Martial Inverse

Chapter 2394 Night Exploration of Thunder God Palace

Chapter 2394

"I have already figured out my father's location." The prince nodded and said, his expression was also a little excited.

"It's not exposed, right?" I was quite surprised that the crown prince figured out the information so quickly, but he asked worriedly.

"Probably not. I didn't notice anyone following me along the way." The prince nodded solemnly. He naturally knew that if he was exposed, both himself and Feng Hao would be in great danger.

"That's good, let's go to Thunder God Palace tonight!" Feng Hao also took a deep breath, glanced at the sky and said.

The prince nodded, and immediately found a place in the room to sit cross-legged, and began to practice with his eyes closed. Only now did he know how important strength is! If he is strong enough, how can he fall into this situation?

Feng Hao watched the prince enter the state of cultivation, and smiled slightly, and then set up restrictions in this room to prevent the breath from leaking out. After all, the current Thunder God City is full of soldiers.....

"chi la chi la chi la"

At this time, streaks of silver thunders began to appear on the prince's body, all over the body, and they kept moving, and with the continuous wandering of the thunders, the prince's aura was also fluctuating.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao smiled slightly, shook his head and said to himself: "Since there is a destiny, I will give you a fortune, so what?"

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Hao slowly stretched out his palm, and a small group of nine-color thunder appeared in his palm. Although he didn't make any sound, there was an invisible power that permeated the air. out.

The power of God's wrath!

Feng Hao took a look at the prince, and shot out the thunder light in his hand directly, and it fell into the prince's body!

"call out!"

The power of the nine-color scourge was very fast, and it entered the prince's body in a blink of an eye. The prince suddenly trembled, and he felt that there seemed to be an energy in his body that was so huge that he could not control it!

"Don't move around, refining this mass of energy is good for you!"

Just as he was about to open his eyes, he heard Feng Hao's sound transmission. He breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to practice with his eyes closed, starting to refine the power of divine punishment in his body! He knew that this was a fortune gifted to him by Feng Hao.

But how could the power of divine punishment be refined so easily? At the beginning, Feng Hao also experienced a narrow escape, almost to the point where his body and spirit were wiped out. Only with the help of the power of the Lingzhu, did he successfully refine the power of divine punishment.

But now Feng Hao is only using a very weak power of divine punishment, and he asked the prince to absorb it. In this way, at least the prince's cultivation base will change and be improved to a certain extent!

With the power of divine punishment in his body, the prince's expression was changing, his whole body was trembling slightly, and cold sweat was dripping down his face. It was obvious that he was enduring an inhuman pain!

Feng Hao saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. If he couldn't even get over this bit of suffering, then even if he had the chance to be promoted to the emperor in the future, he would definitely not be able to get over it!

This kind of refinement lasted for a long time, and finally in the evening, the thunder light on the prince's body began to gradually dissipate, and his expression gradually returned to calm, but his aura became much more majestic.


The prince suddenly opened his eyes, and two thunderbolts shot out from his eyes.

"Congratulations, your cultivation base has improved a little bit, and you will be promoted in time." Feng Hao said with a smile beside him.

The prince recovered from the state of cultivation, noticed the state of his body, and his mind became excited. He had just been promoted to the half-step emperor before, and he was still far away from the state of great perfection. One good fortune, after refining that mass of energy, he actually found that he had vaguely touched the threshold!

Great! Crossing the past is the realm of the Great Emperor!

"Thank you! Please accept my worship!"

The prince is not a person who doesn't know what to do, he knows that he can have such a change because of Feng Hao's help, so he knelt down directly and kowtowed three times to show his heart!

"Okay, there's no need to do this, it's just that you have a good background and it's thunder energy." Feng Hao shook his head and smiled wryly, what's wrong with the prince of the Thunder Spirit clan, he knelt down at every turn.

"Great kindness and great virtue, unforgettable. If the human race needs to use the Lei Ling family in the future, they will definitely do their best!" The prince also said respectfully. From now on, the Lei Ling family will be the most staunch allies of the human race!

"Okay, okay, let's wait until your father is rescued. It's too early to say these things now." Feng Hao sighed, and glanced at the sky outside the window, it was already dark.

"Are you going to do it?" The prince also took a deep breath, and his eyes burst out with a fierce look.

"En." Feng Hao nodded, and immediately stood up. He and the prince both changed into night clothes, and then the two figures left the inn directly like ghosts, heading towards the Thunder God Palace.

Along the way, they undoubtedly encountered the guards of the Thunder God Palace many times, but under Feng Hao's deliberate suppression, they came to the vicinity of the Thunder God Palace without any danger, and no one could detect the traces of the two of them at all.

"Are you sure you haven't been exposed?" Feng Hao asked suspiciously. For some reason, he felt that the guards of Thunder God Palace seemed to be much stronger than last night.

"There should be no problem." The prince frowned, and he also sensed that something was wrong, but can he retreat at this time?

"Forget it, come here if you don't come, let's take a look." Feng Hao also smiled confidently, but he didn't say a word in his heart. If it is really exposed, then don't blame him for leaving ruthlessly.

With Feng Hao's cultivation base, once he is determined to leave, the divine master can't stop him at all, but it's hard for the crown prince.

The prince nodded, knowing what Feng Hao meant. If there was any danger, even if Feng Hao left on his own, he would not blame him. After all, before he came, he kept saying that he would never expose himself, let alone in Leishen Palace. There is still an ambush inside.

Afterwards, Feng Hao and the prince were like two ghosts in the dark night. After avoiding the patrolling guards and some secret sentries, they also entered the Thunder God Palace. Fortunately, the prince led the way, otherwise Feng Hao wanted to It is also quite difficult to understand the Thunder God Palace halfway.

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