Martial Inverse

Chapter 2409: Princess Laiya

Chapter 2409 Princess Leia

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost!" Although the female face condensed by the power of thunder in the sky was quite astonished, she also sneered. She really couldn't believe that the crown prince was able to arrive before her. The Realm of the Great Emperor!


There was a loud noise, and immediately the human face condensed by the power of thunder exploded directly, turned into a little thunder, and instantly turned into raindrops all over the sky, rushing towards the prince ferociously!

At the same time, a Miaoman's silver figure appeared in the midair. Although it was blurred, it was still recognizable as a female figure.

Regarding this kind of offensive, instead of retreating timidly, the prince smiled and stepped forward. The black aura on the surface of his body released an aura that seemed to swallow everything!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

There is no leeway, this time the attack can be said to be the opponent's all-out effort, and the moment it fell, it even completely drowned the prince!

Feng Hao, who was hiding in the dark, watched all this with a smile on his lips. He didn't have the slightest worry about the prince. Just kidding, the realm alone has already caused suppression, not to mention the prince's body. Zhong also controlled the power of divine punishment, if he couldn't suppress a girl like this, then he could really hit a wall and die.

The bright silver light all over the sky exploded suddenly, forming pieces of bright colors like fireworks, but filled with endless destructive power, if an ordinary half-step emperor faced this scene, I am afraid it would have been too early. I can't stand it anymore.

But soon, a touch of black gradually appeared, and even after a while, it occupied all the silver!

Wherever the black divine light passed, the bright silver was swallowed up, and this terrifying thunder force was unable to cause any damage to the prince, which made the woman who appeared not far away also shocked.

"Hey big sister, do you have something to say now?" A blurred figure gradually appeared in the black divine light, and it was the unharmed prince. At this time, relying on the power of divine punishment, he was not afraid of these thunders at all. Power.

"Bastard, I don't believe it anymore!" A ruthless look suddenly appeared on that woman's face. She looked at the layer of black aura emerging from the other's body, and for some reason, a feeling rose in her heart. A feeling of fear.

Forcibly suppressing this feeling in her heart, the woman's face became much more dignified,

The two hands formed seals again and again, and the violent power between the surrounding heaven and earth suddenly became terrifying in an instant.

Rampage, destruction!

Even the smiling prince gradually suppressed the smile on his face at this time, staring at the woman tightly with his eyes, and said in a deep voice at the corner of his mouth: "It seems that if you show the color, you still don't know what to do." I really dislike brother."

Facing the woman who was going all out, the prince did not dare to support her in the slightest. As two people who had fought against each other many years ago, he knew better that once all the power in this woman's body was released, it would be a terrifying scene.

"Thunder formation!"

The icy sound was spit out from the woman's mouth, and the thunder that fell all around suddenly seemed to be drawn by a certain force, and all of them began to condense around the woman. These thunder forces continued to gather together, and soon It is to form a huge silver light chrysalis!

This light chrysalis was formed by the power of thunder, and after a while, terrible fluctuations erupted from these light chrysalis, and immediately split into countless bright rays of light and fell down!

At this time, even Feng Hao could not help showing a surprised look on his face when he was observing in secret. No wonder this woman was able to make the former prince suffer, and she still had some tricks!

I saw those shining rays of light that fell turned into ferocious angry beasts, some were like blue dragons, some were like white tigers, etc., all of which represented a tyrannical and fierce existence! The princess of the Thunder Clan has actually mastered this kind of power, controlling the power of Thunder!

This is not much different from the way Feng Hao and the prince and others control the power of the scourge, the only purpose is to use these powers for their own use!

"Hey, it's this move again, do you think brother will be afraid?" The prince chuckled, and immediately his figure shot out suddenly, like a black flame, where it passed, there was no sound, but it was terrified. There are some cracks in the space.

Seeing this scene, the princess of the Lei Ling clan also changed color slightly, gritted her teeth and said, "Attack!"

As soon as the voice fell, the countless beasts condensed by the power of thunder all bit and bit the prince together. This kind of momentum is like tens of thousands of beasts galloping.

However, she still underestimated the prince's ability, even if he didn't use his ability as a great emperor, just relying on the black evil power in his body would be enough!

He went straight to the other party, and there were countless ferocious beasts pounced on her on the way, but without exception, when he was close to the prince, he was directly swallowed by the black light on the surface of his body. !

The prince's speed was very fast, and it took almost a blink of an eye to reach the woman's body, but those ferocious thunder beasts had no way to stop them.

"Hi, Princess Laiya, we meet again." The prince came to the woman in a blink of an eye, looked at the stunning woman in front of him, and smiled authentically. At a time when he himself stood in front of this woman, he ended up being rejected. Beat it down, this time, the result was just the opposite!

Laiya, the princess of the Thunder Clan, at this time she looked at the man in front of her in astonishment, and she didn't even realize that the method she was proud of had no effect on him?

how can that be?

The prince looked at Princess Laiya, who was slightly absent-minded in front of him, and shook his head a little depressed, and said, "Big sister, what's the matter? Did you faint when you saw brother?"

Obviously this time, he had the absolute upper hand and was never suppressed by the opponent again. This made the prince very happy. He was so happy that he didn't even realize that Princess Laiya standing in front of him was Suddenly a mysterious smile appeared.

"This guy... asked for it." Feng Hao, who was hiding in the dark, also laughed suddenly, as if he had anticipated what would happen next.

"You are too happy." Princess Laiya suddenly smiled slightly, causing the smile on the prince's face to freeze suddenly, and the next moment, huge energy fluctuations erupted from Princess Laiya!

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