Martial Inverse

Chapter 2064 Conversation

The moment Feng Hao opened his eyes, the book sage had already entered the room. He saw Feng Hao for the first time, and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Although Feng Hao in front of him has not changed much in his cultivation, he is still at the peak of the holy rank, but his temperament has changed a lot, and he looks like another person at a glance.

"Congratulations, it seems that your cultivation base has improved again." The book sage immediately realized that Feng Hao's cultivation base had a further breakthrough.

Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought that this should be an illusion caused by the transformation of his soul, so he smiled at the moment and did not deny it.

"How is it? Your body should be fine." The book sage asked with a smile. Although the aura in Feng Hao's body was not at its peak state at this time, his aura did not change much.

"He came back to life, just a little weaker." Feng Hao shook his head, signaling the Shu Sheng not to worry.

"That's good. If you suffer any injuries because of this, then I will really feel sorry for you." A flash of guilt flashed across Shu Sheng's face. If Feng Hao didn't sacrifice his life to save him this time, let alone Wu Xue The three of them are probably more ill-fortune than good.

"These are just a little effort, why worry about it." Feng Hao waved his hand and said, "Wu Liang said that you have something to do with me."

Hearing what Feng Hao said, the book sage's face was also slightly dignified, and said: "There are three main things, and they are quite important."

"Three things." Feng Hao frowned tightly, it seems that a lot of things happened this time, even the book sage felt a headache about it.

"The first thing is that Wuliu's body seems to have been traumatized before, coupled with the attack of the Dark Heart Eater, and I used the origin to attack with Yaowang later, there is no way, I heard Wuliang say, You once restored him and Wuxue to their original state, so I implore you to act again and save Wuliu." Shusheng said solemnly.

"This is naturally not a big problem, it can be done at any time." Feng Hao pondered slightly. The power of the Lingzhu is very strange. Power can.

"Then I will thank you first." The book sage breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The second thing is about the Taoist temple."

Hearing the word Taoist, Feng Hao's face became slightly dignified, and he signaled Shu Sheng to continue.

"Presumably you should also have a preliminary understanding of the horror of the Dark Heart Eaters. At this time, they appeared in the Misty Swamp. If they are allowed to continue to invade, I am afraid that the entire Zhenwu Continent will suffer irreparable losses.

Countless souls were devastated. "The book sage sighed.

"When you came back that day, I sent people to the Taoist temple to tell the Taoist saint, because the power of the academy alone is completely unable to stop the Dark Heart Eater, and the Taoist temple and the academy must work together to do it."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "The Taoist temple refused."

The book sage showed an angry look on his face, nodded and said: "That's right, that old immortal Taoist actually refused the request to join forces."

"Even if the Taoist temple is at odds with the academy, the Taoist should not care about matters related to the sentient beings in the Zhenwu Continent. Could it be because of me." Feng Hao is also a smart person, and he got to the point right away.

The book sage nodded, and continued: "The meaning of the Taoist sage is that you are Xu Wu, the source of all chaos, as long as you are handed over, then the Taoist temple will join hands."

"Dao Sheng, this old immortal, is it just to kill me, regardless of other ordinary people in Zhenwu Continent?"

After hearing this, Feng Hao clenched his fists tightly, a wave of anger arose in his heart.

"Indeed, that's why I refused." The book sage said indifferently: "That immortal Daoist, it's fine if he refuses to join forces. The Dream Swamp is in the Dao and Martial Realm. Once you leave the Dream Swamp, let's see who can't hold it first .”

"Actually, why didn't you hand me over." Feng Hao was silent for a while, then asked, if the book sage handed him over to the Taoist temple while he was in a coma, I'm afraid he would have no ability to resist.

"Feng Hao, although my scholar is not a sage, I still know how to write the word shame. If you treat our academy with such great kindness, if I take advantage of others' danger, then what is the difference between me and an old man like Taoist?" "The book sage also laughed boldly.

Feng Hao also showed a smile when he heard the words. Until this moment, he really believed in the academy. Although he said that he came to the academy because of Wuliang, he has always been wary of the scholar and even the entire academy. But after this incident, these naturally disappeared.

"It's fine if the Taoist temple doesn't work together, I think I should be able to do my part to fight against the dark heart-eating clan." Feng Hao said slowly, in his opinion, if the Taoist temple and the academy are separated to fight against the dark heart-eating clan, Taoism may not be able to resist for long.

"It's good if you agree to contribute." The book sage also smiled and said: "The third thing is naturally related to the Dark Heart Eater."

"Oh." Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, could it be that the Dark Heart Eater has something to do with him.

"Feng Hao, did you refine the Lingzhu in the ruins earlier?" The book sage's face became a little dignified, and when he said the word Lingzhu, Feng Hao's body trembled slightly.

Lingzhu is the most mysterious thing. It is said that people can obtain eternal life. Even in the world of Penglai, even if there is even a sliver of news of Lingzhu, it will cause countless people to go crazy.

But he didn't expect that even in Zhenwu Continent, some people knew about the existence of Lingzhu.

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Hao felt that there should be no need to conceal this, and sooner or later it would be known, so he nodded at the moment.

"Sure enough." The book sage took a long breath of relief, and said with a wry smile, "I just said why these dark heart-eating people suddenly appeared. It turns out that you refined the spirit beads."

"The Lingzhu is also related to this dark heart-eating race." Feng Hao said in astonishment, this is absolutely impossible. In the Penglai Continent, he once had a Lingzhu, but he has never seen such a terrible race appear. .

"A long time ago in Zhenwu Continent, there were records about Lingzhu, but no one had ever seen Lingzhu. Until a period of time, Lingzhu fell from the sky. If I didn't find out, with the appearance of the Lingzhu, the disaster also quietly came again." The face of the book sage revealed a look of reminiscence.

"You don't mean that those dark heart eaters also appeared at that time?" Feng Hao's expression became extremely strange.

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