Martial Inverse

Chapter 1766: Ambush

Chapter 1766 Ambush

After the Lingzhu was taken away, the so-called Domain of Longevity ceased to exist, which made many old antiques weep bitterly for it, almost going crazy,

They think that as long as the realm of longevity exists, they can live forever and live forever. Unfortunately, this delusion has come to nothing.

This made them furious and crazy, but after it was reported that the immortal treasure inside was taken away by the half-step emperor who came for Ling Xiaofeng, it was like a bucket of cold water being poured on them, making their hands and feet cold,

The two giants in Penglai have already penetrated into the souls of everyone. They are miraculous and insurmountable existences. At any time, they have supreme shocking power.

However, a piece of news later rekindled their hope,

On the day of the opening of the sky, the younger generation who gets the first place will be able to get the Lingzhu,

Immediately, a new round of upsurge was set off in the world of Penglai. The young generation's proud sons were born together, all kinds of remains, strange bodies, divine bodies, and holy bodies appeared together, and the world was surging, showing a scene of a prosperous age ,

There has never been so many proud sons of heaven in any era. This generation is obviously different. Even some older generations who are familiar with ancient history are surprised to find that such an era is astonishingly different from the time when the ancient and prosperous age came. similarities,

more than less than,

Now, even a blind man knows that it is very possible that a generation of prosperity is coming, and the appearance of this realm of longevity is a beginning.

Some people even thought of the incident that happened in the Eastern Territory decades ago...

Xianfu was born,

Immortal mansion, the most controversial fairy treasure in the world, even the supreme one failed to subdue it, it appeared in the ancient prosperous age, and it also appeared when the ancient prosperous age came, and now, it appeared again,

From all the indications, perhaps, this world is about to change again, it is very likely to be a prosperous age, or it may be a big cleansing,

Since the beginning of the world, there seems to be something that does not allow all things to last forever. The higher the creature, the greater the blow it will suffer, almost a destructive cleansing,

For example, in ancient times, when the supreme beings were rampant, there were countless gods and emperors, what a powerful existence that was, but they all disappeared within a short period of time...

And indeed they perish together,


No one can be sure, and even now some people have been doubting whether the gods and the emperor have gone to another dimension,

However, there was no news, and no one was able to find their whereabouts. Even in the ancient and prosperous age, there were no rumors about this.

It doesn't matter whether it falls or exists, but in today's world, the existence of the Emperorless Realm is an iron fact.

Therefore, if you want a prosperous world, you must have a creator,

Now, where can I find an avenue of heaven and earth that no one has ever walked before?

Perhaps no one will ever be able to break the shackles between heaven and earth. Perhaps, these proud sons of heaven are just a flash in the pan in the end. Who can say clearly what will happen in the future?


"Chi Chi..."

In the sky, two streams of light flashed past, like two meteors, as fast as lightning, flying thousands of miles away in an instant,

"Be careful." The domain name of this site is a point, please remember the domain name of this site! ""

Abruptly, Jiang Feng was lying in front of Feng Hao, his whole body rose, blocking a dark attack,


Being directly hit in the chest, Jiang Feng's complexion was also very pale, he coughed up blood, his eyes fixed on the figure walking out of the jungle,

Lord Batian,

The Lord Batian, who had already left, appeared here at this time, and his intentions were already obvious.

"Mr. Jiang, are you okay?"

Feng Hao appeared next to Jiang Feng, with his palm against his back, the cool medicinal properties were like a spiritual spring, directly penetrating into Jiang Feng's body, repairing the wounds in his body,

Jiang Feng was slightly taken aback, and soon after seeing Feng Hao's wink, he coughed lightly again, pretending to be weaker, and gritted his teeth at the Batian Holy Lord,


Seeing him like this, Batian Shengzhu seemed very proud. Compared with the shrunken turtle in front of Wei old man, it was like a different person.

The villain succeeds,

"Do you think I really don't know your origin, kid from the human race?"

Batian Shengzhu's eyes were on Feng Hao, and there was a look of hatred, as if he wanted to smash Feng Hao into thousands of pieces.

And the target of his ambush at this time is Feng Hao. If Jiang Feng hadn't blocked it for him just now, then Feng Hao, who is the peak of the holy rank, is likely to be directly blown to pieces.

From Jiang Feng's half step, the emperor suffered a certain amount of trauma, so it can be seen how powerful his blow is.

"How did you know."

Feng Hao's gaze was surprisingly calm, looking at him quietly, a murderous intent flashed across him quietly,

Today, the gap between the Hundred Clans in the Hundred Clans Continent and the Penglai World is widening. With the background of Batian Holy Land, it is almost effortless to destroy the human race.

However, in Fen Lao's common sense education not long ago, he knew that no matter how tyrannical the Batian Holy Land was, it would not be able to destroy the Holy Heaven Academy.

"When I saw you, I remembered a person recorded in the ancient books..."

Batian Shengzhu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Master Void Martial, there is a generation of Void Martial Lords who use the divine power, the color is exactly the same as yours."

In the Eastern Territory, almost every generation of virtual martial masters came to Penglai World from here. It should be normal to have conflicts.

"Boy, do you think I came to intercept and kill you because you are the Master of Void Martial Arts?"

While slowly approaching Feng Hao, Batian Holy Master slowly spit out the dark words,

"That's why."

Feng Hao also cooperated, showing a little fright, his face turned pale,

"Hey, what did you get in the Eastern Territory, do you think you can hide it?"

While speaking, Batian Shengzhu suddenly violently rushed towards Feng Hao, a huge force condensed in his hands


Feng Hao was startled, his face darkened,


Although the wounds were not completely healed, Jiang Feng still stood in front of Feng Hao without hesitation.

"Jiang Feng, since you insist on courting death, you can't blame me."

A gloomy and ferocious look flashed across the face of Batian Shengzhu, and a strange and profound seal was condensed on the palm of his hand, like a mountain, falling directly towards Jiangfeng,

"Who will die, it may not be known."

A dazzling glare shot out of Jiang Feng's eyes, and a blade-like energy shot out from his fist, hitting it directly,


With a loud muffled sound, the surrounding world undulated like a lake, and the violent wind swept across it crazily. All the vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks within a few miles were smashed, and a basin below became a mess.

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