Martial Inverse

The second thousand and forty-three chapters Taoist magic, a square inch of heaven and earth

The feeling of oppression from Dao Sheng made De Fenghao's face gradually become serious. A powerhouse at the half-step Great Emperor level can be said to be his most exaggerated step-up battle.


Feng Hao let out a low and angry shout, and soon some changes gradually occurred on his body, his skin began to gradually turn red, forming hard scales, one after another deep veins spread all over his body, and his back suddenly passed An extremely terrifying energy fluctuation appeared, and then a pair of fiery red wings appeared,

Feng Hao directly used the Mystery of the Reckless Desolation. Before entering the Zhenwu Continent, his cultivation base was the fourth level of the peak of the Holy Rank. Now after refining the Lingzhu, he used the Mystery of the Reckless Tiger, and his cultivation in the body became even stronger. It's soaring, even the Daoist is frowning, watching the fluctuations in Feng Hao's body, but he can't see how strong Feng Hao's cultivation is.

Because Feng Hao has already refined the spirit beads, the energy in his body is very strange. Even he himself does not know what level his cultivation base is at this time, but the majestic energy circulating in his body, coupled with the constantly rising His fighting spirit made him unable to suppress his desire to fight anymore, and he took the lead in making the move.


Feng Hao's speed was extremely fast. Under the blessing of Manghu's Profound Truth, his whole body almost formed a red light, and suddenly appeared in front of Dao Sheng, a long sword formed by the condensed power of heavenly punishment in his hand , fell down hard!


The void trembled, and in an instant, the long sword in Feng Hao's hand erupted with extremely strong energy fluctuations, and the space where it passed was directly split open, revealing dark cracks, like a real dragon, thinking ferociously Followed by Taoist sages,

Dao Sheng raised his head slightly, waved his robe, and sent Li Xiangtian and Huangfu Wushuang out. Facing Feng Hao's attack, he didn't take it seriously. shaking a few times,


The long sword in Feng Hao's hand brushed against Dao Sheng's side and fell. This blow was easily avoided by Dao Sheng. Even Huangfu Wushuang didn't dare to face his own attack so easily,

However, Dao Sheng's ability to avoid these attacks was also within his expectation. The next moment, with a thought in Feng Hao's mind, the long sword that had failed suddenly burst open,

The bright Lei Mang rushed out in an instant, and a long sword turned into a thunder dragon, directly engulfing the Taoist next to him. This is Feng Hao's real ultimate move.


Thunder Dragon circled out directly,

He rushed towards the Daoist, but the Daoist remained in place without any movement, Feng Hao frowned, sensing something was wrong,

At this time, Feng Hao suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart. In an instant, the hairs all over his body exploded. Before he had time to think about it, he flashed forward quickly,


At the moment Feng Hao set off, he felt an extremely strong spatial fluctuation coming from behind him, and immediately a majestic energy rushed out of the void and landed directly on the place where he was standing before.

Feng Hao's face changed slightly, the majestic energy was extremely terrifying, even if he had noticed it beforehand, he was still affected by the aftermath of the energy that diffused out, his whole figure was uncontrollable, and he was in mid-air again and again. Taking a few steps back in order to stabilize the figure,

"what happened."

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed, and he scanned the surroundings straight, but he still didn't find anything wrong, just like a majestic energy was born out of thin air just now, but when his sight fell on the place where the thunder dragon was, When we were together, his face suddenly changed,

Because he saw the figure of Dao Sheng dissipating slowly, obviously it was not the deity, but just an afterimage,


Before he had time to think about it, the warning sign reappeared in his heart, Feng Hao flickered rapidly, but this time, he didn't have time to avoid it, the majestic energy followed like a shadow, and hit Feng Hao directly,

Feng Hao's whole body was hit hard, and he rushed backwards, spilling a series of blood along the way, the blow of the half-step emperor was so tyrannical,

Seeing that Feng Hao didn't even touch Dao Sheng's clothes, Wuliang and the three couldn't help showing anxious expressions. While they were extremely worried about Feng Hao's state, they were also shocked by Dao Sheng's tyranny. Those who are really not in vain,

"This is..." The book sage narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. His eyes swept across the surrounding space. Even he couldn't catch the figure of the Taoist saint, but felt a ray of light in the surrounding space. The extremely weak spatial fluctuations pervade and appear and disappear,

"It is rumored that in the Taoist temple, there is a magical technique called Fangcun Tiandi, which covers a part of the area with its own aura and evolves into a unique field. In this field, the caster is the master." The book sage also sighed Dao, this kind of magical technique is extremely mysterious, even if he wants to decipher it, it will take a lot of effort.

"Feng Hao, can he hold on?" Boundless frowned and said, from this point of view, this magical technique called square inch heaven and earth is too terrifying, almost turning this piece of space into his own field,

"I don't know. If it doesn't work, then I will take action. After all, the two are not of the same level." The book sage shook his head, and he didn't have any hope in his heart that Feng Hao could crack this square inch.

Feng Hao's body fell heavily in the distance, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was extremely astonished. He knew that Dao Sheng was powerful, but he didn't expect such a powerful level. hurt,

"Where is he?" Feng Hao calmed down, and his eyes kept moving around, trying to find the traces of the Taoist saint. Although the blow of the Taoist saint was terrible, Feng Hao's physical body was already at the peak stage of the holy rank, so there was no cause serious damage,

Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Feng Hao stretched out his palm and summoned the thunder dragon back into his body, and kept looking around,

However, at this time, Feng Hao felt a sense of danger again, which also came from behind, but this time, he did not choose to dodge, and a force of divine punishment quickly condensed in the palm of his hand, turning around directly, ruthlessly He slammed down against the space behind him,


In mid-air, the dazzling thunder light splashed in all directions, almost occupying half of the sky. The dense silver thunder light continuously filled the sky. The next moment, a figure also appeared from the thunder light. Flickering out in a slight embarrassment, it seems to be extremely afraid of the power of heaven's punishment,

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