Martial Inverse

Chapter 1936 Self-defeating

Chapter 1936 Killed Itself

This sentence, Feng Hao is not only speaking to these powerful people from the Wuling and Mangyan clans, but also reminding the people of the human race that alien races are not scary.

Sure enough, thinking that Feng Hao beat the strong man of the Mangyan clan to death at the grand gathering of hundreds of clans before, the fear in their hearts was relieved a lot.

It is true that the overall strength of the foreign race is stronger than that of the human race, but that was before, and now, they still have a peerless strong man in their minds... Lord of nothingness, Feng Hao,

Feng Zhentian and the others stood there quietly all the time. He and the other senior members of the Feng family knew that it was very possible that his group would become the primary target. However, they had already decided in their hearts that even if it was Death will not drag Feng Hao down,

Death, although terrible, but Feng Hao is the only hope in their hearts. If there is no Feng Hao, then the rising Feng family is likely to be beaten back to its original form again.

As for Yu Ning, Qing Wu was full of worries. At this time, even Yu Ning felt a little regretful in his heart. He had no ability to change what happened.

At this moment, Yu Ning suddenly felt that a person's strength is also an indispensable part, and the level of strength can save more people.

Looking at the expressions of fear and despair on the faces of the people of the human race present, she felt very complicated.

For the first time, she felt that many things cannot be solved by medicine.

"A bunch of bad guys, bad guys."

Xiao Qingmeng clenched her fists, her eyes were filled with a layer of black luster, she gritted her silver teeth lightly,

And beside her, there are two little black dogs with fangs longer than her head, no longer in a lazy posture, her whole body is tense, those dark eyes slowly scan the surroundings, imperceptibly, there is a kind of The special implication spread out,

Huang Tianyun and Liu Canyan stood on Feng Hao's left and right sides, acting as guards, and the firm expressions on their faces showed that even if they died, they would still protect Feng Hao.

Although Xiao Qiuqiu wanted to come closer, but, thinking of the death order given to it, in order not to distract Feng Hao, it could only choose to stay beside Feng Chen and other senior members of the Feng family.


"Still doing these useless things."

The strong man of the Mangyan clan in ancient clothes taunted,

It seems to be laughing at Feng Hao's naivety, "Didn't someone tell you that in the face of absolute power, any tricks are useless?"

Although the current situation has been temporarily stabilized, if Feng Hao is killed, all the people of the race will fall into even more chaotic panic.

"Absolute power."

Feng Hao pursed his lips pretending to be disdainful, his eyes swept over those strong men in ancient clothes one by one, and said, "This is the so-called absolute power in your mouth."

"Killing you is enough."

The strong man of the Mangyan clan spoke in a calm voice, and was not irritated by Feng Hao's words. He calmly set his eyes on Huang Tianyun and Liu Canyan, and frowned indistinctly.

This time they exposed all the strength of the two races, the main target is Feng Hao,

However, at this time Feng Hao is being guarded by Huang Tianyun and Liu Canyan, who are no less than them, and even slightly higher than them. If they fight together, if the two of them disregard their own safety, they can still help Feng Hao get out of trouble.

If Feng Hao is out of trouble, then what is the point of what they are doing now?

As long as Feng Hao grows up, they will be harvested one by one.

"Big words."

Feng Hao seemed to have been irritated, his eyes spewed fire, his temper was like thunder, and his aura suddenly rose, as if he wanted to make a move.

However, just when they thought that Feng Hao was going to rush over to die in a fever, they found that although Feng Hao was angry, he still had no intention of moving.

"Could it be to delay time?"

Survived from ancient times, this strong man of the Mangyan clan is naturally not stupid. Although Feng Hao behaved like a human being, and there is no major flaw, he still has a keen sense of it.

He scanned his surroundings, but found nothing suspicious. However, he considered that the Qingyu Clan, who had already allied with the Human Clan, frowned suddenly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I heard that you value love and righteousness. I don't know if it's true..."

A little bit, the strong man of the Mangyan clan twitched his mouth slightly, and said slowly, "Now you have only two choices, first, kill yourself, and second, every minute, I will make people slaughter 10,000 people People, until you kill yourself."

These words directly made Feng Hao's face darken, and the previous anger turned into something unnecessary. A chilly breath spread from his body, and his gaze was fixed on that The strong man of the Mangyan clan,

At the same time, this also made the complexions of all the people below turn as pale as paper, and Feng Zhentian and the others also changed their complexions, especially Qiong Su, who immediately fainted.

This is undoubtedly a difficult choice.

If Feng Hao did not choose to commit suicide, he would be greedy for life and afraid of death, disregarding the life and death of the people of his own race. If this is spread, the people will lose their hearts.

And if Feng Hao chooses to commit suicide, it will be even cheaper for the Wuling and Mangyan clans. In the future, who can resist the advance of these two clans,

The consciousness of ordinary people is not everyone is very high, most of them only hope that they can survive, hope that the Lord of Nothingness can protect themselves,

"As long as you dare to touch a hair of any one of my human race, I, Feng Hao, swear once again that I will razed your race to the ground and cut off your bloodline."

Feng Hao stared at him with murderous intent, and said every single word, with fierce aura rising to the sky,

It's not that he doesn't want to make this exchange, but, even if he decides to do it himself, how can the Wuling and Mangyan clans give up their invasion of the human race?

"It seems that you don't want to kill yourself."

The strong man of the Mangyan clan spoke again, his words were full of regret, and he said to the people of the human race below, "You have seen and heard it now, it is your guardian god who has abandoned you, no matter your Life and death, so if you want to complain, you can blame him."

He simply ignored Feng Hao's threat, because he knew in his heart that the Mangyan clan and the human race must not coexist for the same life.

So, now he just wants to use any means to force Feng Hao to submit,


As soon as he raised his hand, deafening explosions erupted in the surrounding space, the space was completely shattered, and a huge coercion slowly fell to the ground,

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