Martial Inverse

Chapter 2408 Perception

Chapter 2408 Perception

Soon, Feng Hao and the prince entered this area, and the thunder falling from the sky became more and more dense and terrifying. Standing in the sky full of thunder, it felt like dancing with the thunder .

"Let's go directly to her?" The prince said excitedly when he thought about the upcoming meeting venue.

"Go directly, there is no need to spend any time on investigation, she is the only one here." Feng Hao also smiled slightly, but he raised his eyes slightly, looking at the building in front of him, but there were some doubts in his heart.

At that moment just now, I had some delusions. It seemed that after I stepped here, I had a pair of eyes watching the two of us all the time. This was just an illusion. At that moment, Feng Hao also shook his head and continued to move forward.

"Prince, I will hide my whereabouts for a while, you can just go to her directly, I am afraid I have been noticed." Feng Hao's figure gradually moved forward, but it became blurred, and disappeared after only a moment Being in the thunder, it was like becoming one with the thunder of the heavens.

The prince's face changed slightly, and he was noticed like this? This is a bit unreasonable, but since Feng Hao said so, he can only follow suit, anyway, that girl can't beat him, of course this is just his idea.

The prince walked forward without any fear, and soon came to the building. At this time, the prince did not hide his aura at all, but laughed loudly: "Big sister, I'm here again!" is you!"

Feng Hao who was hiding in the dark almost didn't die of joy when he heard such a shout, this guy is too funny.

Not long after the sound fell, the thunder that fell from the surrounding sky suddenly became more dense, and all fell on the Prince's body at the same time. The vast thunder power seemed to want to completely kill the Prince. It is generally submerged.

The prince seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, so he just smiled at the moment, and with a thought in his mind, there were layers of black auras rippling on his body surface. After these black auras appeared, they actually directly The ground began to devour all the falling thunder power!

"Big sister, I said I haven't seen you for a few years, is this how you greet me when we meet?" The prince said proudly, obviously he had suffered similar losses at the beginning, and now he is relying on the power of divine punishment to protect himself, and he doesn't care at all. fear.

This kind of situation is still going on, the sky is constantly descending thunder, but it did not cause any harm to the prince, but the layer of black light on the surface of his body became stronger and stronger, like an endless black hole, swallowing all of these.


There seemed to be a voice of surprise in the endless thunder,

She was a little surprised that the prince was able to behave so calmly under the power of thunder without any damage.

Soon, in the sky, a female face gradually emerged. It was actually composed of terrifying thunder force, but it was just controlled by people to form this shape. Judging from the outline, it was the face of a woman. Not bad stunning woman.

"What are you doing here?" The female voice was very clear and authentic, obviously she had a deep memory of the prince.

"Guess?" After the prince saw the woman's appearance, his eyes suddenly released a different emotion, but he quickly covered it up, still smiling and said: "Brother is here to find a place."

"Oh? Hahaha..."

That female face seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing, but there was a burst of clear laughter like a silver bell, as if mocking the prince's ignorance.

"I told you before that you are absolutely incomparable to me. You are here to find a place? Are you afraid of dying?" The girl was obviously a little angry. Years ago, this guy also sneaked in like this But at that time, he was afraid of the Lord of Thunder Spirit, so he didn't kill him, but after many years, this guy made such a move again, is it true that he is not afraid of death? Or do you think you dare not kill him?

"Hey, big sister, it's not certain." The prince smiled, with a sly look in his eyes, and asked the female face in the sky: "Are you married? Not married?" Then I am here to hug the beauty this time."


Hearing the crown prince's heartless words, that woman's face was obviously also angry, the princess of the majestic Lei Ting family was actually being molested like this, she also sneered at the moment: "I have already noticed you when you entered here , you couldn’t beat me many years ago, and it’s even more impossible now!”

"Are you sure? If you lose, you and I will go back to the Leiling Clan." The prince smiled triumphantly.

"If you lose? Stay here forever!"

For the prince's almost hooligan-like behavior, the female face is obviously impatient. Since the other party insists on seeking death, then she doesn't mind giving it a ride. Even if the other party is the prince of the Lei Ling clan, she has never been afraid of these things .

"Okay, it's a deal!" Seeing that his goal was achieved, the crown prince also made a decision immediately. He had already clearly noticed that the opponent's cultivation base was still on the edge of the half-step emperor, and he had not been promoted, while he was already the emperor. The practice of the environment.

This time, he is bound to win!

Seeing what the prince said so simply and neatly, the princess of the Lei Ling family was obviously a little bit astonished, because she found that the prince's aura suddenly became violent at this time, and there was a faint feeling that made her almost tremble in her heart!

"how is this possible?!"

She found that she was completely unable to see through the prince in front of her at this time, and even felt a dangerous feeling in her heart, which was absolutely impossible before!

A person who was far inferior to him in the past is actually stronger than him now? ! The princess of the Lei Ling clan was obviously stunned, knowing that she herself was half-step emperor, and the distance to promotion was only a threshold.

However, the prince at this time was able to overwhelm her almost out of breath just because of his aura, the answer is obviously ready to come out!

The prince has already broken through the realm and was promoted to the Great Emperor!

Thinking of this in her heart, the princess of the Lei Ling clan had a turmoil in her heart. The matter of the Lei Ling clan had not yet spread here, so she naturally didn't know why a person who was suppressed by her in the past was faster than herself. To be the first to break through the realm?

"Hey, big sister, how are you?" The prince seemed to have sensed the astonishment on the other side's face at this time, and he said heartlessly: "Be obedient and admit defeat, brother can be merciful."

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