Martial Inverse

Chapter 1980 Competition

At that moment, both Aojian and Wuliang instantly turned their gazes to Xiaoyu. Everyone couldn't help laughing at this scene. The Taoist Temple and the Academy, as the two giant forces in the Zhenwu Continent, are fighting for the harvest today. If a child enters the door and has a dispute, it will probably scare others beyond belief.

Looking at all this, Nangong Shaojie and the others showed extreme envy in their eyes. If they changed themselves into Xiaoyu, it would be a wonderful thing.

It's a pity that you can only think about it in your mind, they are just the children of aristocratic families, although they are in an unattainable position among ordinary people, but if they are placed in front of Wuliang and Aojian , maybe even ants are not counted

"This person must be worshiping my Taoist sect, and you people from the academy don't try to get involved!" Ao Jian looked at Wu Liang's smiling expression in a cold voice, and he couldn't help but feel unknown anger in his heart.

"Ao Jian, it's not certain. Maybe if people know the strength of our academy, they may change their attention. What do you do when you enter the Taoist temple? What can you learn from the old man of the Taoist saint? Haha, it's better to be better with my senior brother of the academy. !"

Although Wuliang always had a smile on his face, he never backed down from what he said. The Hongmeng Divine Physique is the most mysterious physique in the Zhenwu Continent. It only appeared once in the generation of their ancestors. This time, neither of the two giants wanted to pass up this opportunity.

"Little brother, tell me, do you want to join the Taoist temple and become the pinnacle powerhouse in this world?!" Ao Jian looked at Xiao Yu, showed a rare smile, and stroked Xiao Yu's head.

Brother Lin was so shocked that he couldn't speak at this time, who is Ao Jian? According to the legend, the second disciple of the Dao Sage has a great reputation even in the Dao domain, but today Ao Jian is standing in front of him, hoping that his son will join the Taoist temple, and also worship the Dao Sage under the door!

Xiaoyu is still young, so he doesn't know how terrifying the two giants Taoist Temple and Academy are. He has lived in the Taoist realm since he was a child, and he knows that there is a mysterious and powerful existence of Taoist Temple, but today someone told him , In this world, besides Taoism, there are other forces that can stand side by side with it!

For a while, Xiao Yu couldn't judge, so she could only look at Feng Hao for help. Faced with this, Feng Hao also smiled, said nothing, and signaled Xiao Yu to make her own choice.

"Hey, little guy, join my academy, don't talk about becoming a peak powerhouse, his Taoist temple can do it, so can I, and our academy is stronger than Taoist temple!" Wuliang said with a smile, his tone full of temptation.

"Don't you think about trying to be like me, flying with the sword?"

Boundless said,

While playing with the long sword in his hand, and using his own thoughts to control the long sword to waste in the air, Xiao Yu is a child, and he has never seen such a trick before, and now he also showed a longing look.

"How about it? Little guy, you can learn it when you come to our academy." Wuliang saw Xiaoyu showing such an expression, and the smile on his face was even wider. As long as Xiaoyu showed interest, it would be easy to handle.

"Hmph, small tricks!"

Ao Jian snorted coldly, and at the same time said disdainfully: "Wu Liang, you should also be called Wu Liang. This kind of little trick is only used to fool children. Is this how the Academy fools the world?"

"Ao Jian, don't pretend, if you have the ability, you can come up with something that will make the little guy fall in love." Wu Liang disapproved, he knew that Ao Jian's personality was aloof and arrogant, so he couldn't be as thick-skinned as him, so he didn't care about it at the moment. Worry.


Aojian was annoyed for a while, and stared at Wuliang, then turned around and said to Xiaoyu: "Little brother, don't listen to him, Taoist temples can let you learn those things, don't you want to comprehend supreme Dao, will it eventually become supreme?"

"What is Supreme?" Xiaoyu tilted her head curiously and asked Aojian.

"I said Ao Jian, aren't you just fooling the kids, and you're still becoming a supreme being?" Wuliang can indeed be called Wuliang, and he didn't give any face to Aojian, saying: "If your Taoist temple can teach a supreme being, It's not like that old man of your Daosheng hasn't even broken through to the Great Emperor."


Hearing that Wuliang was referring to his most respected master, Ao Jian couldn't help it, and said directly to Wuliang: "Your academy is not much better, it's just half a catty!"

"You are too presumptuous, you dare to insult the most powerful person in our Taoist temple!"

At this time, other people in the Taoist temple also shouted angrily. As disciples of the Taoist temple, everyone respects the Taoist sage very much and treats them like gods.

"Am I wrong?" Wuliang was very thick-skinned, and naturally he did not care about the anger of these other people. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "The only one who can become emperor in Zhenwu Continent is our senior brother from the academy!"

"It must be Taoist!"

Feng Wuying's pretty face was also full of anger. If it wasn't for her lack of cultivation, she might have attacked Wuliang with her temperament. I feel that Wuliang in front of me doesn't have the style of a holy rank powerhouse at all, although I have heard about it from the academy. Humans are all brazen and shameless, but this Wuliang is simply unscrupulous!

"Hey, I can't go on with this, and I still have to solve the problem." Wuliang said with a smile, this result was within his expectation, if something that can be solved with a few words, why bother? much time.

"I also have the same idea. This place is not suitable for fighting. You and I will go to a place where no one is around. Whoever wins can take away the Primordial Divine Body!" Ao Jian said coldly, the unsheathed long sword in his hand was trembling slightly, A powerful sword intent was brewing in his body, which was extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu's immature voice came, and the two strong men who were both boiling with fighting spirit instantly cooled down.

"Whoever of you is better than Brother Feng, I will go with him."

The two looked at each other, then turned their eyes to Xiaoyu, and asked in unison, "Who is your Brother Feng?"

"He." Xiao Yu showed a small face, pointed at Feng Hao and said, "If you have a strong brother Feng, then I will go with you."

Feng Hao was also stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he kicked the ball back to himself in the end, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu with a wry smile, isn't this just asking for trouble for himself.

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