Martial Inverse

Chapter 1981 Winning

"Who is this person?" Ao Jian noticed Feng Hao's existence at this moment, and he can't be blamed for this, because under the appearance of Ao Jian, Feng Hao didn't have any energy fluctuations at all, so naturally Just ignore him. // //

"He is Xiao Yu's elder brother, his cultivation level is high." Feng Wuying also explained to Ao Jian softly at this time, but after thinking about it, she still didn't know how to describe Feng Hao's cultivation base.

"Why?" Ao Jian's face suddenly flashed a touch of displeasure, could he be mistaken?

"Hey, Aojian, he is a strong man of the holy rank, and you may not be able to surpass him." "At this time, Wuliang would not give up any chance to lose face of Aojian, and said sarcastically at the moment: "The second brother of the dignified Taoist temple Disciple, can't you even see someone's cultivation?"

"Holy rank powerhouse?!"

Ao Jian's face suddenly became solemn, and he looked Feng Hao up and down, but there was no energy fluctuation in Feng Hao's body, which made him very surprised, but soon he found something wrong.

There is no energy fluctuation in Feng Hao's body, but the majestic blood energy in his body is as turbulent as the ocean. Standing in place, under careful perception, it is like facing a mountain.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the woman in Pangbian is also a holy rank!" Wu Liang continued to add insult to injury, he seemed very happy to see Ao Jian's surprised expression.

"What?! How is it possible!"

If it is said that Feng Hao is a saint-level powerhouse, this can at least be said in the past, but not only does Huangfu Wushuang not only have no energy fluctuations at all, but even his breath is like an ordinary person, without any difference, how can he be a saint? Super strong?

Ao Jian was shocked, seeing Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang didn't know what to say, soon, he also felt a kind of power hidden in Huangfu Wushuang's body, but this power seemed to be temporarily sealed Generally, it is hidden so deep that if you don't feel it again and again, you can't find it at all.

"Since when have holy rank powerhouses been walking all over the place?"

This is the shock in Aojian's heart at this moment. You must know that there are not many holy-rank powerhouses on the Zhenwu Continent. Except for the powerhouses under the two giants of Taoist Temple and Academy, the rest are either in the mountains and forests, or They belong to the affiliated forces of the two giants, but Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang have never seen each other before, and Ao Jian has no impression at all.

"Could it be that these two are the holy-rank powerhouses of your academy?" Ao Jian turned his gaze back to Wuliang in amazement. In this world, only the two giants of the academy and the Taoist temple can cultivate holy-rank powerhouses.

"I would like to, but unfortunately not." Wuliang shrugged his shoulders, this time he told the truth, if Fenghao and Feng Hao belonged to the academy's holy rank powerhouse, then today he can really walk sideways.

"The two of us are just casual cultivators walking in the world, and we don't belong to any force."

Huangfu Wushuang said with a light smile, and at the same time signaled Feng Hao not to speak with his eyes. Let her talk about everything. After all, the two of them do not belong to the Zhenwu Continent. Huangfu Wushuang is absolutely not sure about letting the strong Taoist help him restore his cultivation. will not reveal their identity.

Ao Jian and Wu Liang looked at each other, and they instinctively told them that what Huangfu Wushuang said was not true, but they didn't point it out at the moment, after all, people didn't want to say it, so they naturally wouldn't continue to ask.

"Since this is the case, Hongmeng Divine Body has met you, and I hope you can agree to him entering our Taoist temple to practice. After all, he can directly worship under my master's sect. The two of you must have heard of my master's name. On this point, you There should be no need to worry."

Ao Jian quickly came to his senses, he guessed that the Primordial Divine Body might have a lot to do with this holy rank powerhouse, as long as he persuaded them, even the Primordial Divine Body could be allowed to enter the Taoist temple.

"Also, if the two of you are worried, you might as well follow me back to the Taoist temple. I think the master must welcome you very much." Ao Jian continued, with a very sincere tone, and even put his master as a backer. They are all moved out.

Hearing the words of Pangbian's Wuliang, he was immediately panicked, secretly screaming in his heart that something is wrong, this is a troublesome situation, and it is not just a matter of the Primordial Divine Body, if Aojian succeeds, I am afraid that the Taoist Temple will add two more powerful saints Or, this will cause damage to the balance between the two giants.

"Ao Jian, you need to clean up, you don't have to be shameless, that old Taoist man in your family can't tell when he will enter the coffin, and he is talking about teaching others." Wuliang also jumped up and said: "Still come to our academy, Our senior brother has only practiced for hundreds of years, and he has already stood shoulder to shoulder with you Taoist saints, so we can see who is stronger!"

"Wuliang, you are going too far, you dare to curse the most powerful person in our Taoist temple!" Feng Wuying was trembling at Wuying's words, and she seemed to draw her sword immediately.

Ao Jian didn't get angry this time, he waved his hand to calm Feng Wuying down, instead he said calmly: "Wu Liang, don't be too complacent, who in the world doesn't know that your senior brother just got your already sitting down Only by inheriting all the skills of the master can we reach this level, and it has nothing to do with the strength of aptitude."

"Hmph, so what, always following our academy will have a better future than following your Taoist temple!" Wuliang rolled his eyes, and then his fiery eyes fell on Feng Hao and he said: "Come to our academy as a guest, I miss us Eldest brother will also treat you with great hospitality."

Seeing that these two people turned their attention to him in the end, Feng Hao felt helpless for a while. Now all his memories are lost, and he doesn't know what is Taoist temple and what is academy. He just wants to find his memory back now. , everything else has nothing to do with him.

As Huangfu Wushuang watched the quarrel between the two, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she suddenly thought that this might be a way to enter the Taoist temple.

As long as you can see the so-called Taoist, according to them, that Taoist should be a tyrannical existence that is only a hair away from becoming a great emperor, and should have the ability to solve the problem of losing your cultivation base, then you will be able to Make a move against Feng Hao and seize the Immortal Mansion!

But she can't take the initiative to express this intention. After all, she doesn't have any cultivation level now, and all decisions are still in Feng Hao's hands. At this moment, Huangfu Wushuang hopes that Feng Hao can agree to Ao Jian and go there Taoist temple.

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