Martial Inverse

Chapter 2077 Race against time

As the Lord of Light contended against the power of the cauldron of heaven and earth, Feng Hao quickly found an opportunity, the energy in his body gathered a lot, but he did not act rashly, Feng Hao was waiting, waiting for the best opportunity,

Feng Hao not only wants to break free from the shackles, but also unleashes a thunderous blow to the Lord of Light,

Seemingly aware of Feng Hao's strange behavior, the Lord Guangming roared angrily. He knew that Feng Hao wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but managed to catch him with great difficulty. Seeing that the Lingzhu was about to be obtained, how could he let Feng Hao succeed?

"Don't even think that there is a chance to escape. The face of the God Lord Guangming showed a ferocious expression, and the light in his eyes suddenly appeared. The tentacles that had been a little loose now bound Feng Hao tightly again. It was finally inside Feng Hao's body. The condensed energy is absorbed again cleanly,

God Lord Guangming also paid a price for doing this, because he was distracted and suppressed Feng Hao, causing the power in the cauldron of heaven and earth to have an impact on him all of a sudden, and severely injured him.


Suddenly a small voice came out, it was the power of divine punishment in Feng Hao's body, it was finally condensed by him, although not much, but enough to protect himself,

A series of bright rays of light burst out from the darkness. With the remaining energy in Feng Hao's body, he once again burst out with the strongest power of heaven's punishment. Immediately, the thousands of tentacles weakened one after another as if seeing the nemesis. The absorption of Fenghao,


Seeing this scene, God Lord Guangming had madness in his pupils. Now that he had finally waited for the Lingzhu to arrive in front of him, is he going to just watch Feng Hao break free and leave?

God Lord Guangming let out a roar, and an invisible mental shock swept out. His whole head rushed towards Feng Hao. Under the control of God Lord Guangming's thoughts, the thousands of tentacles danced wildly, completely ignoring the threat posed by the cauldron. , as long as Feng Hao is devoured first and the Lingzhu is obtained, then the magic spells performed by the two supreme beings will have no effect on him.

And the Supreme Sun and the Supreme Qingtian outside are also very clear that the Lord of Light is making the final struggle. Once he refines the spirit beads, then even if he uses this magic, he will be destroyed by the other party ,

"Come on, don't let him succeed." Qingtian Supreme roared in a low voice, and the two Supremes attacked together. If they still can't deal with him, it will really be a joke to spread the word.

A look of hesitation flashed across the face of Supreme Master Haori. If he continued to increase energy, he was afraid that Feng Hao would not be able to hold on first. The reason why Supreme Master Qingtian took the initiative to refine the Lord of Light was because he had enough confidence in Feng Hao. can survive it,

God Lord Guangming let out a roar, the aura on his body was strong and weak at times,

The scorching breath derived from the cauldron of heaven and earth made him feel like he was in a big furnace, which would be refined at any time.

However, the aura from the Lingzhu on Fenghao's body is his only life-saving straw, so now he doesn't care what the cauldron will do to him, but he just wants to swallow Fenghao in front of him wholeheartedly and occupy the Lingzhu. for yourself,

Faced with such a situation, Feng Hao also had troubles that he couldn't tell. Similarly, he had to endure the terrifying energy in the cauldron of heaven and earth, and at the same time resist the engulfment from the God Lord of Light.

However, the current situation is much better than before, because the existence of the cauldron of heaven and earth weakened him, and at the same time weakened the Lord of Light, and Feng Hao seized this opportunity and tried his best to keep the energy in the body,

Now, for Feng Hao and Guangming God Lord, the most important thing is time, it depends on who can't hold on first,

Feng Hao showed pain on his face, and the space inside the cauldron of heaven and earth gradually became distorted, filled with terrifying heat continuously, as if an invisible flame was burning, and the God Lord of Light was constantly absorbing himself energy, and resorted to various mental shocks, trying to make him give up struggling,

This situation has been going on, with the two supreme beings constantly urging the heaven and earth cauldron to carry out refining, both Feng Hao and Guangming God Lord are in a state of exhaustion,

The countless dark Heart Eaters derived from the body of the Lord of Light have all been refined into nothingness at this time, and his strangely huge body is gradually beginning to disintegrate at this time.

At this time, Feng Hao suddenly felt the tentacles start to relax slowly again, and he was also agitated at the moment. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the huge body of God Lord Guangming was gradually disintegrating, and these tentacles also suffered because of this.

"The opportunity has come."

Feng Hao was holding his breath at the moment, the three spirit beads in his body were constantly spinning, and majestic energy swirled out violently, those tentacles that imprisoned Feng Hao felt the energy fluctuations coming from Feng Hao's body, and they want to absorb again,

However, Feng Hao didn't intend to give God Lord Guangming such an opportunity, and immediately roared, the thunder light on his body burst out directly, and the terrifying power of heaven's punishment swept out,

After those tentacles came into contact with the power of heaven's punishment, they didn't dare to approach Feng Hao again.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Hao quickly condensed the energy in his body, and began to get rid of the shackles of these tentacles on his body. The God Lord of Light is in a very bad state at this time, and the cauldron of heaven and earth suppressed him greatly. Break free, let him suffer a severe blow at once,

"I see how you stop me."

Feng Hao quickly got rid of the thousands of tentacles, and suddenly, the thunder light on his body became more and more concentrated, like a bright thunder ball, and at this time, the light god wanted to continue to absorb The power of his heart is also powerless, after all, the power of heaven's punishment, even if it is him, has to be afraid of it,

"Even if you break free from me, you won't be able to break through the cauldron of heaven and earth. In the end, your end will be just like mine, being refined to nothingness. If you hand over the spirit beads, neither of us will die."

God Lord Guangming panicked now. If the current situation continues, he will be refined alive in this cauldron in a short time, and there will be no chance for him to stand up again.

"God Lord Guangming, you bastard, do you really think I'm a fool? I was cheated by you once, even if I die, I can't hand over the Lingzhu to you." Feng Hao said fiercely,

After a while, the energy lost in Feng Hao's body began to gradually return to his body, and his aura gradually returned to its peak. If he hadn't been careless before, he would never have let the Lord of Light attack him.

The energy in the Heaven and Earth Cauldron Furnace was boiling more and more, and Feng Hao and Feng Hao couldn't bear the terrible heat at this time.

"Since you don't hand it over, then you don't want to leave here alive." The Lord Guangming said with a grim expression,

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