Martial Inverse

Chapter 1775: The Law of Survival

Chapter 1775 The Law of Survival

At this moment, Jiang Feng is still in the situation of blocking the Batian Holy Lord, but he has tried his best to restrain him, and the battlefield is still moving.

"Jiang Feng, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, I will be the first to kill you after I get the Immortal Mansion. {Please search 138 on Baidu to read the book, the first full text read}"

Being pestered by Jiang Feng all the time, the Overlord Body Sacred Master was a little irritable, and the lure was no good, so he directly changed it to coercion.

However, Jiang Feng's position has never wavered, but his brows are also furrowed, a little worried about Feng Hao's situation,

After a while, a young figure appeared in the sky...


It was Lord Batian, who couldn't help being stunned at this time, not understanding why Feng Hao would return, and, under his search, none of the group of elders he had arranged disappeared. As a result, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart,

The signal was sent out, but the people didn't follow, then there was only one possibility, all of which were solved by Feng Hao,

"How is this possible? He is only at the beginning of the peak of the holy rank. Even Huangfu Wushuang would definitely not be able to do this kind of thing..."

Batian Shengzhu couldn't believe it, and even the offensive slowed down, finally allowing Jiang Feng to take a breath,

"How are you?"

Sensing the familiar aura coming from behind, Jiang Feng turned his head and looked at Feng Hao who was rushing towards him with a look of astonishment.

He didn't understand why Feng Hao chose to throw himself into the trap,

Immediately, Jiang Feng's face became serious, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and a sense of killing spread from his body,

Obviously, he misunderstood that Feng Hao was forced to come back,

However, after seeing Feng Hao with a calm face and gave him a reassuring look without haste, Jiang Feng protected Feng Hao behind him, and looked at the Batian Holy Lord vigilantly,

"Boy, where are my people?"

Batian Shengzhu's eyes locked on Feng Hao, his eyes were very sharp,

That is the mainstay of Batian Holy Land,

but must,

"Of course I killed him."

A joking voice resounded above Batian Shengzhu's head, directly making his body stiff. When he raised his head, he saw a giant beast appearing in front of him without a sound. In the sky, suddenly, he didn't even care about attacking, and hurriedly retreated towards the rear in a panic.

Naturally, he will never forget this giant beast, and he doesn't think that he, who has become a half-step emperor, can resist this giant beast. At this moment, he only has one thought in his mind... to run away,

However, he didn't realize that when he chose to hide, there was a hint of contempt flashing in the eyes of that giant beast in a humane way, and the figure just moved, and it appeared directly in front of him.

"You beast, get the hell out of here."

Batian Shengzhu's mind almost collapsed, he squeezed out a big seal like a mountain with both hands, and with red eyes, he directly slammed into the giant beast,


However, when this big seal was condensed, it seemed to be under unknown external pressure, and it exploded directly in front of the Batian Holy Lord, and the huge power poured unreservedly on the Batian Holy Lord himself. Throwing him out, his chest was dripping with blood,

With such a strange ability, the Batian Holy Lord was heartbroken, and his eyes were full of despair. He even felt that he didn't even have the qualifications to blew himself up in front of this giant beast.

The strangeness of the other party made him no longer have the heart to resist. His eyes fixed on the giant beast, as if he wanted to find out something.

In the end, he was desperate, because several minutes had passed, but the giant beast still showed no signs of disappearing.

"This is impossible, how could the human race have such a powerful existence."

Lord Batian shook his head in disbelief, and his fists creaked. In an instant, he thought of a possibility, "Could it be... the Immortal Mansion, could it be that he has already controlled the Immortal Mansion?" ,."

For a moment, the look in his eyes became a little colorful, full of envy, jealousy, and deep despair,

At the same time, Jiang Feng who was beside Feng Hao was also shocked. He looked at the giant beast, and then set his eyes on Feng Hao, his eyes showed a look of excitement.

Sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong person.

He felt that if he followed this young man all the time, he might have unexpected achievements.

"Hey, why don't you do it?"

The giant beast seemed to be a little impatient waiting, and could not help urging the Batian Lord who was stunned there, as if he was very dissatisfied with his performance,

What are you doing, just want to move your hands and feet, this guy was caught without a fight,

"I look like this now, you should be very proud."

At this time, Lord Batian seemed to be thinking about it, but he just glanced at it lightly, then turned around, faced Feng Hao, and said self-deprecatingly,


Feng Hao snorted softly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said flatly, "You asked for this."


Batian Shengzhu seemed to become very lonely all of a sudden, and said calmly, "I did the right thing, the law of survival in this world is like this, the strong survive the weak, if you don't want to strengthen yourself, you will be eaten by others... ..."

Feng Hao was silent.

Indeed, what Batian Holy Lord said is the truth, if he doesn't want to strengthen himself, how many forces in this Eastern Region want to replace Batian Holy Land, what he does is to follow the current law of survival in this world that's all

However, even so, Feng Hao has no sympathy for him. He is also in such a law of survival and cannot escape. It seems that even the two giant forces in Penglai are the same.

The source of this law of survival is not because of other things, on the contrary, it is precisely because of human desire and greed,

Everyone wants to live a better life than others, and doesn't want to be trampled under by others. Moreover, desire drives them to do everything possible to surpass others, and they can do whatever they can to do so.

This may indeed make people have an upward mentality, and it will also drive an era forward, but it is undeniable that this is a vicious circle.

No one can control it, unless it surpasses everything and becomes the supreme existence that truly overwhelms the entire world, maybe it can change the current status quo and establish a virtuous circle,

Therefore, at this moment, Feng Hao, who is in the absolute upper hand, does not have the slightest pleasure in his heart.


The cold words spit out from his mouth. Although the giant beast still wanted to make fun of it, it did it directly, spit out a golden light, and directly enveloped the Batian Holy Lord. Its body, bones, blood, The golden light slowly dissipated, and finally turned into ashes,

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