Martial Inverse

Chapter 1765 Old Man Wei's Reminder

Chapter 1765 Old Man Wei's Reminder

The old man in the stone room was definitely a peerless powerhouse during his lifetime. At the last moment of passing away, he opened his eyes. It seemed that he was unwilling to give up and took a last look at the world before passing away with the wind.

No one cheered, even a little sad.

Such a peerless powerhouse, even under the protection of the Lingzhu, still cannot escape the decay of time and cannot live forever. Then, who of them can do it?

Maybe, there is a secret of longevity in the Lingzhu, but who can unlock the secret in the Lingzhu?

At the end of cultivation, whether it will be another world or nothing, who can say clearly...

Regardless of whether it was the ancient times or the barren ancient times, the two great ages disappeared very suddenly. Those amazing characters were just covered up by the passage of time one by one. No one knew whether they were still alive or early. is gone.

However, no matter whether they can live forever or not, people in the world are still cultivating constantly, hoping to uncover this secret.

A gust of wind blows into the stone room, and a cloud of dust is swept out from the mat, flying to the outside world, falling on the dust, and flying silently...

Afterwards, in the stone room, there was only the faint blue spirit bead still floating there, and the faint blue light made it impossible to detect the secrets inside, making it extremely mysterious.

After a while, everyone recovered from their previous state, and when they looked at this spirit bead again, their eyes were filled with greedy expressions.

Immortal Treasure!

At this moment, everyone was tempted. If old man Wei and the ordinary-looking old man were not standing at the door of the stone room, these people would have rushed forward.

They knew in their hearts that these two people were not only superior in strength, but their identities were beyond their own comparison.


Old man Wei waved his hand, and the faint blue spirit bead appeared directly on his palm. After he spun it around, he played with it casually for a while, then shook his head and said, "My old man's words are definitely counted. In other words, on the day of the opening of the sky this year, I will definitely appear with the spirit orb, and whoever can stand out from the crowd will have this spirit orb!"

This sentence undoubtedly caused everyone's mood to fluctuate a little, and their eyes were filled with scorching light.

Undoubtedly, what old man Wei said was undoubtedly giving everyone a chance to compete. In a short time, everyone's opinion of Ling Xiaofeng was greatly changed.

Although Ling Xiaofeng's people did have a bit of a weird temper, they kept their promises, and they could do what they said. Even if it was this spirit bead, everyone believed that Old Man Wei would not take it all by himself.

After a while, everyone began to continue hunting ancient beasts in this world, and some people left directly to prepare for the day when the sky opened.

"Boy, don't think that you can get happiness like this!"

Just as Feng Hao turned around, an old voice sounded directly in his mind, making him startled.


After a while, Feng Hao thought of a similar name.

happy day!

"A lot of things are not as simple as you see on the surface, I advise you to forget her as soon as possible..."

Old man Wei's voice was surprisingly cold, without any emotion mixed in, it was icy cold, and the image of him fighting with Fatty Wei was like two people.


Feng Hao frowned slightly.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but Le Xin has saved his life for him, and when he thinks of Le Xin walking with others, he feels depressed.

As a man, he can't just watch this kind of thing happen!

"Hey, to be honest, old man, I also admire you very much. You can handle Lexin, boy, you are very good. If you can really walk with that girl Lexin, old man, I have no objection."

Just when Feng Hao's heart was full of depression, a teasing sentence came, which made the corners of his mouth twitch slightly, and when he looked up, old man Wei just turned his head and grinned at him.

"Sure's weird."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth quietly curved into a shallow arc. After a while, he asked Fen Lao in his mind, "Master, when is the day when the sky will be opened?"

"There are still eight months until the day of the Hundred Clans Ranking Competition."

Fen Lao's words directly made the original arc of Feng Hao's mouth stiffen.

"It turned out to be the same day?"

He frowned deeply and squeezed into a word 'ji'.

Doesn't this mean that he can only take care of one place?

Whether it is Baizu's side or Lexin's side, he is unwilling to give up on both, which is very important.


As if he knew what Feng Hao was worried about, Lao Fen coughed twice before saying, "Actually, the gathering place on the day of the opening of the sky is the ancient city of hundreds of clans!"

The ancient city of the Hundred Clans is the center of the Penglai world. Long before the rise of the Penglai World, the Hundred Clans were the largest. Therefore, it occupied the most spiritual site. Otherwise, there would not be a Hundred Clans Tower. Such a miraculous holy place for cultivation.

"In the ancient city of hundreds of ethnic groups, there is an altar, which is a place for offering sacrifices to the heavens. According to legend, there used to be an 'immortal' appearing there with a glowing glow. Therefore, even today, the place for offering sacrifices to the heavens in Penglai has not changed. ..."

Under Fen Lao's detailed explanation, Feng Hao gradually understood some secrets. Although the meaning of this secret myth is very heavy, it is enough to illustrate the importance of the terrain of the ancient city of hundreds of clans.

"Master, are there really 'immortals'?"

Although he knew it was impossible, Feng Hao couldn't help asking.


Fen Lao pondered for a long time before he said, "I don't seem to be a fairy. There are rumors in the Penglai world that it is the birthplace of the first supreme being in the world..."

Next, Fen Lao kept telling Feng Hao some rumors and common sense, and made up for him. After leaving this ruin, Feng Hao had a certain understanding of the Penglai World and the Hundred Clans Continent. .

"Brother Hao..."

After leaving the ruins, Fatty Wei called out to Feng Hao who was still in a trance.


Feng Hao was startled, and ended the conversation with Fen Lao, then glanced at Le Xin, and said cautiously, "My name is Feng Hao!"

At this moment, he no longer needs to hide his identity. With Jiang Feng, the half-step emperor, as his backer, coupled with his own strength, even in the face of top forces, he is still not afraid!


Fatty Wei gave him a meaningful look, "Hey, then, Brother Feng, we will see you on the day we open the sky!"

After saying hello, Old Man Wei left quickly with Le Xin and Fatty Wei.

"Mr. Jiang, let's go!"

Looking at the figure that has become a small black spot, Feng Hao sighed lightly, and walked with Jiang Feng, gliding in the direction of the ancient city of hundreds of clans.

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