Martial Inverse

Chapter 2066: Three Imperial Armaments

Time passed quickly, and the seven days passed in the blink of an eye. During these seven days, Feng Hao did not leave the room for half a step, and had been cultivating and recovering to his peak state.

Feng Hao studied the scriptures from the Lingzhu for several days. Although he still didn't fully understand it, he could preliminarily deduce that these exercises for tempering the soul,

Feng Hao doesn't know what benefits this kind of practice will have in the end, but since he practiced, his soul power has soared. Once he releases his soul to experience and perceive the guards, the scenes of thousands of miles around are vivid in his mind, as if he had transformed himself into heaven and earth. For one part, nothing can be hidden from his grasp,

This change is naturally gratifying for him, because in the Dark Heart Eater, his soul power was blocked because he was not strong enough, and he couldn't even perceive the situation within a radius of 100 meters, but in exchange With the current Feng Hao, maybe the situation will become different,

Today, the sun is shining brightly, but the entire Martial Realm is full of panic, because the originally endless blue sky now has a touch of black in the sky,

This blackness is getting bigger and bigger, and soon it has spread to the front of the academy. At this moment, Shusheng, Wuliang and others also suddenly appeared at the top of the high tower of the academy, looking at that scene is chilling. The darkness is swallowing up everything,

"Dark Heart Devouring Clan..." The book sage showed a dignified expression, and after waiting for seven days, the Dark Heart Devouring Clan came to the Martial Realm as he had predicted.

At this time, Feng Hao, who had been practicing retreat in the room, seemed to feel it. He opened his eyes suddenly, stepped out, and the ripples in the space continued to spread out, and he had disappeared in place.

"Have you come yet?"

At the top of the tower, space ripples emerged, and Feng Hao's voice came out. Shu Sheng and others looked back at Feng Hao, and nodded.

"Feng Hao, why do you feel a little strange to me? Is it an illusion." Wuliang glanced at Feng Hao at this time in surprise, and suddenly felt an extremely strange feeling, a change in temperament,

"I am who I am, so there are fakes." Feng Hao shook his head and chuckled, "It's just a breakthrough in practice."

"So that's it. It seems that you are much closer to the realm of the half-step emperor." Wuliang also laughed and said, if this Feng Hao can break through the half-step emperor, then the power of the academy will be greatly enhanced. The half-step emperor, even a Taoist temple, should be afraid of it,

"It's far from it, the half-step emperor is not so simple." Feng Hao also shook his head, only when he reached the peak of the holy rank, did he know that it is extremely difficult to break through.

"If you want to break through the half-step emperor realm,

Pay attention to the changes in your state of mind, and feel the trajectory of the way of heaven in the dark, so that heaven and man are one." The book sage said with a light smile. He had spent a lot of effort to break through this realm.

"The state of mind is the unity of man and nature." If Feng Hao realized something, he kept repeating these four words,

"Besides, among the half-step emperors, there are several small realms, elementary, intermediate, and Dzogchen." The book sage sighed and said, "Both me and the Taoist sage are stuck in the Dzogchen, after all, we can't step on it." Take that small step and become a great emperor."

"Since ancient times, so many talented and powerful men have been trapped in this step, which shows how difficult it is to become a great emperor." Feng Hao shook his head and said,

"Haha, yes, but according to the prophecy, Dao Sheng and I are the ones who are most likely to become emperors. Now it seems that you must be added." The book sage said with a light smile,

"I'm still far away." Feng Hao smiled, then raised his head, looking at the deep darkness of the sky, the smile on his face was gradually replaced by seriousness,

"Is this Dark Heart Devouring Clan only targeting the Martial Realm?"

The book sage shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "It's not the Martial Realm, because the Mimeng Swamp is in the middle of the Martial Realm and the Dao Realm, so this time, even the Dao Realm is affected, it's just that most of the darkness devoured it." The Xinzu are all coming towards the Martial Realm, because of the aura of the Lingzhu on your body."

"Can the emperor's soldiers suppress the dark heart-eating clan?" Feng Hao mentioned this question, he has not seen the emperor's soldiers from the academy,

"Of course." The book sage smiled calmly, and said: "My academy has three pieces of imperial weapons, all of which were left by the ancestors of the past, and each of them has incredible power."

After finishing speaking, a black light appeared in the palm of the book sage, and a black long sword appeared slowly,

"Breaking Heaven Emperor Sword."

Feng Hao stared at the long black sword, which was imprinted with densely packed esoteric runes, which seemed to contain a very unique power. Once it erupted, it might really be like the name, breaking the sky,

"What a domineering long sword." Feng Hao couldn't help but exclaimed, such an imperial weapon in the hands of a book sage, I'm afraid it will display a very terrifying power, and the warrior who is closest to the emperor can display the emperor's weapon even more the power of,

"Feng Hao, do you need an imperial weapon?" The book sage cast a questioning look on Feng Hao, and then his palm cut through the space again, and two other terrifying auras emerged,

A silver long spear with a lifelike real dragon engraved on the body of the gun also contains extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Nine Heavens Silver Dragon Emperor Spear"

There is also a simple and majestic seal, surrounded by chaotic gods, just like the emperor's seal in the hands of the previous emperor, which is enough to determine the life and death of all living beings.

"Eight Desolate Heavenly Emperor Seals."

The names of these two pieces of imperial weapons are extremely resounding, they are all the emperor's weapons handed down by those strong men created in the academy, but this is enough to shock Feng Hao, the academy actually has three pieces of imperial weapons, when they came here How many strong people are there in Zhenwu Continent?

Feng Hao looked at the three emperor soldiers carefully, then shook his head, and said: "I have the power of heaven's punishment in my body. If it is against the enemy, the emperor soldiers are indeed very strong, but to deal with the dark heart-devouring clan, the emperor will not be able to deal with it." The soldiers can't exert much power in my hands."

The book sage pondered, and also felt that what Feng Hao said was reasonable, and then he mastered the Potiandi Sword himself, and then handed over the Nine Heavens Silver Dragon Emperor Spear to Wuhen, and then let Wuliang and others work together to use the Bahuang Heavenly Emperor Seal.

"Okay, next, I will assign a task. The few of us who have the emperor will urge to resist the erosion of the Dark Heart Eater, and Feng Hao, you will enter the dark space and try your best to destroy the Dark Heart Eater." Kill." The book sage said solemnly,

"Kill the Dark Heart-eating Clan." Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in puzzlement: "The real Dark Heart-eating Clan has too much concealment ability. The army is entangled."

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