Martial Inverse

Chapter 2442 Sadness

Chapter 2782 sad

That's right. At this moment, even Hongmeng Supreme and others are aware that something is wrong. Because Feng Hao's aura has completely disappeared. This disappearance is not the disappearance of Feng Hao's suppression of his own aura in the past. It is completely disappeared in the between heaven and earth.

The only explanation for this phenomenon is that Feng Hao is dead.

This result almost made them unbelievable. Feng Hao just sat down like this.

Xian'er's body shook slightly. Her complexion became even paler. Even her beautiful eyes gradually lost their luster and became incomparably hollow. For Xian'er, Feng Hao is her only meaning of existence.

If even Feng Hao is sitting down so directly, then what is the use of her staying in the world.

At this moment, Huang Yuntian and the others also sensed that something was wrong. Especially when they saw the looks of these supreme beings, their hearts suddenly became heavy. They looked at Feng Hao's exhausted look. His body and face became extremely sad.

Feng Hao. No breath at all.

This is almost an unbearable fact for the human race. The human race has just risen under the leadership of Feng Hao. With absolute strength, it has regained the glory of the Void God Lord and others in the Hundred Clans Continent.

Even the Xuandao Valley in the Penglai world has no way to deal with the human race. But at this time, the leader of the human race, Feng Hao, has undergone such a change.

A kind of sadness. Invisibly spread in Shengtian Academy. Everyone fell silent. For them, Feng Hao is their spiritual pillar. If even he falls, then what is there to let They keep going.

Leng Yusen and Remnant Shadow remained silent. They also felt that this fact was almost impossible to believe. It was stronger than a monster like Feng Hao. How could it be said that sitting down would just sit down. This is really too weird.


Some human guards looked at Feng Hao's withered body sitting cross-legged in the void. Their eyes were filled with tears, and they knelt down directly.

Accompanied by someone who was the first to kneel down. One after another, all the guards in Shengtian Academy did the same. They directly knelt down on one leg. This is the greatest respect of Feng Hao, the lord of their race.

The same is true for Huang Yuntian and others. Although Feng Hao's cultivation is far inferior to them, the human race is also because of Feng Hao.

Huang Yuntian, Liu Canyan, Dongfangzheng, Lengyusen, afterimage, Lord of Thunder, Prince, Leifeng, etc... are all kneeling on one leg at this time. Everyone's expression is Extremely complicated. It's almost unacceptable for this fact.

However, at this time, within the Shengtian Academy, there are also several figures flashing rapidly. They are Xiao Qingmeng, Feng Xiaoyun, Feng Hao and other women. At this time they are all An anxious look on his face.

They were originally in retreat. But at that moment just now, everyone felt a sudden pain in their hearts. They woke up from the state of retreat. Then they noticed the relationship between Feng Hao and them All contact has disappeared.

At that moment, these people rushed out immediately. However, when seeing the strong human race of the entire Shengtian Academy kneeling on one leg, Xiao Qingmeng's face was already covered with tears. She had already guessed something ending.

When these women followed the line of sight of the kneeling crowd, they saw a dry and old body sitting cross-legged in mid-air. Even though the appearance had undergone many changes, a head of sad white hair, but they still recognized it. It's out. That's Feng Hao.

There were two lines of tears silently on Xiao Qingmeng's face. She couldn't believe that it was her father, let alone her. Even the other girls burst into tears instantly. They couldn't believe what was happening before them.

When Feng Xiaoyun saw the old body sitting upright, his mood seemed to be blocked. His eyes were suddenly filled with a red color, and a violent breath erupted from his body.

Since Feng Xiaoyun followed Feng Hao back to the Hundred Clans Continent, he gradually accepted Feng Hao's identity as a father. After all, Feng Hao was really fighting for the human protect his relatives.


A sad and angry roar burst out from Feng Xiaoyun's mouth. Suddenly, the position of the world changed. Feng Xiaoyun's whole body became extremely red, and his expression gradually became ferocious, like a demon.

All the experts in Shengtian Academy immediately raised their heads. Their faces were full of astonishment, and they looked at Feng Xiaoyun who was full of resentment.

"Not good. That kid was in great grief. It actually triggered the resentment in his body. Now it exploded directly." Supreme Master Hongmeng's expression changed, and he was aware of the seriousness of the matter immediately.

"Seal him. We can't wait any longer." The Supreme Being of Good and Evil focused his attention. Immediately, his figure moved, and he rushed directly to Feng Xiaoyun's side. Once all the resentment in Feng Xiaoyun's body erupted, the consequences would be No matter what it is, but Feng Xiaoyun must die.

But at this time, the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered together, and a red thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

The Supreme Being of Good and Evil just appeared next to Feng Xiaoyun. He sensed the appearance of an irresistible force. He was shocked and stepped back a few steps. He raised his head to look at the sky. Even if he This kind of strong man. Not only screamed in shock: "God's punishment..."

This time, not only the Supreme Being of Good and Evil, but also the Supreme Being of Hongmeng and everyone else fell into a state of trance. Feng Xiaoyun actually directly aroused the divine punishment in this way.

This is the divine punishment for advancing to the realm. Feng Xiaoyun doesn't even count as a half-step big dì dū. Why... the real divine punishment was triggered at this time. It really made them feel unbelievable.

"This is terrible. The resentment in this kid's body erupted. He almost lost his sanity. If he falls under the scourge of God at this time, I am afraid he will definitely die." The Hongmeng Supreme said through gritted teeth. It happened so suddenly. They tried to stop it. too late.

"This scourge is still the scourge of the red lotus. According to the legend, wherever evil arises, there must be a red lotus." The Haori Supreme said solemnly beside him. At this time, there are shocking blood-red gods appearing in the sky. thunder.

"The rest of the people retreat immediately. Immediately." Hongmeng Supreme also roared angrily, causing everyone in Shengtian Academy to retreat. This time the situation became critical. Feng Hao was also within the range of divine punishment at this time.

"No. We will not retreat. Swear to be with the lord of the human race."


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