Martial Inverse

Chapter 2063: The Secret of the Lingzhu

In the endless darkness, a faint light sounded, this was the consciousness in Feng Hao's mind. Although he passed out, his consciousness seemed to have entered another space.

"This is where."

Feng Hao's consciousness kept wandering in this darkness, wandering around aimlessly, he wanted to wake up and escape from this darkness, but he couldn't do it no matter what,

Suddenly, a blue ray brightened in the darkness, Feng Hao's consciousness subconsciously moved closer to the blue ray,


There was a slight tremor, and a second group of blue auras emerged. When Feng Hao's consciousness approached the blue auras, he found that there were already three groups of blue auras, which appeared in front of him like flames.

"Is this the power of the Lingzhu?"

Approaching the blue divine light, Feng Hao felt a warmth in his consciousness, which made his whole consciousness seem to undergo some indescribable transformation.

After a while, the blue divine light slowly dimmed, and a ray of light emerged from the consciousness in this dark and boundless space,

This light became brighter and brighter until it dispelled the entire dark space, Feng Hao's consciousness was directly thrown into this endless light,

In the room of the academy, Wu Liang sat on a chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, while Feng Hao lay flat on the bed, his face was extremely pale, and he looked weak.

However, Feng Hao's closed eyes slowly opened, and a strange environment came into view. Feng Hao subconsciously struggled from the bed, and woke up with a start. : "Feng Hao, you woke up, how do you feel?"

"Where is this?" Feng Hao nodded. Previously, he just consumed too much energy contained in the Lingzhu, which made his body unable to bear it, so he fell into a coma. Now he has woken up, although the state is not yet Peak, but almost there,

"We have already returned to the academy, and we are already safe. You don't have to worry about this." Wuliang smiled slightly,

"What about your two junior sisters? How's the situation?" Feng Hao nodded. He remembered that he saw the familiar face of the Book Saint before he passed out.

"Thanks to you, I helped them hold their last breath. Senior Brother and the others are currently undergoing treatment. Among them, Wu Nian has come to life, and Wu Liu is still a few days away."


I've been in a coma for the past few days. Feng Hao shook his head to make himself more sober,

"You have been in a coma for three days, and the elder brother has come to see you these three days, but he is not familiar with the situation in your body, so he dare not treat you rashly, and said that it will be fine as long as you wake up naturally."

Hearing this, Feng Hao nodded. Indeed, he knows his own body best. This situation is not a serious injury. If he is treated rashly, there may be some unnecessary troubles.

"Hey, big brother told me that once you wake up, you have to ask me to find him. It seems that he has something to tell you." Wu Liang patted his head, also thinking of these things,

"The book sage has something to ask me." Feng Hao glanced at Wuliang in bewilderment, and was puzzled in his heart. It is estimated that Wuliang and Wuxue must have said about the Mimeng Swamp. What else is there?

"I don't know either. You are just resting. I'll go back as soon as I go." Wuliang said with a smile, then turned around and left here, and went to look for the elder brother to tell him the news of Feng Hao's awakening.

Seeing the back of Wuliang leaving, Feng Hao also smiled slightly, and immediately fell into silence. He looked inside his body and found that the three spirit beads were still suspended in his dantian.

"What kind of power is contained in this spirit bead?" Feng Hao said to himself, before in the ruins, he had comprehended a kind of divine art, the rebirth of the phoenix, this magical art is very important to him,

Later, in the dream swamp, I discovered that the power of the Lingzhu has a majestic vitality. Even at that time, Wuliang was almost in a state of exhaustion, but he was pulled back from the gate of hell by himself.

However just now, when he passed out in a coma, he vaguely realized something, so he wanted to understand the secrets contained in the Lingzhu so urgently,

"It is rumored that Lingzhu can make people live forever." Feng Hao said to himself, slowly closed his eyes, and his mind fell into the dantian, carefully observing the changes of Lingzhu,


There was a soft sound in his mind, and then Feng Hao's whole body trembled, an inexplicable message was conveyed from one of the three spirit beads, and went straight into his mind,

"What is this?" Feng Hao was extremely astonished. This situation was exactly the same as what happened when he was refining the spirit beads.

Is it another kind of magic,

With this curious heart, Feng Hao calmed down, trying to understand the message conveyed by the Lingzhu in his mind,

It's the same kind of complicated and profound words, but Feng Hao glanced at them, and all the meanings represented in them came to his mind,

These words look very ancient, Feng Hao has never seen them before, but what makes him strange is that he seems to be able to understand the meaning of this kind of words by nature,

"The way of the sky, the extreme of the earth, the cycle is endless, and all living beings are reincarnated"

Feng Hao gradually connected all the words, but found that this is a deep and difficult scripture, not a magical technique at all.

But after Feng Hao silently recited this scripture in his heart, his mind trembled, as if something was going to explode, a feeling of pain spread all over his body,

Feng Hao hugged his head on the bed, his face turned red, his eyes glared angrily, he felt as if something was splitting in his mind, which made him feel so much pain,

This pain lasted for a while before it subsided slowly, and Feng Hao also calmed down slowly, lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly,

After going through such pain, Feng Hao also found that some changes had taken place in himself again. He felt that his soul seemed to have been sublimated and completed a transformation.

This change does not seem to be much on the surface, but only Feng Hao can feel that his soul power seems to be stronger than before.

Slightly closing his eyes, he sensed a powerful breath gradually approaching him, and immediately opened his eyes, it was the energy fluctuation of the Book Saint,

Shocked in his heart, he could even see the appearance of the book sage just by closing his eyes just now, instead of simply feeling the other party's energy fluctuations,

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