Martial Inverse

Chapter 2444 Live? die?

( = Qian Ren, Qian Ren Novel Network,,.) Chapter 2784 Life. Death. Choice

Feng Xiaoyun's mind was in chaos right now. He knew very well that his situation was very bad. But he couldn't control the resentment in his body. He could only let the resentment explode in his body.

But following the roar of the Supreme Master Hongmeng when he left, it seemed to wake him up.

Not just for himself. But also for his father.

Feng Xiaoyun let out a roar. At the same time, the red thunderclouds in the sky kept rolling. The first real scourge descended.

Xian'er glanced at the sky slightly, and immediately she was sitting cross-legged beside Feng Hao. A layer of soft divine light slowly emerged from her body, forming a protective shield, separating herself and Feng Hao It's all covered up.

The divine thunder that fell in the sky split into two at the moment it fell. One of them descended towards Feng Xiaoyun, and the other rushed towards Xian'er's position.


It was just one blow. Ling'er's face became even paler. There was even a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth. This was just the first scourge. It drove her to this point. It even seriously injured her.

It can be seen how terrifying the Red Lotus Scourge this time is. Even a supreme level existence like Xian'er is so difficult to contend with, let alone Feng Xiaoyun.

But in fact, the scourge that Feng Xiaoyun endured was not as terrible as what Xian'er endured. The main reason was because of Xian'er's existence. A supreme being was added to the scope of the scourge. Obviously it would increase the power of the scourge. But Most of them will be aimed at Xian'er, the supreme being. The rest will be aimed at Feng Xiaoyun.

It can be said that the joining of Xian'er from the invisible also relieved a lot of pressure on Feng Xiaoyun. If he had to bear it alone, he would simply not be able to bear it.

And after the first scourge from the Red Lotus, Xian'er was traumatized. Feng Xiaoyun was even more serious. His whole body was covered in blood. But he still chose to stand up because he found out... his own grievances. With the fall of the first scourge, it seems to have weakened a lot.

This scourge has a sufficient suppressive effect on the resentment in his body.

Feng Xiaoyun panted continuously. He raised his head and looked at the thunderclouds that were still rolling in the sky. There was a strange look in his eyes. Then he glanced at Feng Hao. He was more determined to persevere.

The red thundercloud is still rolling continuously. The second scourge may come down at any time. And the first scourge is always so strong. Then how strong will the second scourge be?

No one can guess this question. No matter who it is now, they can only grit their teeth and persevere.

But at this time, Feng Hao's situation is indeed very catastrophic. The spiritual consciousness condensed in the dantian would have dissipated. But it was accompanied by Feng Xiaoyun's scourge. That kind of power of scourge The fluctuation made the Nine Extremes Heavenly Scourge in his dantian also resonate.

It is also because of this. In Feng Hao's dantian, a nine-color divine light enveloped Feng Hao's remaining consciousness, and finally forcibly condensed. This is how the later scene occurred. Feng Hao There was a trace of energy fluctuation again.

After the first scourge landed, Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness had condensed a lot again. But the situation he was facing at this time was also very pessimistic.

If someone can clearly see the situation of the dantian in Feng Hao's body at this time, they will understand. Feng Hao's situation at this time.

In the gray chaos, a vortex suddenly appeared. Feng Hao's consciousness was condensed in front of this vortex, as if he was making some choices.

In the vortex, there is a soft white light on one side. It makes Feng Hao feel a very warm feeling in his consciousness. People can't help but walk towards it. On the other side, it is completely black. It is filled with the black color of destruction. There is no vitality at all. It seems that once you walk in, you will fall into a desperate world.

Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness re-condensed. Although it was very weak, it was enough. At this time, he already knew that all the problems in his body came from the appearance of this vortex.

All the vitality in his body was sucked away by this vortex. And the situation he faced in front of him was a choice.

Choose white or black. Only in this way will it be possible to get a new life. Because he must find his lost vitality. Otherwise, he will definitely die.

Feng Hao was unable to perceive the external situation at this time. He also didn't know that because of his falling into this desperate situation, Feng Xiaoyun would directly arouse the divine punishment. He didn't even know. Xian'er accompanied him silently Suffering the coming of God's wrath.

The second coming came down directly. This time, the red divine thunder pierced the sky quietly. This time the situation was even more serious. The protective shield formed by the power in Xian'er's body was also completely fragmented at this time.

All the power of a supreme being can't bear a scourge.

At the moment when the shield was shattered, Xian'er stood up abruptly, allowing her body to bear the final scourge. She was wearing a plain white dress, and it was all covered with blood at this time. Xian'er looked pretty His face was covered with bloodstains.

"Come on... Mr. Xian'er is waiting for you."

When Xian'er's jade hands stained with blood gently stroked Feng Hao's withered face, she also gave a bleak smile. She did not expect this time's divine punishment to be so terrible. Even she could only bear it The second way. I can't continue to support it at all.

Obviously, Feng Xiaoyun's situation is not much better at this time. The second scourge almost broke half of his body. But he still stood up with difficulty. The red resentment kept rolling. These grievances are for him. They can be said to be his source of strength. Although it makes him very painful, but under this situation, the grievances are constantly rolling. At the same time, Feng Xiaoyun's injuries are also recovering quickly.

"The second way. I absolutely can't give up."

Feng Xiaoyun squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth. There are nine scourges in total. He clearly remembered that as long as he survived the ninth one.

The thunderclouds in the sky were still rolling continuously. The third scourge was brewing. But at this moment, Xian'er couldn't hold on any longer.

At this moment, the figure of the Black Fire Qilin Monarch flashed in quickly. He didn't say much, and left the area directly with Xian'er, who was seriously injured. In a blink of an eye, he returned to Feng Hao's side alone.


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