Martial Inverse

Chapter 2496 Marriage

Chapter 2496 Marriage

Feng Xiaoyun actually broke through to the Great Emperor Realm?

And the problem caused by the resentment in the body has been resolved?

Huangfu Wushuang's face immediately changed again, her pretty face was soon filled with ecstasy, and she turned her eyes to Feng Xiaoyun's body, and it was only at this moment that she realized that the person standing in front of her Feng Xiaoyun's aura had already changed a lot.

In the past, Feng Xiaoyun, because of the resentment in his body, caused him to look extremely cold, even when he was close to him, he would feel an inexplicable chill, but now it is different.

Today's Feng Xiaoyun doesn't have that kind of palpitating chill at all, but is filled with a kind of energy fluctuation that makes her feel very warm, and even the smile on Feng Xiaoyun's face, at first glance, seems to be It made Huangfu Wushuang feel more at ease.

"What's the matter? You actually solved the problem like this?" Huangfu Wushuang also showed a puzzled look. It stands to reason that Hongmeng Supreme once said that there is almost no way to solve it except for the real Taoism.

However, this time Feng Xiaoyun not only solved the hidden disease in his body, but also promoted to the realm of the Great Emperor. How did he do this?

"I'm afraid all of this has to be attributed to the attack by those old immortals from Xuandao Valley." Feng Hao also sighed, and immediately told Huangfu Wushuang everything in detail. I am afraid that what the old man planned will not happen that time.

After listening to Feng Hao's narration, Huangfu Wushuang also understood how dangerous the situation was at the beginning, Feng Hao was on the verge of death, and Feng Xiaoyun had indeed inadvertently aroused the divine punishment, which was another mistake. During the collision, it became an act to save Feng Hao.

All of this is fate... In the end, Huangfu Wushuang can only use this sentence to summarize.

"Those damned elders really have nothing to do!" Huangfu Wushuang immediately gritted his teeth when he heard that, she was naturally aware of the faction headed by Guiyi, but there were not many of them. s contact.

"What? Did they offend you too?" Feng Hao couldn't help laughing, it's rare to see Huangfu Wushuang showing such a look.

"no no..."

The strange thing is that Huangfu Wushuang's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and he waved his hands again and again, looking a little embarrassed.

However, seeing her appearance, Feng Hao and Feng Xiaoyun looked at each other, feeling very strange, something must have happened in it, otherwise, how could Huangfu Wushuang have such a change in expression.

"Come on, your complexion betrays you." Feng Hao shook his head, signaling to Huangfu Wushuang that there is no need to continue to hide.

"That's right, tell us what happened. If we can't solve it, let Supreme Master Hongmeng come forward. Their face is much more useful than ours." Feng Xiaoyun also laughed, this sentence is indeed true, even if it is In front of Tongtian, Supreme Master Hongmeng also had something to say.

Huangfu Wushuang was silent for a moment, finally sighed, and said rather helplessly: "Those Supreme Elders probably want me to marry the son of an elder in Ling Xiaofeng, so as to strengthen the relationship between the two forces."

marriage! ?

Feng Hao's pupils suddenly constricted,

Are you kidding? This is, marriage is fine, and you still use your own woman as a bargaining chip? The Supreme Elder of Xuan Dao Valley is too shameless, if they have the ability, they will marry themselves.

"These shameless bastards!" Feng Xiaoyun's expression darkened immediately, this is not a good thing.

"Didn't you appoint the next heir by default? Why do you want to get married?" Feng Hao clenched his fists slightly, and an invisible anger grew in his heart.

"You have to know that before such superpowers as Xuandao Valley, many times, not to mention the heir, even the current owner of Xuandao Valley was a dispensable role. The people who really held power were all behind the scenes. "Huangfu Wushuang shrugged his shoulders and said, with a look of helplessness on his pretty face.

She didn't even know how to resist such things, but she kept retreating.

"Who is the other party? People from Ling Xiao Peak?" Feng Hao also asked suddenly, he remembered that he might go to Ling Xiao Peak to visit Le Tian, ​​anyway, thank you for the support last time.

Although it didn't have much effect, it made Feng Hao see that this must be the effort of Le Tian behind the scenes. If it weren't for him, Ling Xiaofeng would not have a strong person at all.

"The son of a Supreme Elder in Lingxiao Peak is said to be the existence of the God Master Realm." Huangfu Wushuang frowned, thought for a moment, and then said what he knew.

"Damn it, how can this be possible." Feng Hao clenched his fists and cursed softly. At the moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind. He wanted to find a way to stop this marriage. Just kidding? This is, Huangfu Wushuang is himself The woman who is so old, even the child is so old, you Xuandaogu said marriage is marriage?

But for a while, Feng Hao really couldn't think of any solution. All in all, even if he represents the human race, compared to the strength of the two giants in the Penglai world, he is still too weak, unless the Supreme Master Hongmeng comes forward .

But every time, he had to ask Hongmeng Supreme to solve it, which made Feng Hao feel a little aggrieved, and this time the matter was related to his own woman, so it seemed a bit lacking in boldness to ask others for help.

"Have you decided on a time?" Feng Hao also raised his head and asked, if the time is really too late, he has to ask Hongmeng Supreme to come forward, and he must not just sit and watch Huangfu Wushuang marry someone from Ling Xiaofeng.

"No, this is still under discussion." Huangfu Wushuang shook his head, then gave Feng Hao a blank look, and said, "Why are you asking this, what does it have to do with you?"

This sentence almost drove Feng Hao crazy... But what Huangfu Wushuang said is not wrong, now Feng Hao has nothing to do with her, even if they are married, they have nothing to do with Feng Hao, even though they have a child.

Feng Hao's face turned red immediately, and he didn't know what to say for a while, Huangfu Wushuang also snorted coldly, and didn't speak, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

At this time, Feng Xiaoyun who was beside him saw this scene, and he was also snickering in his heart, but soon he held back his smile and said seriously: "I think if it is really impossible, then please ask Supreme Master Hongmeng and others to come forward and stop this A marriage."

,--! ! !

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