Martial Inverse

Chapter 2044 I want to compete with the sky

Feng Hao's actions forced Dao Sheng to show his figure, because the power of heaven's punishment was full of destruction, even if he was a half-step emperor, he didn't dare to compete with it.

But at the same time, Feng Hao also paid the price,

Just now it was as if he himself had endured the blow of Dao Sheng head-on, and his whole arm was shot out bloody, and the powerful energy impact made the blood in his body churn.

"cough cough"

Feng Hao kept coughing, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were tightly locked on the figure of the Daoist. Since that moment, he had an idea in his heart, which might be able to check and balance the Daoist.

"You are still too weak, how can ants fight against the sky." Although Dao Sheng was forced to show his figure, his face did not change at all. The only thing worthy of his fear in Feng Hao was the power of punishment that day. and nothing else,

"This space belongs to my world. In it, I am the ruler, I am the sky, but I am just a mere holy step, and I want to fight with me, and I don't know how to live or die."

Dao Sheng looked at Feng Hao coldly, feeling an inexplicable joy in his heart. Just now Feng Hao insulted him so much, which made him really annoyed. He knew that he might not be able to kill Feng Hao today, but he had to Inflict heavy damage on the other party,

Facing such a powerful Daoist, Feng Hao stood up slowly, and glanced at his arm, because he directly suffered a blow from the Daoist, causing his arm to be bloody, and he even saw the white bones ,

You must know that his physical body is already at the peak of the holy rank, and ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all, but the Taoist saint can actually cause him such serious injuries, he is worthy of being a strong half-step emperor,

But at the next moment, a bit of consternation appeared in Feng Hao's heart, because he felt that there was a kind of cold energy in his body moving around the injured arm, and with the appearance of this energy, his injury also recovered quickly ,

"What's going on, even before, there would never be such a speed of recovery." Feng Hao frowned, the situation in his body almost made him unable to guess what was going on.

"Could it be the power of the spirit bead." Feng Hao's heart moved, even though he thought of the spirit bead he had previously refined, but when the spirit bead appeared in Feng Hao's mind, a strange situation also happened.


There was an explosion in Feng Hao's mind, and dense characters began to appear in Feng Hao's mind. These characters were very primitive, and they were not words that Feng Hao knew at all, but Feng Hao knew clearly in his heart,

What these characters represent,

Along with the changes in his body, Feng Hao also quietly closed his eyes. This scene fell into other people, and their faces changed slightly.

"What the hell is that guy doing? He actually closed his eyes in the face of Dao Sheng." Wuliang was very anxious, Feng Hao's behavior was too weird,

"It's okay, he seems to have realized something." The book sage said indifferently. At that moment just now, there was a faint fluctuation in Feng Hao's body, which surprised him. When he wanted to catch it, this This kind of fluctuation has disappeared without a trace.

Taoist frowned tightly, looking at Feng Hao's appearance, but there were various speculations in his heart, who could become a half-step emperor-level powerhouse, which one was not cautious, and his intuition told him that Feng Hao seemed to be Something has changed,

For a while, Dao Sheng also watched coldly from the side, he wanted to see what kind of tricks Feng Hao wanted to play,

At this time, Feng Hao's whole mind was immersed in those mysterious characters. As he gradually understood all the characters, the breath in his body also quietly accelerated.

"Phoenix Nirvana Regeneration Technique."

Feng Hao suddenly realized in his heart that these mysterious characters are connected to an ancient technique called Phoenix Nirvana Rebirth Technique. No matter how severe the trauma is, even if there is only one breath left, as long as the soul is immortal, can activate this technique, and then carry out Nirvana,

After Nirvana, the whole person seems to be reborn, and can return to the peak state in a short time,

At this time, Feng Hao's heart was full of ecstasy. This kind of magic can be said to be against the sky, the phoenix nirvana, constantly reborn, as long as he is not dead, then he is almost invincible.

However, this kind of magical technique also has consumption. For the caster, performing the Phoenix Nirvana Regeneration Technique once will consume five hundred years of life. With a lifespan of a thousand years, if you want to use this magical technique, I am afraid that even a saint-level powerhouse will not dare to mess around.

"Is this the magical technique contained in the Lingzhu?" Feng Hao thought to himself, the Lingzhu is rumored to be something that can give people immortality, but it contains such a heaven-defying divine technique, which is too much Unbelievable,

Moreover, what Feng Hao refined were three spirit beads, but he didn't discover any secrets about longevity, but what he got was the Phoenix Nirvana Rebirth Technique, so he had a lot of suspicions in his heart.

At this moment, Dao Sheng saw that Feng Hao did not move after such a long time, and his face gradually became gloomy. He felt that Feng Hao was playing with him, so he snorted coldly at the moment: "It's a trick of pretending to be a ghost. I'll finish it."

The sound fell, and the majestic energy fluctuations were transmitted from Dao Sheng's body. From Dao Sheng's left hand, a group of bright rays of light condensed, slowly lifted up, facing Feng Hao,

A cold and stern look flickered through the eyes of the Daoist. His ray of light seemed plain, but it was actually a hidden murderous intent. Even the Shusheng couldn't detect the backhand contained in it.

Dao Sheng wants to take advantage of this time, take the opportunity to kill Feng Hao, and end everything!

However, Feng Hao seemed to have a sense, slowly opened his eyes, and looked directly at Dao Sheng. Under the power of the Lingzhu, the injuries on his arms had been completely healed. If the bloodstains were not still there, Doesn't look bad at all.

"You say you are the master of this world, then I want to compete with the sky."

Feng Hao's voice was incomparably firm, and his fighting spirit rose fiercely. He condensed the power of heaven's punishment in his hands again, and opened the front with his fighting spirit. The long sword in his hand became even more terrifying. ,

"The mere ants are trying to compete with the sky, it's ridiculous." Daosheng looked at Feng Hao indifferently, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and an imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

However, at the moment Dao Sheng moved, Shu Sheng's originally relaxed expression suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "No, Dao Sheng, you are so old and immortal, you are so treacherous."

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