Martial Inverse

Chapter 2441 Xian'er's memory picture

( .. Qian Ren Novel Network.) Chapter 2781 Xian'er's memory picture

After hearing the words of Supreme Master Hongmeng, everyone also took a deep breath. It turned out that such a long-term power was involved.

Chaos. It is rumored that it is an extremely terrifying force that exists in the unopened world. It is said that when the ancient gods created the world, they used their own great supernatural powers to break through the chaos. It is the origin of everything in the world.

Chaos. It can be said that it is the beginning of all things. But it is also the end of all things.

Because chaos contains two extreme meanings of life and death. One thought of life and one thought of death. Life and death are two extremes.

"Is something going to happen to him?" Xian'er's voice trembled slightly. If the power that emerged from Feng Hao really belonged to chaos, then no one could save him during the whole time. .Everything depends on Feng Hao himself.

"I don't know either. I thought chaos was something that only existed in legends, but it was not expected. It will really appear." The Primordial Master Hongmeng sighed, quite helplessly.

The Supreme Being of Good and Evil and the others also shook their heads at this time. For this kind of power, even their cognition is only in the legends of some ancient books. Even if the chaos really appears now, they have no idea Method.

"If I'm not mistaken, these chaos are probably caused by the spirit beads in Feng Hao's body." Hongmeng Supreme took a deep breath and said. Although he didn't know what was hidden in Feng Hao's body. But The only thing that can be said to be related is the Lingzhu in Fenghao's body.

Lingzhu. It is also a very distant existence. It is rumored that if someone can get Lingzhu, he can obtain eternal life. There are countless strong people in history who have obtained Lingzhu. But no one has obtained eternal life. It was because the Lingzhu brought countless fatal disasters to them.

For people like Supreme Master Hongmeng, the Lingzhu was also controlled by them at the beginning, but they couldn't study anything. They just instinctively noticed that there was a huge power in the Lingzhu's body.

And this kind of power is not something they can mobilize. As for how Feng Hao will obtain the spirit orb later, and how he can mobilize the power of this kind of spirit orb, it is completely beyond the imagination of Hongmeng Supreme.

"Lingzhu...Lingzhu...this damn Lingzhu again." Xian'er showed pain on her face. For some reason, she was very disgusted with the word Lingzhu. Her mind was in chaos. Some horrible pictures. But her head started to hurt more and more.

She knew that she must have known about the existence of such things as Lingzhu before. She even knew the mystery of Lingzhu. But the pictures in her mind came and went, and those pictures made her head ache. It was almost impossible to forget. these pictures.

"Calm down and concentrate. Abandon the thoughts in your heart. Don't think too much." Supreme Master Hongmeng and others also noticed that Xian'er's breath began to become chaotic at this time. They were also shocked at the moment. Supreme Master Hongmeng quickly reminded.

He is good at the way of the soul. It is as good as the Supreme Being of Good and Evil. Naturally, he can feel that Xian'er's soul fluctuations have become very unusual at this time.

The voice of Supreme Master Hongmeng seemed to be shouting in front of him. It made Xian'er's trembling body slowly calm down. The lingering images in his mind also gradually disappeared.

"Hoo hoo... almost bewitched."

Xian'er came back to her senses and gasped. Now Xian'er's complexion turned out to be as pale as tinfoil. Her beautiful eyes widened, as if what she had just experienced was a terrible thing. She showed a look of lingering fear. sè.

Seeing Xian'er's appearance, the Primordial Priest and the Supreme Being of Good and Evil looked at each other. They could see the seriousness in their eyes. It is conceivable that Xian'er can have such painful memories. What a horrible experience.

"Did you remember something?" The Supreme Good and Evil said softly. He is good at soul work. He clearly remembers that Xian'er lost his memory because of losing his soul. Without Feng Hao's rescue that time, Xian'er would not wake up .But it won't die either. It's like a vegetable.

The elixir that Xian'er took when she woke up almost helped Xian'er reshape a soul. Everything before was thrown away. You must know that Xian'er lost her memory before, let alone after reshaping her soul. It can also impress Xian'er. That is obviously an extremely important thing for her.

But at this time, this matter is very likely to involve the Lingzhu.

"I don't know...the picture in my mind is only blood red. Countless demons are roaring on the ground. The whole world is in doomsday." Xian'er panted. She herself is not clear about these pictures. Why did it happen? Appear.

The Primordial Priest and the Supreme Being of Good and Evil looked at each other. They both shook their heads. They had never heard of these scenes, let alone being able to find any clues from them. But what is certain is the meaning of the existence of the Lingzhu .It seems that it is not as simple as they thought.


Supreme Master Hongmeng raised his head and looked at the emptiness of the sky. He didn't know why but he felt a sense of unease in his heart. He faintly sensed that the actions of the Heavenly Dao were about to happen. But no one could predict what would happen. whats the matter.

The catastrophe hundreds of thousands of years ago caused incredible changes in the entire world. Countless gods and supreme beings gradually fell. Some died in battle, some went crazy, and some were assassinated. This is the reason for being unbelievable. Since that era, the changes in the Dao of Heaven have gradually become apparent. Even to the back, the Dao of Heaven is imprisoned. No one can break through to the realm of the Great Emperor.

The reason why Tiandao has this kind of action is very obvious. It is to prevent the supreme being of the Penglai world from touching the legendary ancient god realm.

Become a god! Once you become a god, you will be able to dominate the way of heaven.

God is omnipotent. Even the Dao of Heaven cannot be suppressed. Therefore, Dao of Heaven must prevent the appearance of God. The world seems to have an invisible black hand manipulating in the dark, making everything chaotic. Even the Primordial Supreme I can't even notice what will happen in the future.

"Hmm. Feng Hao's breath... I can't feel it anymore."

At this moment, the Black Flame Qilin Monarch suddenly exclaimed. He suddenly noticed that Feng Hao, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, had completely lost all his breath at this moment, just like a piece of wood .


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