind of thing is obviously not something he can do in his current state. And Fenghao's current goal is to break the current imprisonment and achieve the throne!

Life is short, he can't stand still!

Fatty Wei opened his mouth, but he didn't refute, but there was a strange look in his eyes looking at Feng Hao.

For some reason, he felt that Feng Hao seemed to be thinking about the unrealistic issue of longevity, and wanted to do it!

"It's still early for those guys to come back, why don't we go hunt some ancient beasts first?" Before standing still for three seconds, he proposed to Feng Hao enthusiastically.


After glancing at Lotte,

Feng Hao nodded.

So, the three of them left here, and entered the rolling mountains again to search for traces of ancient alien beasts. Seeing them like this, Huangfu Wushuang who was standing there and the red-faced old man looked at each other in dismay, and then they also darted into the mountains in another direction.

After all, ancient beasts with pure blood like this are rare!

It wasn't until almost half a day later that the veterans of those forces who had gone to various places returned to the cliff one after another. Feng Hao and others who have been paying attention to this side returned quickly.

Several maps were put together, although the description of the terrain is not very detailed, but the general terrain is out.

"This canyon, here, and here... find these nine places, and then destroy that terrain, that's all."

After Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man returned, Fatty Wei quickly pointed out the location of the nine formation eyes, and he smiled triumphantly at the red-faced old man, making the latter's face immediately darken.

After the red-faced old man looked at the assembled map, he didn't express any objection, which meant that there was nothing wrong with what Fatty Wei pointed out.

For a moment, everyone looked at Fatty Wei with scorching eyes.

After all, he is still young, and he will definitely make breakthroughs in the future, so his future achievements must be higher than the red-faced old man!

Then, because they were divided into six camps, no one believed anyone, and no one wanted to weaken the strength of their own camp to send people, so the situation suddenly fell into a stalemate.

"I knew you would be like this."

Fatty Wei muttered, and then suggested, "Since you don't want to go, then there are only two ways, first, continue to consume, and second, go together!"

Undoubtedly, everyone chose the second option. Although the red-faced old man was a little reluctant to be with these ants in his eyes, but at this time, no one would allow him to engage in special activities. change.

Because this time there were instructions on the map, and it was a targeted action, so it was naturally extremely fast. In just over an hour, the terrain of the nine formations was completely destroyed by them.

When returning to the cliffs of the plain, a group of people rushed forward desperately. The ones in the front, without any doubt, were Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man, while Feng Hao, Fatty Wei, and Le Tian, But he followed behind the crowd and was at the end.

"If you want to work hard, run faster!"

These are the original words of Fatty Wei, so Feng Hao is not impatient, he hangs at the end, not in a hurry.


In the midst of a loud noise, the stone door on the cliff was finally blasted open. Immediately, an ancient aura rushed towards the face from within, making one's heart tremble, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Because, in this aura, they felt an aura that made their hair stand on end. It was extremely powerful, so powerful that they could not describe it. They even felt that under this aura, they were just like ants. Existence, a feeling of powerlessness to resist suddenly rose in my heart.

"Is there really a living god?!"

It was Feng Hao who arrived after feeling the powerful aura that made his heart skip a beat, and his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

This aura is unmistakable, it is so strong that he feels that even Jiang Feng, who is half a step into the realm of a great emperor, cannot compare with it!

Obviously, this air mechanism seems to have surpassed the half-step emperor!

After a while, after the light slowly entered the stone gate, a shocking scene appeared in front of everyone...

Behind the stone gate, it is not very spacious, like a small secret room. Inside, there are many bookshelves, various scrolls and notes, and these bookshelves are piled up without leaving much space.

However, in the middle of this stone room, there is a white-haired old man in ancient clothes sitting cross-legged on a black stone tablet...

This is not a skeleton, but a person, a living person, and the suffocating aura spreads from his body, which seems to be able to affect the trend of the heaven and earth avenue , extremely terrifying.


The people from the four major forces screamed, and quickly retreated towards the rear, not daring to stay here for a moment.

There are still living people in this ancient place, which no one expected!

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