Martial Inverse

Chapter 2541 Contest

Chapter 2541 Competition

After all, the spirit fetus is enough temptation for the strong in the Great Emperor Realm, and what surprised Fenghao in the end is that the spirit fetus seems to have no such effect on the existence of the Supreme Realm , only the existence of the two realms of the Great Emperor and the God Master Realm can have.

After knowing this situation, Feng Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if this thing, the existence of the supreme level, gets involved, then he really doesn't have much hope.

However, the spirit fetus has only appeared three times in the Penglai World. This time, it also surprised the hearts of many strong people who have stepped into the fairy tower. Exchange with them, but there are still a small number of people, if they want to exchange for spiritual fetuses, the price they have to pay is also within their tolerance.

Of course, there are relatively few strong people in this part, and they usually exist in the status of Ling Xiaofeng or some elders in Xuandao Valley, so Feng Hao may have to spend a little effort if he wants to obtain a spiritual fetus.

"I want this too."

However, at this time, the meeting place that had been silent for a while, finally someone broke the deadlock first, and this person, Feng Hao is obviously quite familiar, that is the Supreme Elder of Xuandao Valley, Guiyi!

Seeing that Gui Yi had spoken, Feng Hao sneered in his heart from a distance, this old guy, if he finds a chance, he must embarrass him.

Following Guiyi's speech, the rest of the powerhouses also stood up one after another to express their attitudes. After all, the spirit fetus has a strong effect even on the existence of the God Master Realm.

"Brother Hao, if you want it, you can declare your position and compete at this time."

On the side, Le Huang also took a look at the situation on the field, and said to Feng Hao, in his heart he also wanted to see if Feng Hao had the ability to participate in this.

This is also a way to measure Feng Hao's strength. If he can really produce something with the same value as the spiritual fetus, it will definitely make Le Huang's evaluation of Feng Hao much higher.

"Since this spirit fetus has such a mysterious effect, it's okay for me to participate in it." Feng Hao pursed his lips and smiled. He has a lot of treasures on him, some of which were found in the Zhenwu Continent, and some of which were refined from the soul of life. What Dan found by chance, these things are almost impossible to find in this world. It can be said that if you take out any one, it will attract countless people to fight for it.

This is Feng Hao's confidence, otherwise, he might not have much confidence to compete with such a group of powerful beings for the spiritual embryo.

Moreover, the spiritual fetus has such a miraculous effect, for him, if he can obtain a spiritual fetus, it will undoubtedly be a very beneficial thing. For him, it is equivalent to an extra life!

"Okay, Brother Hao, although I can't say I will give you this thing as a gift, but as long as no one present can offer something more valuable than you, I can make the decision and exchange it with you directly. You don't need to worry about other people. will have an idea for you."

Le Huang also patted his chest and said, this is also to dispel Feng Hao's worries. After all, there are so many strong people here, no one knows what they will come up with to trade. This is only true for Ta Xianlou. I know, and those who participated in the competition are undoubtedly the elders of the two giants, even if Feng Hao wins the competition in the end,

An inadvertent mistake will cause a lot of trouble afterwards, because Feng Hao is not a person who has stepped into the fairy tower.

And with Le Huang's guarantee, Feng Hao can naturally participate in this transaction with peace of mind, without worrying about any trouble afterwards, even if he is not afraid.

"Okay, since Brother Le said so, then I will try." Feng Hao laughed, he didn't make his words too perfect, after all, he only had half confidence in his mind.

Facing the elder Taishang, the two giants with terrifying backgrounds, Feng Hao was also much more cautious.

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Le Huang also nodded, then he raised his head and waved it around, and Miss Hong Hong immediately came back and nodded.

"Okay, now please make sure that all the experts who want to participate in the bidding for the soul fetus, come to the front, you will bring out your own things and hand them over to us for appraisal in Taxianlou. If it is the one with the highest value present, it will be the winner. This spirit fetus!"

Miss Crimson also said to everyone at the moment, seeing the rather chaotic bidding in the field, she was also quite helpless, and she could only come up with such a way at the moment.

After Miss Crimson's voice fell, some strong men headed by Guiyi slowly stood up and gradually walked to the front. To Fenghao's surprise, the mysterious doctor seemed to be interested in participating. After hesitating for a while, he also stood up unsteadily, and then walked slowly to the front.

"Then I'll go first. Excuse me." Seeing this, Feng Hao clasped his fists at Le Huang. He stood up and walked directly to the front. As Feng Hao walked around, he also attracted many people. attention.

After all, quite a few people had noticed Feng Hao's existence before, and seeing him now participating in the competition also aroused a lot of discussion.

However, in the face of these discussions, Feng Hao kept his original state unchanged. In his current hidden state, unless the existence of the Supreme Realm came, he would be able to discover his disguise, even in the face of As long as Guiyi doesn't show his flaws, the other party won't even notice the existence of the Great Consummation of God Master Realm like Guiyi.

Feng Hao noticed at this time that there were nearly 20 people participating in the competition for the spiritual fetus, including him. He was also quite surprised by this number, that is to say, almost all of these 20 people came from the two giants the existence of forces.

When Miss Hong Hong saw that everyone was here, she smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, you just need to hand over your things to us later, and after a while, someone will come to appraise the value. The most valuable thing is to be able to take the soul away."

This rule is the rule of stepping on the immortal building, and it has lasted for a long time. No matter what kind of transaction is usually done, it is carried out according to this rule, but today, some people are not happy.

"In this case, whoever comes up with something doesn't know. I'm afraid it will make people feel dissatisfied when the result comes out." The old guy who said this was actually Gui Yi.

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