Martial Inverse

Chapter 2125: The Will of the Sovereign of Good and Evil

Chapter 2125 The will of the supreme good and evil

At this moment, a kind of extremely ancient and mysterious power fluctuations flooded the Shifang Mountain Range, and the faces of all the strong people changed drastically in an instant, including the Qingtian Supreme!

Because this power is impressively emanating from the token of the supreme good and evil! This represents shime, and the strong people present are all clear in their hearts!

The black token suspended in front of Feng Hao trembled constantly, and the ancient power that diffused out seemed to cross the long river of Shijiān, directly descending on the current world, which made people feel frightened!


The token of the Supreme Good and Evil was directly broken in an instant, turning into countless fragments and splashing out, forming a protective shield within a radius of ten miles of Feng Hao, isolating all attacks!

"boom boom boom"

At this time, the attacks of the ten strong men fell in unison. Originally, these terrifying attacks could have fallen on Feng Hao, and even nénggou completely suppressed him! But now that the shield with black light appears, everything has changed." "The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest.

These attacks hit the black protective shield, but only caused a little ripple, unable to break through the protective shield at all, and hit Fenghao hard!

"What exactly is going on?!"

"Oh my god, that black shield actually blocked the attacks of ten strong men!"

"Then Xuwu is Shime's origin, it's so terrifying!"

All of a sudden, people who didn't know anything started to talk about it. All these things Bijing Fenghao showed were too astonishing. Among the ten strong men, there were four god masters and six great emperors. They really couldn't break this Black protective cover!

However, the expressions of the many powerhouses present became extremely ugly. Naturally, they knew that this was the will of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil!

Supreme Qingtian's expression turned livid, and he clenched his fists tightly. What erupted from the token in front of him was indeed the power of the Supreme Good and Evil. Even if they joined forces, they would definitely not be able to break through the black protective shield.

"Supreme Qingtian, what the hell is going on! Didn't you say that the token was not given to him by the Supreme Being of Good and Evil? Why did it burst out with such terrifying energy!" A divine master's face darkened, and he turned his gaze to On the body of Supreme Qingtian.

"Yes, this sign clearly means that the token contains the will of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil, and the breaking of the token shows that the Supreme Being of Good and Evil is aware of this matter.

It might show up anytime! "

Immediately, the ten powerhouses were panic-stricken, bijing is very likely to offend the Supreme Good and Evil, once they wait for the arrival of the Supreme Good and Evil, I am afraid that Ziji and others will not be able to eat and walk around!

Qingtian Supreme's face gradually became gloomy, looking at that layer of black protective shield, he remained silent. Although he is also a Supreme, he can't compete with the Supreme of Good and Evil at all!

Is Feng Hao going to escape from his palm again?

Obviously this yidiǎn, Qingtian Supreme is extremely unwilling, his mind is spinning rapidly, wanting to find a way to kill Feng Hao completely!

At this time, everyone was focusing on the Qingtian Supreme, waiting for his decision. Many of the ten strong men who participated in the attack began to show regretful expressions on their faces. This bijing really offended the Good and Evil Supreme.

Supreme Haori's expression was the most relaxed. Seeing Feng Hao temporarily disconnected, he was also relieved. Instead, he showed a look of interest, looking at Supreme Qingtian, as if he wanted to see how he would make a choice.

While everyone was paying attention to Supreme Qingtian, it was true that no one had seen Feng Hao's situation through the black protective cover. At this time, Feng Hao's whole body was covered with wounds. It was beyond everyone's expectations that nénggou saved his life.

When Feng Hao saw Zhouwéi's black shield appearing, he was taken aback at first, but he could also feel that this kind of energy fluctuation was impressively the fluctuation that Ziji saw in the mysterious old man's body in the Nether Forest.

Afterwards, he saw those extremely terrifying energy attacks, all of them hit the black protective shield, but he was not shaken at all, and he was relieved, at least for a short time, he was not in any danger now.

Afterwards, Feng Hao's face changed slightly, because he noticed that the black energy shield was gradually weakening. This weakening was not due to the consumption of those attacks, but because it was slowly weakening as time passed. .

That is to say, although this layer of black energy shield is invincible and has withstood the joint attack of many powerful people, it also has many restrictions. At this speed, within half an hour, this layer The black shield will completely dissipate.

Maybe it won't take half an hour, once Qingtian Supreme and others find the sign that the black energy shield is weakening, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop it for long if they make another move.

Feng Hao's face tensed, he didn't have any way to retreat at this time, he could only hold on, if Ruguoméi guessed wrong, this Shihou Academy and others would also take action, Ziji might not be able to leave!

Thinking of this yidiǎn, Feng Hao's heart calmed down instead, no matter what, he wants to take Huangfu Wushuang away safely today, even Qingtian Supreme can't stop Ziji.

At the moment, Feng Hao was sitting cross-legged in the air, and began to adjust the breath in his body, so as to recover from his injuries as soon as possible, the battle is far from over!

On the outside, Supreme Qingtian was still struggling in his heart, but he suddenly noticed that the black shield seemed to be weakening, so he raised his head in shock, stared intently, and confirmed that the black energy shield was indeed weakening!

Although the speed of weakening is slow, he is extremely affectionate, Ziji still has a chance!

In the end, a savage look appeared on Qingtian Supreme's face, no matter what, Feng Hao was bound to die! The Supreme Good and Evil has not yet come, Ziji kills Feng Hao before the Supreme Good and Evil arrives, will the Supreme Good and Evil attack him afterwards because of the emptiness in the prophecy?

Ruguo Fenghao still has kěnéng alive, but once he becomes a dead person, the Supreme Being of Good and Evil will never attack him because of a dead person!

"Everyone, no matter what, don't you want to obtain souls and live forever!?" Qingtian Supreme's face tensed slightly, and his eyes glanced over the ten warriors. He saw the hesitation of these people.

"The Lord of Good and Evil is about to come, I will not interfere in this matter!" One of the gods expressed uneasily that Ziji withdrew, and he was now far away from the battle circle, and the others were also in the same situation, caught in a struggle.

Shusheng and Haori Supreme looked at each other and nodded, and it was time for them to help in this kind of situation!

All the people in the Academy stood up and walked slowly towards Supreme Qingtian, their aura suddenly became strange again.

However, at this time, the Shifang Mountain Range did not know when it would rise, and a white figure was moving forward quickly, heading straight for the Taoist temple!

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