Martial Inverse

Chapter 2424 Arrive!

Chapter 2424 Arrived!

Minghao and Minghui didn't know anything about it at all, and this way of consumption had no effect on Fenghao at all.

But they didn't expect it, this happened exactly what Feng Hao wanted.

The longer the delay, the more cost-effective it is for Feng Hao, because at this stage, whether it is the Black Fire Qilin Lord or the Thunder Spirit Lord, they are all rushing to this place at this moment.

As long as a random party arrives, then he is sure to win.

Under such unscrupulous conditions, Feng Hao also fought with all his strength, and almost every attack was made by Ming Hao and Ming Hui.

The battle situation continued to develop like this. In the end, every attack by Feng Hao was natural, and his grasp of the power in his body became stronger and stronger.

Ming Hao and the others became more and more frightened. They realized that Feng Hao was just holding them to practice, and they were not afraid of anything at all.

"No, there are too many strange things about this kid. It has been so long, but his aura is still so majestic." Ming Hao frowned.

From the beginning to now, Feng Hao's level of attack has lasted for more than half an hour, but his aura has not weakened in the slightest, or even a little bit of weakness has not been revealed, which is obviously unreasonable .


Minghui screamed suddenly at this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately glanced across the entire Zandi Mountain Range that was like ruins.

"What?" Ming Hao frowned beside him, as if he didn't understand.

"Have you noticed that the boy from the Lei Ling family is missing?" Ming Hui frowned.

Hearing this, Minghao was also taken aback, so that from the moment he appeared until now, there was no sign of that boy at all. Originally, they thought that they had died together with Mingkong, but now that they realized it, they didn't find anything about the prince. breath!

"You mean..." Ming Hao's face turned livid immediately, and he also thought of the unusualness of this matter when he said it this way.

"This kid is simply delaying time! The Lei Ling clan made a secret move. Otherwise, with the help of Ming Kong and Ming Kong, they would definitely not be able to be killed in a short time!" Ming Hui's voice trembled. When they came back to their senses, they were all astonished.

At the same time, they finally knew why Feng Hao dared to stay here to face the two divine masters even if he was only a person in the Great Emperor Realm.

All of this was calculated by the other party! The prince of the Lei Ling family had already gone back to ask for help!

"Kill him!" Ming Hao roared suddenly, the Lei Ling clan actually took part in the action, which they had hardly thought of before.

You must know that the comprehensive strength of the Leiling clan is stronger than that of the Thunder clan, and the current patriarch has three divine masters.

If people from the Deleiling family were allowed to show up, it would be their turn to suffer.

At this time, if they still want Feng Hao's method of controlling the power of the gods, they are stupid!

The most important thing right now is to kill Feng Hao quickly,

Then get out of here.

No matter what, this matter must be notified to the Xuandao Valley. Now that the human race is aware of it, they can no longer plan as unscrupulously as before.

Many races among the hundreds of races were secretly united by Xuan Dao Valley, but at this time, the human race gradually succeeded in instigating some races.

This point, Xuan Daogu didn't know, if he did it at that time, he would suffer a big loss!

Both Minghui and Minghao shot suddenly and violently, and Feng Hao was stunned by the violent attack. Could it be that these two guys noticed something?

Especially after Feng Hao saw the ashen faces of the two people, he smiled in his heart and said, it seems that these two idiots finally thought of their own purpose.

"Haha, I just noticed it now, don't you think it's a little late?" Feng Hao laughed loudly, the nine-colored aura on the surface of his body continued to shine brightly, and his aura was not weaker than the two god masters opposite him in the slightest.

However, whether it is the gap in realm, he was able to contend for a few times at first, but as time went by, the combination of the two god master realms gradually made Feng Hao fall into a difficult situation, and he could only dodge passively.

Moreover, Ming Hao and Ming Hui acted with the determination to kill Feng Hao at all, without any thought of speaking at all, one attack was faster and more ruthless than one attack, and soon even Feng Hao's body was injured .

Sensing that Feng Hao's aura was starting to weaken, Ming Hao and Ming Hui also looked at each other, speeding up the pace of action, even if they couldn't get the secret of how to obtain the power of divine punishment, they still had to kill Feng Hao!

Feng Hao is the leader of the human race. If he dies, the human race will be leaderless, and it will be easier to deal with it then.

But while they were eager to kill Feng Hao, they ignored a very important issue, that is, Feng Hao was delaying time, and if they could wake up and leave immediately, they would instead pass the news to Xuan Dao Gu's words can make all Feng Hao's plans come to nothing.

But obviously they were too eager to kill Feng Hao, and they didn't notice this at all. If the two of them turned around and wanted to leave, Feng Hao would have nothing to do with them.

Feng Hao's aura began to weaken, and the power of divine punishment in his body was also used frequently, and he began to feel a little weak. Feng Hao had been only able to dodge since the two of them teamed up to suppress it just now, but now the situation has become more and more serious. It's getting worse.

Bloodstains began to gradually appear on Feng Hao's body surface, and more and more injuries were reported, but Feng Hao never thought of turning around and running away from the beginning to the end. He was sure that he could continue to delay, and if he couldn't do it, he directly cast the phoenix nirvana regeneration magic. , as he was promoted to the realm of the Great Emperor, his lifespan also increased substantially again.

However, when Feng Hao was struggling to hold on, his frowning brows suddenly loosened, revealing a long-lost smile, because he had already sensed that a powerful aura was gradually approaching here in the distance!

And this aura belongs to the Black Fire Qilin Monarch!

After persisting for so long, the Black Flame Qilin Monarch finally arrived, and the scene in front of him would be reversed in an instant, and the unlucky ones would be the two divine masters!

But at this moment, obviously the two god masters also sensed the majestic aura of the black fire unicorn monarch, and their expressions changed dramatically.

ps: I only updated three chapters yesterday, and I want to continue to update it later.. But the background couldn't be opened last night--I see if I can make it up

,--! ! !

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