Martial Inverse

Chapter 2073 Struggling

At the same time that Feng Hao was being plotted against, Haori Supreme and the strong man in the Taoist temple had already entered the dark space, and began to look for Feng Hao's trace.

"Hao Ri, I advise you not to stop me from killing Xu Wu. He has spirit beads in his body, which attracted the Dark Heart Eaters, and caused the entire Zhen Wu Continent to suffer such a disaster. Do you want your academy to continue to keep it?" He?" The strong man from the Taoist temple looked at Hao Ri and said.

"Qingtian, you and I are also from the world of Penglai, don't you think about going back?" Haori Zhizun pondered for a moment, and then called him by his name, the founder of the Taoist temple, Qingtian Zhizun.

"Don't forget, back then in the Penglai world, the kind of thing we faced was terrifying. Back then, the Supreme Master of the Hongmeng brought us into the Zhenwu Continent, in order to preserve our last hope." Qing Tian roared.

"But after so many years, isn't the Penglai world still in good condition? That kind of thing has been sealed, and it is absolutely impossible to escape." The Supreme Sun shook his head and said: "We will return to the Penglai world after all, as long as someone becomes emperor , then the restriction of the Zhenwu Continent will be broken, the Dao of Heaven will reappear, and the cultivation of us people can be fully displayed, so do we still need to be afraid of those existences?"

"Hao Ri, let's put aside the prejudices of the academy and the Taoist temple, and even the standpoint of Ling Xiaofeng and Xuan Dao Valley. Have you forgotten why the Dao of Heaven is imprisoned?" Qingtian Supreme sighed.

"People live a lifetime, and in the face of danger, you must never sit idly by. In short, the intention of the academy is to return to the world of Penglai. If you don't want to, you can choose to stay." The voice of Supreme Master Haori gradually turned cold, and he glanced at it. Qingtian Zhizun said: "If you think that killing Xuwu can stop the prophecy, you are too naive."

"No matter what, just kill Xuwu." Qingtian Supreme was also silent for a while, the killing intent towards Feng Hao was decided in his heart, even Haori Supreme could not stop him.

"You can try and see if I can stop you."

The Sun Supreme also gave a sneer smile, and immediately broke out of the air, moving forward in this dark space, looking for the traces of Zhi Fenghao, and the Qingtian Supreme followed closely behind him.

Feng Hao was in a very dangerous situation at this time. Facing the attack of the light god, he was careless for a moment, and he had no ability to resist directly. The light god felt that Feng Hao's consciousness gradually became weaker, and he became more excited.

"Lingzhu, Lingzhu, Lingzhu. In the end, the Lingzhu is still mine. Longevity, I want to live forever." God Lord Guangming let out a ferocious laugh.

However, just when Feng Hao was about to lose consciousness, the three spirit beads suspended in the dantian of his body trembled suddenly, and the power containing the majestic vitality rushed out again, flowing along his meridians around the whole body, allowing Feng Hao's Consciousness gradually wakes up.


This is the power of Lingzhu. "

At the same time that the spirit beads in Feng Hao's body were fluctuating, the God Lord Guangming was also aware of it, and was shocked at the moment, his head was suspended in mid-air, constantly rotating around Feng Hao's body.

However, God Lord Guangming showed a smile and said: "Do you think that you can be unscrupulous with the help of Lingzhu? It's too naive. It just so happens that these powers should be given to me as supplements!"

As soon as the voice fell, the many tentacles surrounding Feng Hao suddenly emitted a faint black light, and then Feng Hao felt in his heart that the energy in his body was gradually disappearing.

"Damn it, these tentacles are absorbing energy from my body."

Only then did Feng Hao remember that once these tentacles were contaminated, the vitality in his body would be sucked away quietly and gradually, without even the ability to resist.

The energy transmitted from the Lingzhu from the dantian had just walked around the meridian, and was immediately sucked away by these tentacles, and the Lord Guangming also showed a satisfied expression. The energy absorbed from Feng Hao's body gave him a huge boost. the benefits of.

"Haha, as expected, the power of the spirit beads is the most abundant. The energy alone is enough to be worth hundreds of years of hard work."

The God Lord Guangming showed a satisfied expression, looked at Feng Hao, and said with a ferocious smile: "Hurry up and use the power of the Lingzhu, the more you use it, the more power I can absorb."

This kind of situation was totally unexpected by Feng Hao. He wanted to stimulate the power of heavenly punishment in his body, but while these tentacles absorbed his own vitality, the toxins they carried also exploded in his body. Become extremely weak and feel like passing out at any moment.

Faced with any situation, Feng Hao had no choice but to rely on the power of the spirit beads in his body to keep his consciousness from falling into a coma, but this also fell into a strange circle.

Feng Hao can only keep himself from falling into a coma at this time, but he can't let these energies stay in his body, because the existence of the tentacles, like a vampire, constantly absorbs the power of the spirit beads from himself.

"Haha, unless someone comes to save you, you will definitely die today. Hand over the spirit orb obediently, and maybe I can make your death easier." The Lord Guangming knew the situation in Feng Hao's body very well, so he couldn't help but reveal it. A proud look.

From the very beginning, he gradually weakened Feng Hao's vigilance, and that shadow of the dark heart-eating clan was also the one who constantly attracted Feng Hao to his body, because only here, he was sure to let Feng Hao completely There is no chance of escape.

Last time, it was only to absorb the vitality of those few holy-level powerhouses, but he did not expect that because of the appearance of Feng Hao, the power of the spirit beads in his body surprised him. Know.

When Feng Hao refined the Lingzhu in the ruins, even the God Lord Guangming who was in the endless void sensed the appearance of the Lingzhu, so he returned from the endless void again, trying to find the Lingzhu and put He swallowed and refined.

Unexpectedly, this time Feng Hao actually came to the door automatically, which made the Lord of Light so unhappy. After Feng Hao entered the dark space, he kept relaxing Feng Hao's vigilance all the way, and after meeting, he made up Come up with a series of lies, in order to let Feng Hao believe it.

But Feng Hao was too cautious. No matter what he said, he was not tempted. In the end, he used a bitter trick to let Feng Hao approach and use the power of the Lingzhu. However, after tasting the sweetness of the power of the Lingzhu, the Guangming God Lord Stop, and directly plot Feng Hao.

Continue to push the book: The new book of Youlong Jiutian, the vast world of oriental fantasy, endless legends, a journey of martial arts, and the strong emerge in large numbers.

No matter how talented you are, hold the supreme artifact Xingyun Ding in your hand, and countless pills to help me break the shackles and achieve the supreme martial arts.

Martial arts are proclaimed gods, alchemy proclaimed emperors, and Fengchen's enchanting life begins from then on.

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