Martial Inverse

Chapter 2497: Decision

Chapter 2497 decision

Both Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang were silent, and they knew in their hearts that no matter what, this time, the marriage between Huangfu Wushuang and Ling Xiaofeng must be prevented. Although this marriage seems not very suitable to outsiders, after all, the strength of the two is seen from the outside. Come, it's a little discord, but for the real core layer, there is no difference between the two forces.

"For the time being, I don't need Supreme Master Hongmeng to come forward. I will go to Penglai World first. If possible, I will go to Lingxiao Peak again." Feng Hao was silent for a moment, and then said indifferently.

"No, if you appear in the world of Penglai now, if you are found out, I'm afraid you will attract evil intentions from those people in Guiyi." Feng Xiaoyun shook his head immediately, trying to dissuade him. After all, when Guiyi and the others were leaving, But let go of the rhetoric, as long as there is a human race that dares to appear in the Penglai Continent, it will be killed without mercy, let alone Feng Hao, the leader of the human race.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to come forward." Huangfu Wushuang immediately frowned and snorted coldly after hearing the words. Although she said so, she still didn't want Feng Hao to take risks for her again in her heart. Once something unexpected happened to Hao, it would be an irreparable loss for both the human race and other people.

Feng Hao laughed, glanced at Huangfu Wushuang, shook his head, and said softly: "My woman, it's not anyone else's turn to get involved."

"Bastard, who is your woman, you still have to be shameless!" Huangfu Wushuang's face was blushing, and she stomped her feet and said bitterly. If it wasn't for Feng Xiaoyun here, she might not be able to bear it.

"Haha, the sons are here, what else do you have to say." Feng Hao also played a hooligan once in a while, anyway, he has enough thick skin.

"You...rogue!" Huangfu Wushuang was even more ashamed, but he could only stomp his feet, Feng Xiaoyun smiled beside him and said nothing, seeing the expressions of these two people, he felt a little relieved in his heart, He also heard a lot about Huangfu Wushuang and Feng Hao. He knew that before this, these two people were almost enemies of life and death, but later they had a relationship by accident, and even had himself. This has to be a sigh of fate impermanence.

"You guys are worrying a little too much. If you don't go to Penglai World just based on the few words that old guy Guiyi said, you would be underestimating me. He doesn't have the ability to scare a human race with a single sentence." After a while, Feng Hao also spoke calmly.

Indeed, if these words were uttered by Tongtian, Honggu, or even the old man Xuanyuan, Feng Hao would really have no thoughts, but returning to one... Feng Hao would not be afraid of him.

"But... Is there really no problem with this?" Feng Xiaoyun frowned, and still had some worries in his heart. Although he had never been to the so-called Penglai World, he had heard a lot about that place. There are more powerful people in China than the Hundred Clans Continent.

Huangfu Wushuang didn't speak, and her heart was also very complicated. She really didn't want to get married, but she didn't want Feng Hao to be in danger because of it. It would make her feel even more guilty. If possible, she might as well ask Supreme Master Hongmeng to come forward.

She believed that as long as the three of them requested, neither the Supreme Being nor the Supreme Being would just sit idly by. As long as they agreed to come forward, there would be no problems at the moment.

"It's okay, anyway, I have other things to do together when I go there." Feng Hao shook his head and strengthened his thoughts. In order to solve Huangfu Wushuang's marriage problem, there is another very important thing,

That is happy to see each other.

Regarding Lotte's identity, Feng Hao has always felt quite mysterious. It is estimated that the other party's status in Ling Xiaofeng is not weak. If he can learn about other things through Lotte, it would be a bad thing.

Moreover, regarding the question of Xian'er's identity, he hopes to find the answer through Lotte's connections. Although Xian'er has lost her memory, even if a strong person like her disappears, she will definitely leave behind a great reputation. If you inquire carefully, you may be able to find out.

"By the way, after you came to Xuandao Valley, did you find any news about Xian'er?" When Feng Hao thought of this, he also turned his head and asked Huangfu Wushuang, because Feng Hao had gotten rid of Huangfu Wushuang before the separation. , See if you can find any clues.

Huangfu Wushuang hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's not that there isn't, but I'm not sure."

"Say!" Feng Hao's eyes lit up immediately. If he could find any clues about Xian'er's identity, it would be a wonderful thing. Category.

"This matter is a bit mysterious." Huangfu Wushuang also said seriously: "In the world of Penglai, there is an independent organization. You must have contacted it before. It is called Xian."

"Xian? This organization..." Feng Hao was shocked immediately. He has never forgotten this organization of Xianxian. On the contrary, he also has an impression that he had fought against him at the beginning, and the depth of this organization is not weak at all. Due to the strength of the two giants and their existence for a long time, no one knows what their purpose is.

"That's right, it's this mysterious organization. I learned that they've been looking for someone, and that person is most likely Xian'er." Huangfu Wushuang said with a complicated expression, and then added: "Because of the special nature of the immortal organization, I have no way to continue to understand too much, I just know that Xuan Dao Valley and the founder of the Immortal Organization had a blood feud a long time ago."

Hearing this, Feng Hao immediately became entangled. In his heart, he could roughly guess that Xian'er's identity is not simple, but he never thought that his background would be so big, and he would be related to the mysterious organization called Xian'er.

"Well, I'll see if I can look it up." Feng Hao nodded after being silent for a moment, at least it can be used as a clue now.

Xian'er... Could it be someone from the Xian organization? Or even the founder of Sin?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Feng Hao's mind one by one, but in the end there was no evidence, they could only be rejected, and only when he found out the truth could he make a conclusion.

"Xiaoyun, you go back first, just talk to Supreme Master Hongmeng, I'm going to Penglai World." Feng Hao immediately signaled Feng Xiaoyun and Xiao Qiuqiu to leave, and then he planned to go with Huangfu Wushuang , ready to quietly enter the world of Penglai again.

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