Martial Inverse

Chapter 2062 Treatment

On the attic of the academy, the space suddenly distorted, and a burst of tyrannical fluctuations spread out. When this fluctuation appeared, the strong men in the academy also had a feeling in their hearts.


After a few breaths, Shusheng, Wuhen and others also appeared in the pavilion, watching the gradual formation of the space vortex, they also showed surprise on their faces.

"Did Feng Hao and the others come back so soon?" The book sage showed a look of astonishment. It took less than half a day for Feng Hao and the others to pass by, and he came back.

"Isn't it better to come back earlier? It proves that Wuxue and the others are safe." Wuhen said with a smile,

"I hope so." The Book Saint nodded,


The void trembled, a space vortex formed, and several figures broke out from it, it was Feng Hao and others,

After Feng Hao saw the astonished eyes of the book sage, his whole heart went dark, and he fell into a coma directly. It is already his limit to be able to survive until now.

"What's wrong with you all?"

The book sage saw that this group of people was in a state of embarrassment, Wu Nian and Wu Liu had no vitality in their bodies, as if they had been dead for a long time, even Feng Hao passed out directly,

"Finally I'm back, I rely on" Wuliang also let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the familiar surroundings of academies and pavilions.

"Wuliang, senior brother asked you something." Wuhen frowned. The scene in front of him was too weird. You must know that Feng Hao was stronger than him, and the existence of the peak of the holy rank would be so embarrassed, but he thought of being in the dream swamp. Inside, what happened,

"Brother, let's talk about this later, save Wu Nian and Wu Liu first." Wu Xue panted slightly, and put Wu Xue who had already lost her intuition behind her,

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Shu Sheng's face was also extremely dignified. He put his arm on Wuxue's pulse gate, and after sensing it for a while, his color also changed.

At this time, Wuxue's body didn't have any vitality at all, but there was an extremely strange force that preserved the last source of life,

The book sage's face became extremely ugly, and then he observed Wuliu's situation again. It was similar to Wuxue, and he was shocked at the moment. He was able to make the holy rank powerhouses like this. Are they in the swamp? what happened,

"Wuhen, you go and get the medicine kings that you remember.

"The book sage is also determined in his heart at the moment, no matter what, he must bring Wuxue and the two back, the academy can't afford to lose,

Wuhen nodded, and then his figure flickered slightly, and he left the attic, and then the book sage fell on Feng Hao, but Feng Hao's condition was obviously much better, just because he lost his strength and fell into a coma. It will be fine for a while,

"What happened to you in the Dream Swamp?" The book sage turned around, looked at Wuxue and Wuliang and asked,

"Darkness Heart Eater, Darkness Heart Eater appeared in the space node that appeared in the Dream Swamp, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a mess." Wuxue replied,

"Dark Heart Eater."

The book sage was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Dark Heart Eater."

"That's right, it's definitely the Heart Eater of Darkness. If it wasn't for Feng Hao's last help, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have a chance to escape." Wu Liang said with a wry smile: "Thanks to Feng Hao"

The book sage's face became very serious. He also knew about the Dark Heart-eating Clan. After all, there was a Dark Heart-eating Clan in the Zhenwu Continent a long time ago. ruined,

"Why do these things appear in space nodes? Didn't the patriarch seal them all?" The book sage clenched his fists tightly. These dark heart-eating people are definitely extremely difficult to deal with. come to such a limit,

If the Dark Heart Eater Clan reappears in Zhenwu Continent, no matter it is the Academy or the Taoist Temple, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

"Wu Wang, you go to the Taoist temple immediately and tell the Taoist the news." The book sage gave the order directly. Facing the dark heart-eating clan, the strength of the academy alone is far from enough to contend.

"Brother, will the Taoist temple join hands with us in this matter?" Wuliang frowned. After experiencing Feng Hao's incident, the relationship between the Taoist temple and the academy is already in turmoil.

"I believe Dao Sheng is a smart man. Like me, he is very clear about what the appearance of the Dark Heart Eaters means." Shu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly,

"Okay, then I'll leave now." Wu Wang nodded, knowing the seriousness of the matter, and immediately left for the Daoyu Taoist temple,

And at this time, Wuhen had come back again, holding a few simple boxes in his hands, the Shu Sheng took them and opened them, and there was a medicine king in one box,

These medicine kings are treasures handed down by the strong men of the academy, and they will never be used when it is absolutely necessary. Now, in order to treat Wu Nian and Wu Liu, the book sage can't control so much.

"Wu Liang, you leave Feng Hao to rest, I will look at it later, Wu Hen, you help me to refine these medicine kings, transform them into the purest energy and inject them into their bodies."

The book sage was doing it while talking, because Wu's body's vitality would be lost. If too much medicine was instilled at once, they would not be able to bear it. Therefore, they could only use the power of the book sage and Wuhen to refine it, and then slowly into their bodies,

Wuliang also nodded, picked up Fenghao, and left here. Afterwards, Shusheng and Wuhen each held a medicine king. pure medicine,

The process of refining the medicine king was extremely slow, and the book sage could only draw part of his own power to protect the little vitality left in the bodies of Wu Nian and Wu Liu.

After half a day, the medicine king was finally tempered slowly. Shusheng and Wuhen each healed one, and poured the extremely pure medicinal power into the bodies of the two people who had passed out.

They are not Feng Hao, they don't have the majestic vitality in their bodies, they can only rely on this method to treat slowly, and they must be extremely careful during the process of instilling the medicine, even if they are distracted, if the medicine is too strong, In terms of the current state of Wu Nian and Wu Nian, it can be said that they can't bear it.

After all the medicinal power tempered by Shusheng and Wuhen slowly entered their bodies, the situation of Wunian and Wuliu obviously improved a lot, at least they wouldn't be at any time like before. will die,

"At least their lives are not in danger now, Wuxue, you take them to rest, tomorrow you have to continue refining the medicine king to condense the power of the medicine for them." The book sage also breathed a sigh of relief

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