Martial Inverse

Chapter 1759: Longevity

Chapter 1759 Longevity

In the distance, some people who were still paying attention to the movement here were standing on some treetops, watching from a distance, but in a short while, they saw the people of the four major forces backing away quickly, and immediately , There is also a sense of urgency in my heart,

"My God, there are still living people in that stone room. Please search on Baidu, and read the latest chapters of popular novels first!"

A sharp-eyed person exclaimed, and his voice kept echoing in the world, full of shock and fear, as if he had seen something incredible,

After appraisal, this place has been confirmed as the base of a top power in ancient times, but for some reason, it has become lonely,

No matter what the reason for his loneliness is, the people who existed in the core area of ​​the top forces in the ancient times, how bad their cultivation could be,

For a time, even those who were far away were all frightened, and some even quickly fled to the rear, not daring to stay for long.

If it is really a god, then none of the people who broke into this place can leave alive,

The time is too far away, and no one remembers what kind of realm the gods are. However, the only thing they know is that even the emperor can easily kill everyone who enters this ruins.

At this moment, some people even regretted it in their hearts. Since they knew that there was a treasure of longevity in it, how could there be no such possibility?

But Feng Hao's gaze was fixed on the faint blue bead floating above the old man's head, with various expressions flickering in his eyes,

That turned out to be Lingzhu,

Feng Hao, who has already seen two spirit beads and possessed them, can naturally recognize this familiar thing, with just one glance, he can be sure that it is the spirit beads, no doubt,

Then, a thought flashed in his mind, "Lingzhu can really make people live forever."

Although there have been rumors that the pearl contains the secret of longevity, but no one can see through the reality of the pearl and understand the way of longevity from the pearl.

Even, the Evil Immortal Supreme, who amazed a generation of people in ancient times, was rumored to have collected several spirit beads, so it was rumored that he had mastered the secret method that could make people live forever.

Rumors, though rumors,

However, there is still some basis for

At this time, it is obvious that the old man in the stone room has preserved his body because of the existence of the spirit beads.

Although he didn't seem to be breathing, he was dead, but there was still a terrifying aura spreading from his body,

Obviously, perhaps, Lingzhu not only kept his body, but also, he should still be alive,

For some reason, after seeing this white-haired old man, Feng Hao thought of the mysterious white-clothed woman in Xuanmingtian of the Hundred Clans Continent,

This situation is so similar,

It is also related to the Lingzhu, and they are all left over from a distant era...

"The people of that period were really still alive, they survived..." Feng Hao's mood was no longer calm at this time, and there was a turbulent wave,

Just what he saw, there are two examples, and there must be others similar to this situation,

The Lingzhu, the most mysterious divine treasure in the world, can bring many miracles. Perhaps, in ancient times, after obtaining it, many talented people may have realized one or two special methods.

"A god?"

His heart was shaking, his whole body was trembling,

If this white-haired old man is really a living god, what kind of changes will it bring to this world,

At this moment, even the proud daughters like Huangfu Wushuang and Le Tian were stunned in place, not daring to take half a step into the stone room. The atmosphere on the scene seemed a little weird.

No one dared to go in, but the white-haired old man didn't open his eyes, or punish the intruders,

In this deadlocked situation, suddenly, a gust of wind blew into the stone chamber, and immediately, a shocking scene happened...

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

The scrolls, notes, and secret techniques on that row of shelves, under this gust of breeze, unexpectedly slowly turned into a pile of froth, shattered directly, and turned into ashes. Under the breeze, the ashes were annihilated.

It was just a gust of wind, and the originally crowded stone room was suddenly empty. Only the white-haired old man was still sitting cross-legged on the dark stone tablet, unmoving, undiminished, and drifting away. The foam is isolated far away before falling, within two meters of his body, there is not even a speck of dust,

Also because of this, the old man did not die with the wind, and it made everyone gasp, and the people of the four major forces immediately retreated further, Feng Hao, Fatty Wei, Le Tian, ​​Huangfu Wushuang, and the red-faced The old man was also startled, and distanced himself from the stone room.


This old man is really still alive. Under the protection of the Lingzhu, he has been left over from ancient times and has survived for endless years. He is a real living fossil.

If this matter gets out, there will be more troubles in this world.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it seems that the news that there is an old man in this ruins from ancient times can't be hidden, unless he gets up and kills all the people in this ruins,

However, more than ten minutes have passed, but the old man in the stone room still shows no signs of waking up. He still sits cross-legged with his eyes closed.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of the mysterious woman Xuan Mingtian before, Feng Hao's heart trembled, and he immediately thought of a possibility,

The spirit bead can preserve the old man's body, but his vitality still disappears with the passage of time, unless he is infused with new vitality, he will be able to come back to life.

"Master, Master..."

Feng Hao hurriedly called Fen Lao in his mind,


Fen Lao seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep, and didn't understand the current situation.

After all, if something like that happens to Feng Hao, he can't hide in the dark and peep, right?

"Master, another person left over from the ancient times..." Feng Hao talked about the current situation in a trembling voice,

"You are right. The situation of this person is somewhat similar to that of that woman Xuan Mingtian. However, there are also some differences. The woman does not have such a strong power, and seems to be imprisoned in her body. People are exposed, a little dangerous, if you break in, you may be wiped out by this force..."

After careful observation for a long time, Fen Laocai said slowly in a cautious tone,

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