Martial Inverse

Chapter 2124: Terrible Will

Chapter 2124 Terrible Will

The book sage was slightly taken aback, listening to the words of the supreme lord Haori, he immediately fell into deep thought, and appeared in Fenghao's room, no, it should be the shihou who hadn't shown his terrible aptitude, whether it was him or the Daoist They all think that the nénggou in Zhenwu Continent are the only ones who become holy.

Today, when I think about it, maybe Feng Hao is the one who is most qualified to become emperor!

When méiyou Fenghao appeared, only Taoist and Shusheng were the only ones who became half-step emperors in this generation of Zhenwu Continent. All those hidden powerhouses in the world of mortals never showed up, because they were also waiting The chapters of the novel "Someone Becomes an Emperor" are updated the fastest.

The Dao of Heaven is imprisoned, unless someone becomes an emperor, otherwise, even the Supreme will be imprisoned by the Dao of Heaven, and all his cultivation bases will be suppressed in the half-step Great Emperor Realm.

As Feng Hao gradually revealed his astonishing and monstrous aptitude, from the initial loss of memory, to the peak of the holy rank, to the half-step emperor, and his current strength, it is not difficult for others to think that Feng Hao is the most capable person. The one who became the Great Emperor!

"Yes kěnéng." The book sage pondered for a long time before he said slowly.

"You don't need to worry. You, Feng Hao and Dao Sheng are all stuck in the last step. They can take it at any time. Whoever takes that step first will become the emperor and become king. But now The only ones left are you and Feng Hao, that Taoist yijing has an unstable mind and cannot make any further progress." Supreme Sun Hao smiled and analyzed what Ziji had guessed.

"Whoever becomes emperor, I have no guanānxi." The book sage also said with a slight smile. In his opinion, as long as the Taoist sage does not become an emperor, that's enough. Feng Hao has a lot of friendship with the academy. College méiyou benefits.

"Ruguoméi, if your guess is wrong, once someone becomes emperor this time and breaks through the shackles of heaven, it is very likely that the glory of the ancient times will be restored!" The eyes of the Supreme Sun shine, as if seeing a magnificent picture scroll, countless strong There are many winners!

"The splendor of ancient times? You mean?" The book sage was stunned for a moment, and then hǎoxiàng thought of shime, and his face suddenly became surprised.

"That's right, the age when all emperors lived side by side! A truly glorious age! The age when God Lords and Supreme Beings coexist!" Speaking of this, the voice of the Sun Supreme One trembled slightly. Ruguo is really like that, nàme there will be many incredible things happening in this world The change.

Once the imprisonment of heaven and earth is broken, the glory of ancient times will be restored! A truly splendid era, of course, may also be an era of bloody battles and elegiac songs,

Because so many monstrous geniuses emerge one after another in shihou, the silent Supreme, God Lord, and Great Emperor will reappear in this world one by one.


There was another huge shock, at this time the Shifang Mountain Range was completely shrouded by all kinds of bright lights, except that the scope of the Taoist temple was guarded by the power of the emperor's soldiers, and everyone was affected, and all the other difāng suffered terrible The energy shock is like ruins!

Ten powerhouses made a move, and played terrifying magic spells, all of which fell on Feng Hao's body!

Brilliant silver awns appeared continuously, illuminating the sky, and the sound of roaring dragons came out continuously, shaking the heavens, and intertwined to form the ultimate destructive force of heavenly punishment.

Feng Hao's overall situation is not very good at this time. Although he has a strong fighting spirit in his heart, he cannot resist the joint attack of ten strong men.

What's more, pángbiān also has a Qingtian Supreme who is eyeing him covetously!

The attacks of these ten powerhouses were all down, and their power was terrifying. If it weren't for the power of heaven's punishment to temporarily block most of the attacks, he, Feng Hao, would have been seriously injured long ago.

Now Feng Hao can only rely on the power of heaven's punishment, constantly wandering among the many magical attacks, trying to crack them one by one, but his way of doing this is far from being able to escape the thoughts of many strong people.


Without any hesitation, the ten powerhouses looked at each other, and launched the second attack again. All kinds of terrifying magical arts released bright rays of light, and fell down fiercely with terrifying power!

The void trembled, and the pressure Feng Hao faced was even more severe. The joint attack of ten strong men was enough to suppress him.

But he had no way out, he could only rely on the burning fighting spirit in his chest, fighting hard, within a moment, his body was stained with blood, his long black hair was disheveled, and he looked like a madman.


The joint attack of the ten strong men was beyond Feng Hao's imagination, his body couldn't bear the impact of such energy, and he flew upside down directly, all the bones in his body were broken by the shock.

The dark white bones were all exposed, and many wounds on his body were covered with bloodstains. The thunder light that flickered in Zhou Wéi quietly weakened, even if the thunder dragon was formed by the power of heaven's punishment, it could not stop these ten strong The continuous attacks of the attackers.

"Are you going to make a move?" Seeing this scene, the book sage knew that Feng Hao had also reached the extreme, and he was clenching his fists tightly at the moment. If Ruguo and the others didn't make a move, I'm afraid Feng Hao's fate would not be much better.

Supreme Sun Hao made a statement, narrowing his eyes slightly. Thinking about what was wrong in his mind, the token of Supreme Good and Evil made him think that Supreme Qingtian would be afraid of it, but he underestimated Supreme Qingtian's determination to kill Feng Hao, and even treated this token as nothing!

"Get ready to attack." Supreme Master Haori's face became slightly dignified, even if he wants to completely fall out with the Taoist temple this time, he must keep Feng Hao!

Hearing the voice of Supreme Master Haori, those many strong men who chose to follow the academy looked at each other, feeling rather helpless, they still stayed out of the matter in the end, and were involved in this incident, unable to be alone.

"Huh? Wait!"

After a while, the complexion of Haori Supreme Turán changed slightly, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on the wèizhi where Feng Hao was, as if he was very surprised.

"What?" The book sage glanced at Supreme Sun Hao in puzzlement, Feng Hao couldn't hold on for long even if he hadn't made a move yet.

"I'm afraid we don't need to take action. How can the will of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil be violated by the Supreme Qingtian?"

Hao Rizhi respected the new backrest and returned to the chair, showing a relaxed smile, and said to himself: "It seems that the Supreme Being of Good and Evil also expected this kind of situation to happen, otherwise he would not have left a backhand on the token." .”


The next moment, a strange wave of energy surged in an instant, and the void trembled slightly. Everyone on the scene was stunned, and they all looked in the direction of Feng Hao in disbelief. The token of the supreme good and evil.

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