Martial Inverse

Chapter 2393: Praying Mantis Catching Cicada and Oriole Behind

Chapter 2393

The crown prince pondered for a moment, but also said firmly: "Reliable, those are dead soldiers secretly cultivated by my father and me, all over every corner of Thunder God Palace, even the three Supreme Elders will never know."

Hearing what he said, Feng Hao also nodded, and said: "Okay, then when it dawns, you go to contact these people secretly to find out where the Lord of Thunder is, and we will act that night!"

The prince nodded, with Feng Hao, the leader of the human race, the hope in his heart suddenly increased a little.

After a sleepless night, in the early morning of the next day, the prince also quietly left the inn after undergoing a careful facelift. This time, Feng Hao even taught him the method of concealing his own breath. Only the appearance has changed a lot, and even the aura has been suppressed at the peak of the holy rank.

"This time the existence of the God Master Realm will not show any clues. I hope your people can be trusted enough." Feng Hao sighed in a low voice watching the prince's leaving back, if this time the so-called trusted dead man of the prince If he also betrayed him, then Feng Hao would leave Thunder God City without hesitation, and then hand it over to Supreme Master Hongmeng.

Feng Hao is sure to face the existence of the God Master Realm, but he is not sure to face the two God Masters. He also has this self-knowledge, and there is no need to risk his life in this kind of place.

After the prince left the inn, he also quickly disappeared into the crowd. Now he has a special mask on his face, and with Feng Hao's help, his breath has changed a lot.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of Thunder God Palace, and walked over slowly. When he reached an area not far from Thunder God Palace, it was an alley with few people, and the prince quickly took a look. Four weeks later, after finding nothing abnormal, a special signal was carved on the wall.

After doing all this, the prince left here in a hurry. This place was agreed between him and those dead men. Only if there is a mark here, those dead men will understand something.

Sure enough, after the prince left the alley for a while, a black shadow appeared quietly. He was obviously taken aback when he saw the mark on the wall, but he looked around and found no one, so he hurriedly leave.

Strangely, the direction he left was exactly the same as the direction the prince left.

But after the black shadow left, the space slowly distorted, and a vague figure of a woman appeared here, and it was Lei Feng. Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the mark on the wall, and the corners of her mouth Also raised a mysterious smile.

"Is it him?"

Suddenly, a void sound transmission came, and the space behind Lei Feng slowly distorted again, what was shown was another figure, whose aura was far less powerful than Lei Feng's, but it was not the prince either. These half-step great emperors are comparable, and the identity of this person is ready to be revealed. He is the third elder of the Lord of Thunder Spirit.

"Well, it's him. Although his aura and appearance have changed a lot, he is the only one who can get in touch with the dead men under his command in this way." Lei Feng smiled charmingly, as if all of this is under his control.

"Then why don't we do it now?" The Supreme Elder of the Great Emperor Realm also asked in confusion. If we do it now, the prince will be dead without a place to bury him! And their goal was finally achieved.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, I guess he wouldn't have guessed that the so-called dead warriors have been controlled by us long ago." Lei Feng smiled lightly and said, "There are other strong men hiding in the dark, I want to know who they are, If you guess correctly, you will know tonight."

"You told him where Thunder Dragon is?" the great emperor behind him also said in a daze.

"That's right, I really want to see who is trying to destroy the great event of my Lei Ling clan!" Lei Feng's voice unconsciously carried a little indifference. After Lei Tian's fall last night, he already knew, There must be someone else intervening secretly this time, and the other party is very likely to be the existence of the God Master Realm!

For Lei Feng, if the potential threat is not clarified, they will definitely not feel at ease. You must know that once the things done by the elders of them are exposed, the entire Lei Ling clan will be destroyed. No one will let them go.

Killing the current patriarch and blaming the prince, once these two crimes are known, even if they are the elders, there will be no room for them in the Lei Ling clan.

At this time, the prince naturally didn't know about his so-called dead men, but he was noticed by the elders early on, and he had already directly controlled them. This was not expected by the prince, and it was also the point that Feng Hao was most worried about.

After the prince left the alley, he came to a small inn in Thunder God City. There were a lot of people here. He chose to meet here, but he would not let interested people notice. into the eyes of others.

After the prince entered this small inn, the black shadow that followed in the alley also followed. The two pretended not to know each other and sat together, but they were already communicating through sound transmission.

"Subordinates join the crown prince!" The dead man did not show any abnormalities, and everything was as before.

"You don't need to be too polite, what's the situation in Thunder God Palace now?" The prince also asked closely, there was not much time, and he couldn't delay for a long time, otherwise it would be over if someone noticed.

"It's very confusing. The three Supreme Elders directly took over the Thunder God Palace." Soi Ying replied truthfully.

"Do you know where my father is being imprisoned?" The prince asked the most important question.

"In the Silver Thunder Hall of the Thunder God Palace, there are only a group of guards guarding it." Hei Ying hesitated for a while, and finally said it according to the answer given by the Supreme Elder in advance.

"Okay, that's enough, you go back first." The prince breathed a sigh of relief, now that he knew where his father was, everything would be much easier.

"Prince, my subordinates advise you not to take risks." Before the dead man left, he said so suddenly, which made the prince ponder for a while, but he finally returned to the inn where Feng Hao was, without much doubt in his heart , after all, he is a slayer cultivated by himself.

"Have you found out?" Feng Hao asked with a frown when he saw the prince coming back.

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