Martial Inverse

Chapter 2443: Everyone's Choice

( .. Qian Ren Novel Network.) Chapter 2783 Everyone's Choice

Although they were condemned by the heavens, these strong men of the human race simply refused to leave. Because they knew very well that they could leave. But Feng Hao couldn't leave at this time.

Each of them is seriously injured. What's more, what they have to face is the power of divine punishment. Once they encounter it, the end will definitely not be much better. It can be said that they will definitely die.

"Bastards, you idiots. Get the hell out of here. Staying here like this will multiply the power of divine punishment. Not to mention you. Even I can't bear it." The Black Fire Qilin Monarch also roared at this time Dao. Looking at the group of people below, I feel angry and don't know what to say. This is foolish loyalty.

"Hmm. No. Weak energy fluctuations came from Feng Hao's body." At this moment, the Supreme Being of Good and Evil indeed suddenly let out a pleasant surprise. His face showed incredible expressions again and again. Feng Hao who originally thought he was sitting down. At this time, energy fluctuations came again. This is simply unbelievable.

"God's punishment. It's the power of heaven's punishment."

Supreme Master Hongmeng thought about it for a while, and immediately raised his head to look at the shocking blood-red thundercloud above his head. He said in a deep voice, "Feng Hao himself possesses the power of nine extremes of scourge. The scourge that fell at this time. He resonated."

"You mean..." Xian'er's face suddenly became happy, and then she also showed a look of ecstasy. In this way, Feng Hao will be under the punishment of God. Maybe there is still a chance.

"That's right. Let Feng Hao stay in this scourge. There is a great chance to wake up." Hongmeng Supreme also took a deep breath. But in his heart, he also felt that it was almost unrealistic. Now Feng Hao's This kind of state can't bear a scourge at all, let alone staying here for a long time.

And as one of the people who caused the scourge, Feng Xiaoyun was also in a worrying situation at this time. Resentment broke out and the power of the scourge was forcibly triggered. It also couldn't bear it for a long time.

And Xian'er seemed to have made some decision at this time. A solemn look appeared on her face. She turned to Huang Yuntian and the others, and said, "Now Feng Hao still has a chance. You let them all evacuate from Shengtian Academy."

Xiao Qingmeng heard the words, wiped away her tears, raised her head and asked, "Aunt Xian, what about you?"

The other girls also looked at Xian'er with a frown. Why did they sense something was wrong from Xian'er's look.

Xian'er laughed at herself, shook her head, patted Xiao Qingmeng's head, and said to the girls, "My life was saved by Feng Hao. Let me pay it back now."

After the voice fell, Xian'er also didn't care about the looks of these girls. She waved her hand directly. An invisible force pushed Xiao Qingmeng and the others far away. They had already left the scope of the scourge.

At this time, Huang Yuntian and the others also knew that Feng Hao was alive and dead in this scourge. There was no ambiguity at the moment. Everyone in Shengtian Academy was immediately asked to leave. Some guys knelt and refused to get up Yes, Huang Yuntian and the others also gritted their teeth, knocked out directly, and dragged away.

Soon, there were not many people left in Shengtian Academy. Except for the five supreme beings including Ling'er, it was Feng Hao who didn't respond at all, and Feng Xiaoyun who fell into madness.

"What are you going to do?" Priest Hongmeng also looked at Xian'er and said. I'm afraid she will do something stupid again.

"Let's go. I'll protect Feng Hao and Feng Xiaoyun." Xian'er smiled lightly. Her face was extremely calm, as if what she just said was a trivial matter.


"You're staying. Absolutely not."

The primordial primordial spirit and the supreme being of good and evil immediately refused. This is simply playing with fire. The power of divine punishment is originally one of the most extreme powers in the world. A power that even the supreme cannot be underestimated!

What's more, this is the scourge of the red lotus. The power it possesses is almost even more terrifying. And if Xian'er, the supreme being, stays in this area, it may make the power of the scourge fall even stronger.

"No. The power of the scourge caused Feng Hao to react. Then it proves that it is correct to let him stay in the area where the scourge comes." Xian'er shook her head and smiled lightly: "If this is the case, then I will accompany him Even in the end, when I can't bear it, I can be with him and turn into ashes in this red thunder."

Hongmeng Supreme, Good and Evil Supreme and others are silent at this time. They don't know what to say. They want to stop Xian'er, but they can't do it. This is Xian'er's request and Feng Hao's last hope.

"Let her stay." The Black Flame Qilin Sovereign was silent for a moment, also solemnly.

"When you can't hold on, just replace me." Haori Supreme also smiled lightly at this time, as if he had seen through life and death. The sight of his eyes fell on Feng Hao, and he became sharper.

"The academy owes Feng Hao. Let me pay it back."

After finishing speaking, the Supreme Lord Haori turned around and left. He had already made a decision in his heart. Even if he was desperate to die, he would do his part. As long as Feng Hao had hope, he would not hesitate to die.

The Black Fire Qilin Monarch turned around and left after him. He just left behind this sentence.

"Without Feng Hao, it would be impossible for me to leave the land of the fairy tomb. If this is the case, let me also come and repay this friendship."

The meaning is obvious. The plan of the Black Fire Qilin Monarch is the same as that of the Haori Supreme.

The Supreme Being of Primordial Origin and the Supreme Being of Good and Evil looked at each other. They understood the meaning in each other's eyes. Immediately, the two of them laughed lightly.

"Speaking of which, I still owe him. Without him, I would not be able to awaken in this life." Supreme Master Hongmeng shook his head, turned around and left.

"Me too. There is no Feng Hao. I am afraid that I have turned into a wisp of remnant soul and completely disappeared between the world." The Supreme Good and Evil smiled lightly, turned and left.

Xian'er was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that these four supreme beings would do everything for Feng Hao, even sacrifice their own lives.

"Feng Hao. Have you seen it? You must make it through." Xian Er looked at the old Feng Hao with tears in her eyes, and said silently in her heart.

But when Supreme Master Hongmeng was about to leave the scope of the scourge, he stopped abruptly, glanced at Feng Xiaoyun who was constantly struggling, and roared angrily.

"Boy. You have to know. You are not only for yourself now. You are also for your father. For your father. Persevere."

After finishing speaking, Supreme Master Hongmeng completely left the descending range of the scourge. At the same time, Feng Xiaoyun, who was bursting out with resentment in his body, also paused for a moment. There was a trace of clarity in his eyes.


Feng Xiaoyun roared to the sky.


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