Martial Inverse

Chapter 2072: The face of the Lord of Light

readx(); Feng Hao listened to the words of the Lord of Light, and had to say that no matter whether it was the inheritance of the Lord of Light or being able to become an emperor, these could not shake him, but he had always wanted to be able to return to the world of Penglai.

"Because of the poisonous curse, I became like this. I have to absorb more vitality to maintain my life, but if I have the spirit beads, I can get rid of this state."

God Lord Guangming showed a weak state, which made De Fenghao's expression change. The other party always wanted his own spirit beads, which was very strange, he couldn't believe the words of God Lord Guangming.

However, at this moment, the entire black space began to tremble violently. The Lord of Light let out a mournful howl, and the black rune chains that penetrated his head began to emit a slight gleam.

It seems that the poisonous curse in the body broke out, and the bloody head of the Lord of Light showed a ferocious expression, as if he was enduring great pain.

"Help me save me."

The shrill cry from the Holy Lord of Light touched Feng Hao. Along with the shrill scream from the Holy Lord of Light, the surrounding Dark Heart Eaters also let out sharp screams.

These dark heart-eating tribes are transformed from the body of the light god, and it can be said that they are derived from one body.

"Give me the Lingzhu, and I will take you back to the world of Penglai."

The Lord of Light was screaming, and at the same time those dark rune chains were constantly being pulled. Feng Hao was shocked when he saw this scene. If everything the Lord of Light said was true, then he could really bring Return to the world of Penglai by yourself.

Feng Hao was making a decision in his heart, it was impossible to ask him to hand over the Lingzhu, the Lingzhu had already integrated into his body, if it was given to the God Lord Guangming, it would be equivalent to giving his life to him.

The screams of the God Lord Guangming continued, Feng Chen couldn't bear it, he walked a few steps closer, the three spirit beads in his body turned, and a power containing majestic vitality rushed out immediately, condensing into a shape in his palm. a ball of light.

Feng Hao slowly pushed this group of energy out, submerged into the dark monster in front, and touched the head of the Lord of Light. He was verifying that if the Lord of Light said that he was poisoned, then these energy It should have an effect on him.


The power of the blue spirit beads condensed into a ball of light, which slowly merged into the head of the Lord of Light, and as the power of the beads merged, the screams of the Lord of Light also gradually calmed down.

The ferocious and painful expression also eased a lot.

"Lingzhu, this is the power of Lingzhu."

The God Lord of Light uttered a moan that was almost extremely comfortable. Obviously, the energy given by Feng Hao was extremely needed by him, because it could relieve his pain.

God Lord Guangming slowly opened his eyes, looking very terrifying, his bloody head was pierced by black energy chains, and a hint of madness gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Lingzhu, Lingzhu, I must get the Lingzhu."

Seeing the appearance of God Lord Guangming, Feng Hao was startled suddenly, he sensed something was wrong, but just when he was about to retreat some distance, God Lord Guangming's face suddenly became ferocious.

"Hand over the Lingzhu,,,,."

This sound was like the roar of a demon coming from hell, and an invisible ripple of energy spread out. Seeing this scene, Feng Hao suddenly felt bad. He remembered what Shu Sheng and others had said, The Dark Heart Eaters don't have many attack methods, the only one is that they are good at impacting the soul.

Even though God Lord Guangming has only one head left, his methods are still astonishing. The roar just now contained a terrifying soul shock. It's not something Feng Hao can resist, especially in such a sudden situation.

Invisible energy ripples spread out in an instant, rushing through Feng Hao's body, suddenly his whole body became stiff, his mind seemed to be hit hard, and there were continuous roaring sounds.

"not good."

Such a thought flashed in Feng Hao's mind, and immediately he wanted to fight back, but this soul impact was too powerful, even though Feng Hao's soul was not weak, it forced him to pause for a few seconds.

For the top powerhouses, one second is enough to decide the outcome. After Feng Hao's body endured these soul impacts, the Lord of Light actually made an unexpected move.

The horrific laughter from that ferocious head came out directly from the black monster, but the black energy rune chains that seemed to imprison him did not happen at this time. Variety.

"Haha, the Lingzhu is mine now."

The God Lord Guangming smiled grimly, his head rushed out, and the thousands of waving tentacles rushed towards him in an instant, wrapping Feng Hao in it in an instant.

A few seconds passed in a blink of an eye, and Feng Hao's consciousness also recovered at this time. He knew that he had been tricked by the God of Light, and immediately roared, and the surface of his body erupted with bright thunder. The power of punishment burst out instantly.

However, an astonishing thing happened. This time, the power of heaven's punishment did not make these tentacles retreat, but instead transmitted a strange energy fluctuation on these tentacles, causing Feng Hao's whole body to feel A feeling of numbness made him unable to mobilize the power of heaven's punishment in his body.

The most frightening thing was that after being surrounded by these tentacles, Feng Hao was not only paralyzed because of his body, but also felt a sense of dizziness in his mind, and he might pass out afterwards.

"Damn, what the hell is going on."

Feng Hao let out a roar in his heart, and stared at the head of God Lord Guangming with his eyes. He wanted to struggle to get rid of the confinement of these tentacles, but gradually lost his ability.

"Haha, I've finally been fooled. The spirit orb in your body will soon belong to me, and I will be able to regain my life."

God Lord Guangming laughed wildly, very proud, seeing his expression, Feng Hao knew in his heart that maybe this was a trap from the beginning, but what is the origin of God Lord Guangming? Did he really come from the world of Penglai?

"Do you feel that your body is numb, and your mind is dizzy, and you are gradually losing consciousness." The Lord of Light smiled ferociously, and looked at Feng Hao like a prey. This time, Feng Hao could no longer escape from his palm.

Feng Hao didn't refute. At this time, he tried his best to resist the damage caused by the tentacles. If he guessed correctly, these tentacles contained some toxins.

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