Martial Inverse

Chapter 1774 The world is ruthless, and everything is a straw dog

Chapter 1774 The world is ruthless, and everything is a straw dog

"How about those guys?"

After glancing at the group of elders who dominated the Holy Land below, the giant beast did not answer Feng Hao's question, but asked him in a low voice, not taking the group of strong people below seriously at all.

In a word, it undoubtedly made them feel like they were trapped in an ice cellar, with cold hands and feet.

"It's over, the Holy Land is also over..."

The oldest man, the ninth-ranked old man at the peak of the holy rank, murmured indifferently, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of despair.

At the beginning, this giant beast only appeared for a few minutes, and turned Batian Holy Land upside down. Now if it exists forever, it is only a matter of time before it can be destroyed.

He regretted it sincerely. Perhaps, the power passed down from his ancestors will be terminated in this generation!

Greed can make a power advance, but at the same time, it can also make a power fall into a bottomless abyss of destruction...


The cold words spit out from Feng Hao's mouth without any emotion, blowing through their hearts like cold wind.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of muffled sounds came out continuously, and a group of strong men from far and near who came to encircle and suppress Fenghao, burst into dazzling blood flowers, leaving no bones and spirits.

For the people of Batian Holy Land, Feng Hao doesn't have the slightest affection now, and when he thinks of Batian Holy Lord knowing his secret, the murderous intent in his heart is even stronger.

Because, everyone in Batian Holy Land may know their secrets, and once it is announced, the consequences will be disastrous, so he doesn't want to be kind to women in this kind of matter, leaving future troubles!

"Ahem... what do you want to know?"

Seeing that Feng Hao's eyes had been fixed on him, the giant beast coughed twice before speaking.

"who are you?"

Feng Hao exhaled softly, suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked in a flat tone.

If it's really a small ball, well, now a few minutes have passed,

It should have disappeared long ago. However, the current situation made him feel that the giant beast in front of him was no longer the energy body before, but a physical existence!

It is a real existence!

"I am... Beast God!"

The giant beast looked at him for a while, and said two domineering words in a serious tone. Invisibly, a majestic power spread from his body.

I think it was derived in a mysterious place at the beginning, and then met the Void God who had already matured at that time, but because of his young age, he was subdued by the Void God, and then became a great help for the Void God.

One day, the Void God suddenly chose to seal it up in the Tianwu Continent, and then left alone, only to see the light of day today!

Breathing the familiar air around it, it feels very satisfied, and its body and mind have never been more comfortable.

"Beast God!"

Feng Hao's breathing immediately became rapid, and his eyes were full of shocking light.

Beast god, that is the existence of the main god level of a generation, and the supreme god believed by the barbarians now is the existence of the real god realm!

Therefore, even with Feng Hao's firm mind at this time, he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart, and it was directly revealed on the surface.

Seeing him like this, a flash of pride flashed in the eyes of the giant beast, and then it seemed to understand what Feng Hao was thinking, and said, "Now that the emperor's way in this world is sealed, my strength is not as exaggerated as you imagined At most, it is equivalent to what you call the half-step Great Emperor peak."


Hearing this, the shock in Feng Hao's heart weakened slightly.

If this guy really possesses the power of a god, then even the two giants of Penglai can even be defeated!

"The way of the emperor is sealed?"

Thinking of this special word, Feng Hao looked at it suspiciously, his eyes were full of confusion.

The emperor's way, the ultimate way between heaven and earth, has been sealed. Who has that ability? !


The giant beast lowered its head slightly, and a look of vicissitudes flashed in its eyes, as if it had returned to the past.

In fact, it doesn't blame the God of Nothingness for sealing it. If it wasn't for the God of Nothingness to seal it up, then even if it survived the extinction of the world by chance, it would have perished with time.

"Who sealed it?"

Feng Hao couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked.

"Have you ever heard an old saying..."

After the giant beast glanced at him, it did not directly answer his question, but said cautiously, "The world is ruthless, and everything is a humble dog!"

"I heard."

Feng Hao nodded, frowning involuntarily.

This sentence is even rumored in Tianwu Continent, he has heard of it, but it is just an old saying, he didn't care about it, and he couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, under such circumstances, being told by Xiao Qiuqiu has a different meaning...

Perhaps, this ancient saying that has been passed down and spread widely contains a shocking secret, and it should be related to the closure of the current Emperor Road.

"When something thinks that you can threaten him, he will destroy you mercilessly. It has been like this since ancient times..."

As he said that, the monster laughed at himself again, "However, there is no doubt that we are not the slightest threat to him now, so don't worry too much about it."


Feng Hao didn't delve into it, but a thought came to his mind... Perhaps, the ancient gods disappeared for this reason.

However, what the giant beast said was right, with his current strength, there was no need to worry about anything at all.

"What about the little ball?"

Thinking of the little ball that disappeared, Feng Hao couldn't help asking again.

"That's just a wisp of my consciousness. In fact, I have left a wisp of my consciousness in every ruin, but I just happened to meet you there."

After a pause, the giant beast continued, "After I sensed that you have completely controlled the power of Xuwu, I withdrew my consciousness."

"I see. "

Feng Hao sighed softly, and glanced at the giant beast, his eyes were complicated.

The existence of Xiaoqiuqiu, which he was already familiar with, was lost all at once, and he was really reluctant and unaccustomed to it.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there were bursts of violent explosions from the distant sky, which directly interrupted his train of thought.


Looking into the distance, Feng Hao's eyes flashed a cold killing intent, and at the same time, he quickly swept towards the source of the sound.

"Hey... It seems that I can finally have a good time. It's really good. There are such fun things when I come out. I hope I won't be too disappointed..."

The giant beast seemed a little excited. After being sealed for so many years, its bones were almost rusted, so it was naturally very happy to encounter such a thing.

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