Martial Inverse

Chapter 2425: Seal

Chapter 2425 Imprint

Facing a supreme being, the aura alone made Minghui and Minghao tremble, and at the moment they secretly screamed that something was wrong, and they didn't care what happened to Fenghao, so the two turned around and left, but Fenghao didn't know what to do. It will give them this opportunity.

Even though he had many injuries, Feng Hao shot desperately!

The two Supreme Elders, Minghao and Minghui, were stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned ashen, because they knew that there was no need to run away, it was too late, and the aura of that supreme being had completely locked themselves in.

And they also noticed that the surrounding area was also trapped in a kind of enchantment, and no one could escape the Supreme who had already created such a powerful force before he came!

"chi la"

All of a sudden, some black flames appeared in the sky around Zhandi Mountain Range. These flames spread rapidly, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, turning this place into a place like a fire place!


A majestic aura suddenly appeared from the mid-air, and the figure of the black fire unicorn monarch also appeared in front of everyone. Seeing his appearance, Feng Hao also smiled slightly, and quickly backed away. It's a foregone conclusion.

It is absolutely impossible for these two Supreme Elders of Thunder Clan to escape again.

Seeing the appearance of the black fire unicorn monarch, Ming Hao and Ming Hui completely lost the confidence to resist, and at the same time, behind Feng Hao, there were three strong auras rushing quickly.

The Lord of the Black Fire Qilin was surprised, and also turned his gaze to Feng Hao, as if he wanted to distinguish whether these auras were enemies or friends. Feng Hao felt a little bit, and shook his head with a smile. It is the Lord of Thunder Spirit, the Crown Prince, and Lei Feng.

Unexpectedly, all of them rushed here at this very moment!

After a while, the Lord of Thunder Ling and others quickly appeared in front of Feng Hao. When they saw that Feng Hao was still alive, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately noticed the existence of a supreme being. His face also became a lot more dignified.

Supreme! The background among the human race, this is an existence that can sweep everything in the Hundred Clans Continent!

"Hey, master is not late at all." The prince also said with a smile at this time, when he glanced at Ming Hui and Ming Hao, there was an astonishing chill in his eyes.

"Come a little later, maybe you will help me collect the corpse." Feng Hao also jokingly said hello to the Lord of Thunder Spirit and Lei Feng at the same time. The fact that these two came here also completely dissipated Feng Hao's worries Well, he might have been a little wary of the Lei Ling clan before, but after this time, he probably completely dispelled it.

"The Thunder Spirit Clan!'s actually you!"

Ming Hui's face became even paler when he saw the Lord of Thunder Spirit. No matter how stupid they are now, they think that these things are definitely not a coincidence.

"Two respected Supreme Elders, I am afraid that you are now in despair. Sorry, I am afraid that you will be completely buried here today like the other two unlucky ones!" Because of Princess Laiya, or something else, anyway, the prince thinks these elders are not pleasing to the eye.

The Lord of Thunder Spirit and Lei Feng smiled and said nothing, there was a supreme being,

Then they don't need to have any worries, and at the same time, they are also grateful that they had made a deeper alliance with Fenghao's human race. Otherwise, I am afraid that they should be the ones who come to the door at this time....

"You can't kill me!"

All of a sudden, Ming Hao also said with a sinister smile, his eyes glanced at the few people present and said: "Once you kill me, Xuan Dao Valley will know what happened to me. Once you investigate, it will be unbearable for Xuan Dao Valley." anger!"

"Noisy, I'll kill you, so what about the Xuandao Valley?!" The black fire unicorn snorted coldly in the air, and immediately many black flames around it also suddenly moved, and it seemed that they were preparing to attack Ming Hao .

"Wait first." Feng Hao waved his hand to temporarily stop the Black Fire Qilin Supreme, and immediately his face became heavy, he looked at Ming Hao and said: "What do you mean?"

Can't kill him?

Ming Hao's words made Feng Hao slightly vigilant. Xuan Dao Valley should have some means to prevent this kind of situation from happening. This is what he has been most worried about, but he did not expect to encounter it in the end.

"The two of us have the imprint left by the strong in the Xuandao Valley. Once we fall, the other party will know immediately!" Ming Hao also smiled sinisterly, and his face was even a little proud: "You can try to imagine that once the Xuandao The strong men in Gu sensed that the imprints of the two of us had disappeared, and started to investigate, but found that all four elders of our family were dead, what do you think will happen?"

Feng Hao and others changed their colors when they heard the words, Xuandao Valley still has such means? But they didn't know it at all before, even the head of the Fengling clan didn't know about it.

"You're lying!" Feng Hao's face became a little gloomy, and he said: "Why do you have the imprint of Xuan Dao Valley in your body, even if you have it, it's not just the two of you."

Feng Hao's words even contained threats, even if there were, then the dead Ming Kong and the others also had them in their bodies. If this is the case, the matter has already been noticed by Xuan Daogu, and it is useless to keep you.

When Minghao and Minghui heard the words, their faces were covered with cold sweat immediately, and the arrogance that had appeared just now began to disappear. They still didn't know what their situation was now, and they didn't have the qualifications to negotiate conditions at all!

" absolutely can't kill me!" Ming Hao said in a little panic, his eyes widened and he said: "This is absolutely true. It is the two of us who touch Xuandao Valley. If we are not sensitive to the power in our bodies, we will definitely If you don't notice the existence of the mark, it is the mark left by meeting with the strong man of Xuan Dao Valley that day, and the method is extremely secretive."

Seeing that Ming Hao didn't seem to be lying, Feng Hao also frowned, and immediately turned his gaze to Lei Feng, and said in a deep voice, "Have you noticed it in your body?"

Lei Feng shook her head, but she also closed her eyes slightly, and opened them suddenly after a while, showing a look of astonishment, she really found that there was a very faint imprint in her body, not carefully Looking for can not be perceived at all!

Seeing Lei Feng's expression, Feng Hao and the others also became more dignified.

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