Martial Inverse

The second thousand and sixty-five chapters Lingzhu appears, heart-eating

Chapter 2065 Lingzhu appears, heart-eating

Feng Hao was extremely astonished. The appearance of this Lingzhu would be the key to the appearance of the Dark Heart Eater Clan. This made him too unbelievable.

"That's right, a long time ago, it was said that Lingzhu could give people the ability to live forever. Even in the Zhenwu Continent in the past, there were countless strong people who wanted to get Lingzhu." The book sage said calmly,

"Later, when the Lingzhu was actually born, some strong men wanted to refine the Lingzhu and try to obtain eternal life, but no one succeeded. This also led to a truly terrible disaster."

"Because of the appearance of the Lingzhu, space nodes appeared in many places in the Zhenwu Continent at the same time, and an endless black world emerged in it, a black world that could swallow even space. panic."

"Is that the Dark Heart Eater?" Feng Hao squinted his eyes slightly. It turned out that the Dark Heart Eater had already appeared in Zhenwu Continent a long time ago. This time it was not a coincidence.

"That's right, what appeared at that time was the Dark Heart Eater. Because Zhenwu Continent is a world created by manpower, not heaven and earth, so the space in many places is very weak, and it is connected to other places. Believe in this you I also know."

Feng Hao nodded, probably because of this reason, he and Huangfu Wushuang were able to come to this Zhenwu Continent unintentionally, if not, who knows that there will be a Zhenwu Continent in the Penglai world,

"At the beginning when the Dark Heart-eating Clan appeared, we didn't realize that it was related to the Lingzhu, but the Dark Heart-eating Clan was too difficult to deal with. At that time, the two powerful Taoist temples and academies were working together to fight against the Dark Heart-eating Clan. Pearls are constantly being passed down in the hands of many top experts."

"The Darkness Heart Eater Clan will not spread everywhere just because the Lingzhu is in the hands of someone." Feng Hao had a bad look on his face. If this is the case, then wouldn't it be him who is the target of the Darkness Heart Eater Clan?

The book sage looked at Feng Hao and nodded. This was not discovered at first. Later, as the masters of the Lingzhu kept changing, the targets of the Dark Heart Eaters were also constantly changing.

"Then how did you find out that the target of the Dark Heart Devouring Clan is the Lingzhu?" Feng Hao asked puzzled,

"Later, too many killings were caused by the Lingzhu, and countless powerful people died for it, and finally the academy and the Taoist temple decided to seal the Lingzhu in the ruins, which is the place where you encountered the Lingzhu. "The book sage said blankly: "But no one thinks that the Dark Heart Eaters will actually target the ruins."

"Knowing that time,

It just occurred to me that the Lingzhu contains the power that can make people live forever, and what the Dark Heart Eaters need is such an endless stream of majestic vitality. "

Feng Hao's face became serious. There was only one Lingzhu in Zhenwu Continent before. At this time, he had three Lingzhu on his body. The Dark Heart Eater must have some way to feel the existence of the Lingzhu, so Next, his situation is much more dangerous,

"Then how did you repel the Dark Heart-eating Clan back then?" Feng Hao continued to ask, there must be a way to repel the Dark Heart-eating Clan back then,

"That's because a strong man at the level of a great emperor recovered from the ruins and made a move to force the Dark Heart Eaters back." The book sage showed helplessness,

"Great Emperor, isn't there no Great Emperor in Zhenwu Continent?" Feng Hao was stunned for a moment,

"That is the great emperor who has survived since ancient times. His cultivation has been suppressed by the heavens and the earth to the level of a half-step great emperor. There is no one who really became an emperor after he created the Zhenwu Continent." The book sage said helplessly,

Hearing this, Feng Hao also understood that this situation is the same as Xiao Qiuqiu's. Xiao Qiuqiu's cultivation is not only the emperor, but because the way of heaven is imprisoned, and its cultivation has to be suppressed.

If one wants to break this kind of restraint of heaven, unless someone breaks through to become an emperor in the current world, otherwise a strong man like this can only exert half a step of the ability of a great emperor.

"Speaking of which, does Zhenwu Continent still have that kind of powerhouse?" Feng Hao suddenly asked, maybe the Zhenwu Continent is not only the two behemoths, the Academy and the Taoist Temple, with top powerhouses, it is very likely that some powerhouses have survived After all, the emperor did not die so easily,

"The academy used to have it, but all of them fell during the battle against the Dark Heart Eater. The situation at the Taoist temple is similar." The book sage showed a contemplative expression, then shook his head and said: "However, there must be a group of strong people who survived in this world, but they are all hidden from the world, or they have turned into ordinary people, so it is not easy to detect."

"Even if there is, they probably won't make it so easily." Feng Hao thought for a while, and then he also thought of the crux of the problem. He knows the horror of the Dark Heart Eater Clan best. If he hadn't refined the spirit beads , can use that kind of majestic and endless vitality, and there is no way to deal with the dark heart eaters,

"If there is no miscalculation now, about seven days later, the Dark Heart Eaters will follow the breath of the Lingzhu, and thus have been following you to the academy." The book sage glanced at Feng Hao and said: "Dream swamp to the academy I have already sent people to arrange evacuation of all the towns among them, hoping to minimize damage."

"So fast." Feng Hao frowned and said: "If we can't find a way to suppress the Dark Heart Eater within a short time, I'm afraid the consequences will be very bad."

"At present, there is no way, unless the Taoist temple and the academy join forces, sacrifice their respective emperor soldiers, and jointly push back the dark heart-eating clan, and seal the space node again." Dao Sheng refused to join forces, he just wanted the academy to hand over Feng Hao,

"Dao Sheng's good intentions, in order to get rid of me, would he rather sacrifice so many innocent lives in Zhenwu Continent?" Feng Hao gritted his teeth and said bitterly,

"People in the Taoist temple have always been like this, it's just fake compassion." The book sage was also very disdainful and authentic, but after thinking about it, he also said solemnly: "Feng Hao, after seven days, the Dark Heart Eater will appear. Power is unstoppable at all, but if you make a move, it will be different, so I hope you can help when the time comes."

Feng Hao immediately laughed out loud when he heard the words, and said: "Senior Shusheng, if you talk about it, this matter is still caused by me, and the Lingzhu is behind me, how can I run away irresponsibly, don't worry , I am determined to do my best.”

"That's good. You should take a good rest these few days. I'm afraid it will be a long and hard battle in seven days." The book sage also showed a smile, and then he explained something before leaving

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