Martial Inverse

Chapter 2076 Heaven and Earth are Furnaces, Refining!

Now that Supreme Haori and Supreme Qingtian have a solution, they are also separated at the moment, each standing in a different position, and majestic energy fluctuations erupt from each of them.

"The world is a melting pot, refining!"

Qingtian Supreme suddenly shouted angrily, his hands formed handprints again and again, and in the same way, Haori Supreme did the same, as if he was displaying some secret technique.

God Lord Guangming sensed two majestic energy fluctuations, and he was shocked at the moment. When he saw the handprints of the two supreme beings, he let out a cry of surprise, as if he recognized what kind of secret technique it was.

"Are you crazy! Aren't you afraid that Xu Wu will also die together!?"

The art of heaven and earth refining, what the two supreme beings are performing is a divine art of the original primordial primordial spirit. Using this world as a melting pot to refine all things, it can be called terrifying!

"That's just right, you two die together, so I don't have to worry about it!" Qingtian Supreme roared, and the handprints stopped suddenly, and a burst of bright light burst out from his body, reaching the sky!

The Sun Supreme also gave a light drink, and the seal in his hand condensed, and likewise, a beam of energy shot out from his body, merged with the burst of light from the Qingtian Supreme!

"Boom boom boom boom"

All of a sudden, the entire dark space trembled unceasingly, and terrifying energy fluctuations permeated the air. At this time, not only were there such terrifying fluctuations in the dark space, but even the strong men in the outside academies and Taoist temples There was an induction.

"Have the two supreme beings made a move?" Wuliang murmured looking at a dark space above his head, which was constantly distorting, and the majestic energy fluctuations were transmitted from there.

"Look at this fluctuation, it should be. I don't know how Feng Hao is." The book sage also clenched his palms slightly. It's not that he doesn't want to go in, but that he is needed to support the emperor's army against the erosion of the dark space. Otherwise, he would have gone in with Supreme Haori long ago.

Far away in the Taoist temple, Daosheng and Huangfu Wushuang both raised their heads and looked coldly at the dark space in the distance, silent.

"This time, will Feng Hao die?" Huangfu Wushuang turned her pretty face, her brows were slightly frowned, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in her body, which made her very uneasy.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Qingtian takes action, that kid will definitely die!" Dao Sheng smiled coldly, then he glanced at Huangfu Wushuang, and said: "Your state is not right recently, is it the last time you were in the ruins?" Your injury hasn't fully healed yet?"

Huangfu Wushuang hesitated for a moment,

During this period of time, her body has been a little erratic, which has never been seen before, but then she nodded, it should be caused by the unhealed injury.

However, no one noticed that in the back mountain of the Taoist temple, Xiao Yu, who had been practicing in closed doors in a forbidden area, suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a flash of this colorful light in her eyes.

As Xiao Yu opened her eyes, she looked so indifferent as if she had changed into a different person. His body was slowly suspended in mid-air, and countless seven-colored lights rose from his body, drawing He wraps up and lives.

After Xiaoyu's aura emerged from these seven-colored lights, her cultivation aura was gradually rising, and no one discovered this.

Perhaps, the Primordial Divine Physique is truly awakened now!

In the dark space, two beams of light erupted from the bodies of the Supreme Qingtian and the Supreme Sun suddenly fell down, directly covering the huge body of the God Lord of Light.

Indistinctly, the two rays of light merged into one, revealing a vague cauldron shape, which happened to seal the Lord of Light within it.

At this time, the expressions of Qingtian Supreme and Haori Supreme changed suddenly, and their handprints were all on one side, and they shouted in unison: "Heaven and Earth Furnace, refining!"


In the void, there was a slight tremor, and the cauldron manifested in the light gradually became solid, completely sealing the light god in it, and the phantoms of the dark heart-devouring clan could not escape.

"Ah...Damn it, you two...!"

In the darkness, there was a shrill scream from the Lord of Light, as if he was suffering great pain in the cauldron. This is the magic technique created by the Supreme Master Hongmeng back then. , to refine the heavens and worlds!

The Sun Supreme and the Qingtian Supreme did not have any expression changes, they just continuously sent their own energy into the cauldron to maintain the operation of the divine arts, and the terrifying fluctuations continued to diffuse out.

"Are you trying to stop me in this way? It's just forcing me to kill Xu Wu in advance and take the Lingzhu!"

God Lord Guangming roared madly, speeding up the speed of absorbing the vitality in Fenghao's body, because he was in the cauldron of heaven and earth, and he had no ability to break free, if he didn't devour the spirit beads as soon as possible, then he would be the one who died!

At this time, Feng Hao's consciousness was in a half-awake coma, and he suddenly felt that he was like being in a furnace, and the surrounding temperature was constantly increasing. This temperature not only burned his body, but also his soul. were injured together.

At that moment, Feng Hao woke up with a start and understood the current situation. The Qingtian Supreme and Haori Supreme both shot at the same time, trying to kill the Lord of Light here at all costs. Refining inside!

The spirit beads in his body kept turning, sending out a steady stream of energy, but there was no way for these energies to stay in his body at all, they had to be absorbed by the God Lord of Light.

"Damn it, I have to find a way to break free from these tentacles, or else the Lord of Light didn't suck himself dry, but was refined." Many thoughts flashed through Feng Hao's mind, and he wanted to find a way to get out of the current predicament.

Suddenly, he found that the speed at which the tentacles absorb energy has weakened a lot, Feng Hao also reacted at the moment, he sensed it slightly, and then he knew that the state of God Lord Guangming might not be much better at this time go.

Because the formation of this cauldron is for the Holy Lord of Light. Extremely restrained, even he had to try his best to counter the power of the cauldron, because it was the fusion of the power of the two supreme beings. Invisibly, he even relaxed his absorption of Feng Hao.

When Feng Hao noticed this situation, he was overjoyed. Since this is the case, as long as he breaks free from the shackles, no matter how capable the God Lord of Light is, he will not be able to cause any harm to himself.

ps: push the book, Wuji Yaohuang

In the vast world, there are endless legends, along the way of martial arts, the strong will emerge in large numbers!

No matter how talented you are, hold the supreme artifact Xingyun Ding in your hand, and countless pills to help me break the shackles and achieve the supreme martial arts!

Martial arts are proclaimed gods, alchemy proclaimed emperors, and Fengchen's enchanting life begins from then on. ) Download Free Reader!!

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