Martial Inverse

Chapter 1764 Gone with the Wind

Chapter 1764 Gone with the Wind

The so-called day of the opening of the sky is actually the day when the first ancient god in the world in the myths and legends, the ancient god Pan Gu, opened the world.

Of course, no one can know whether this is true. After all, no one has seen the ancient god Pangu. It seems that since the first opening of the world, the ancient god Pangu disappeared with the newly opened world, even if it is three It seems that the Great Ancient God has never seen him. However, there are also rumors that the Ancient God Nuwa seems to have been looking for the trace of the Ancient God Pangu, but there is no result. After finally creating the human race, he disappeared.

Therefore, it has always been a mystery whether there is such an ancient god named Pangu in the world. After all, even the ancient gods cannot trace his traces, how can ordinary people prove it?

However, the festival of the day of the opening of the sky has been passed down from the ancient mythology period, and it is also the first day of the new year.

Every year on the opening day of the sky, all the forces in the Penglai world will gather together, and then, there will be competitions among the younger generations, to win some prizes or something, and compete with each other.

But at this time, when old man Wei said these words, there is no doubt that, as a half-step emperor from Ling Xiaofeng, he would naturally give his word. In other words, it was just a small competition, but this time would be very meaningful,

Because, this lottery head is a spirit bead,

If it was used in the past, it might not make the top forces crazy about it, but it is different now. Everyone knows that this Lingzhu has the effect of longevity, and no one can ignore it. Even if it takes a thousand years, it will only participate once. The two giants of the opening day will definitely make an exception this time,

When Old Man Wei said so, he naturally had the confidence to win. This confidence came from Lotte. He believed that there was absolutely no one in this world who could crush Lotte.

On the other side, the ordinary-looking old man next to Huangfu Wushuang, when he felt everyone's eyes on him, he glanced at the white-haired old man in the stone room, and then said in a calm tone, "Such a magical treasure, only the youngest generation's top talent is eligible to hold it, otherwise, it's just a waste of money."

What he said was full of confidence, extremely domineering, and his intention to look down on the world was fully revealed. In his opinion, the only obstacle was Ling Xiaofeng's people.

Although the few half-step emperors present knew this, they still had an extravagant hope in their hearts.

After all, they don't have the confidence to fight against these two giants at all, but if they want to give up directly,

But no one will be reconciled. If the two giants can really keep their promises, maybe they still have a glimmer of hope.

So, after they looked at each other and exchanged silently for a while, they all nodded and agreed to make a move.

Afterwards, only the five half-step emperors including Jiang Feng, old man Wei, and the old man in Xuandao Valley were left in front of the stone chamber, while Feng Hao, Fatty Wei, Le Tian, ​​and Huangfu Wushuang all retreated. For a long distance, even out of the plains,

"You feel indebted to me."

On the way, Le Tian turned his head sideways and asked Feng Hao abruptly,


Feng Hao was taken aback, then touched his nose, smiled coyly, not knowing how to answer,

"Help me get the Lingzhu, I can give you a chance."

Le Tian gave him a complicated look, left these words lightly, then turned his head away,


Feng Hao looked at her suspiciously, but the latter didn't explain anything. After a long silence, he finally said, "I will."

Now, after knowing the identity of Le Tian, ​​he knows that it is simply impossible to get together with Le Tian. Now, the only thing he can do is to make up for the guilt in his heart.

On the other hand, Fatty Wei glanced at the two of them with a strange expression, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after seeing Le Tian's icy pretty face, he still closed his mouth, but still secretly gave Feng Hao a thumbs up,

For this, Feng Hao could only smile wryly,

Maybe, with his ability, Ling Xiaofeng might take him in, but how could he give up the human race?

"Boom boom boom..."

Half a sound later, there was a deafening explosion sound from the cliff on the plain. After a while, if it was a muffled thunder, it was extremely shocking. The whole world was shaking at this moment. It seemed that this world could no longer bear it. Withstand the onslaught of this energy,

The rays of light are bright, and all kinds of brilliance are like aurora, so dazzling that people can't see the movement there. The figures of several half-step emperors are also submerged, and they can't see clearly.

At this time, Feng Hao was standing on the top of a tree next to Le Tian, ​​his dark eyes were slowly replaced by purple, and he was looking directly at the center of the storm at the cliff...

He could clearly see that several half-step emperors continued to attack, hitting the layer of gods spread by the old man sitting cross-legged in the stone room, and immediately, the originally invisible gods were also shot out one after another. Visible ripples,

It is enough to see that the rage of their attacks was able to shake the realm of the gods,

Although, at this time, it can barely be regarded as a sanctuary, but it is not something that ordinary people can shake. Of course, the premise is that the old man is already dead. The emperor killed them all,

So, when the God's Domain was broken, it was also half a day later. With the breakthrough of the God's Domain, a huge coercion swept out, and suddenly, including the old man Wei, all the half-step emperors directly was thrown out,

"Puff puff puff..."

The sound of vomiting blood was endless, even a strong man like old man Wei, his face was pale, with shocking blood on the corner of his mouth,

However, although they all suffered certain injuries, none of them fell. It can be seen that there really is no Emperor Realm in this world, otherwise, at that moment, they would have been crushed directly.

Soon, everyone's eyes were on the stone room...

With the breakthrough of God's Domain, the old man sitting cross-legged on the pitch-black stone tablet seemed to be touched, and suddenly, under the shocking gaze of everyone, he opened his eyes.

In that pair of dark and boundless eyes, there are countless stars that have died out, and the bright brilliance in an instant made everyone's hearts lift up, and some people with weak minds in the distance couldn't control it at all, and fell down. fell down, fell to the ground,

And just when old man Wei and the others were about to back away, the expression in the old man's eyes slowly dissipated, dimmed, and finally closed slowly,

After everything calmed down, the old man's body turned into dust and disappeared with the wind, just like those bookshelf scrolls before, inch by inch, piece by piece.

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