Martial Inverse

Chapter 1935 Blockade

Chapter 1935 Blocked


Not long after Xiao Qiuqiu got into the streamer space, he fled out of it in a panic, and behind him was a somewhat embarrassed Liu Canyan,

The faces of the two of them were very ugly. After Feng Hao cast his gaze, Xiao Qiuqiu said with difficulty, "This area has been blocked."


Feng Hao's complexion suddenly changed, he was so gloomy that he could drip water, and his eyes shone with a fierce divine light. At the same time, the momentum on his body exploded, directly shattering the surrounding space, revealing the light in the flowing space. everything of,

At this time, in the Liuguang space, with the palace of Shengtian Academy as the center, and outside the entire square, there is a group of extraordinary people standing there, murderous intent, and the momentum is astonishing. After a cursory glance, Feng Hao discovered that this Among the group of people, there is no one whose realm is lower than his own,

Moreover, in front of this group of people, there is a strong man in ancient clothes suspended at intervals. The momentum made Feng Hao's heart tremble, and he didn't even have the confidence to resist it.

Almost without thinking, Feng Hao knew that these people must be from the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan,

Moreover, these strong men dressed in ancient clothes must be the final heritage of the Wuling and Mangyan clans, and they are also special existences like Huang Tianyun, Liu Canyan, Xiao Qiuqiu, etc.

Being so fiercely suppressed by the human race, the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan also knew that it was time for the survival of the race, so they didn't care about so much, and directly revealed all the details,

It can be said that they just want to get rid of Feng Hao's confidant trouble at all costs,

For the two races, no one else in the human race is to be afraid of, only Feng Hao makes them restless,

Because they couldn't know the exact whereabouts of Feng Hao, they have chosen to forbear these days and let them wait until today, when Feng Hao became the head of the Human Emperor's Mansion.

This is a golden opportunity, they will naturally not let it go,

Moreover, they also seized the right time, blocked this square, and surrounded all the high-level people of the human race...

It is conceivable that

If they succeed, then what is left of the human race,

Therefore, when seeing the appearance of these people, all the high-level clansmen were dripping with cold sweat,

They didn't care about their own safety, but they thought that after they were killed in this way, the human race would have no leader, and the Wuling and Mangyan clans didn't need to do anything, and the human race would collapse by itself.

And Feng Hao, naturally thought of this, he didn't expect that even if Liu Canyan and Huang Tianyun were on guard, they were still besieged.

At this time, although he regretted taking the risk in his heart, but now all his energy is preparing for the coming storm,

Feng Zhentian and the others were obviously at a loss for the situation in front of them, but out of trust in Feng Hao, they didn't lose their composure, and they all seemed very calm.

They all firmly remember that they can't lose face to their family, and they can't lose face to Feng Hao.

Like them, the people outside the square all turned their attention to Feng Hao after a short period of panic and fear.

At this moment, Feng Hao, the lord of nothingness, has undoubtedly become the backbone of their hearts. They also believe that there is no such thing as the lord of nothingness.



Feng Hao's eyes slowly swept across the audience, his brows slightly frowned,

Thirteen people wearing ancient clothes, what this represents, he is very clear in his heart,

Can be sealed down, who would be simple,,

Moreover, no matter it is the Wuling clan or the Mangyan clan, they are all races with ancient bloodlines. There is no doubt that all of these thirteen people must be at least strong with ancient bloodlines.

This is also the main reason why Huang Tianyun was injured, Xiao Qiuqiu deliberately evacuated towards Liu Canyan's position, but was still blocked.

Even if fighting alone, Huang Tianyun and the others are stronger than any of them, but facing an enemy of this level, who can confidently single out two people,

If three people besieged one, it would be even more hopeless.

"The humble race is still as cowardly as that ants, vulnerable..."

One of the middle-aged men spoke, his voice was loud, like thunder, spreading all over the wilderness, and everyone in the entire area could hear it clearly. Under the shock, everyone's face was pale, and some people with weak cultivation couldn't hold on at all and collapsed, showing expressions of panic.

There is no doubt that this shows that this group of people is not a human race,


In the minds of the people of all races, that is powerful, and it is also something that the human race cannot compete with. Therefore, the human race has fallen from the position of the top seven to the situation where it cannot even enter the top 100.

For a while, there was another burst of noise on the scene, and it was even very chaotic.

But this group of people didn't do anything, just surrounded them quietly, as if admiring the performance of the panicked human people below, some of them seemed to be catching mice, their expressions showed nothing to hide playful look,

"It's just ants, delusions against the sky."

On the other side, a man with an unsightly appearance who couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman was sneering there. There was a cold light in those small eyes, which seemed to be able to freeze a person's soul.

Needless to say, with such an unsightly appearance, he must be from the Wuling clan.

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Feng Hao raised his brows, and between the words, they confronted each other, and said mockingly, "Because only ants can win with numbers."


The face of the unsightly Wu Ling clan powerhouse suddenly became even uglier, revealing a cold murderous intent, the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, making it difficult for people to breathe.

It wasn't until Liu Canyan made a move to defuse the murderous intent that he returned to normal.

"You are really eloquent."

The strong man who spoke before also looked at Feng Hao, and said in a nonchalant tone, "You are the nothingness master of this generation of the human race."

"It seems that the lesson given to you Mangyan clan is not enough, and you still haven't remembered me."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at him without the slightest fear. His body was full of fighting spirit, like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath, smashing everything, with awe-inspiring aura,

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