Martial Inverse

Chapter 2542: Baoxian

Chapter 2542 Baoxian

And after Guiyi's words, the discussion gradually disappeared. Was Guiyi's words suspicious of Taxianlou?

At this time, after hearing this sentence, Le Huang who was in the other direction frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Is this old guy making trouble again?"

With Le Huang's tone, it is obvious that this is not the first time he has dealt with Gui Yi.

"Old Mr. Guiyi, you are joking. You are not ignorant of the way we do things in Taxianlou." Miss Hong Hong's face became slightly stiffer. If these words were said by other strong men, I'm afraid he will be kicked out immediately, but because of Gui Yi's status, even Le Huang is quite helpless.

"Hehe, this old man doesn't question Taxianlou's style of doing things." The immortal Guiyi smiled lightly, and then glanced over the twenty or so people who participated in the competition, and said: "It's just that this time the competition for the spiritual embryo Well, it’s better to let the things that each of you take out be open to other people’s eyes, so as to achieve true fairness and justice.”

After saying this sentence, the others nodded, but some of them remained silent, and the atmosphere became awkward all of a sudden. Even Miss Honghong didn't know how to smooth things over, so she could only look at her for help. He turned to Lehuang.

After all, Le Huang is the young master who stepped into the fairy tower, and only he can decide these things.

"This damn old guy, did you deliberately embarrass me?"

Le Huang also held his breath. Now that the situation has developed to the point that Hong Hong can't control it, then it's his turn to step forward. Although he keeps slandering Gui Yi, an old man, he still has to show a smile on his face. After all, the other party The identity is placed there.

"Elder Gui Yi, the rules of stepping on the Immortal Tower have been like this from the very beginning. If it can be broken casually, it is not called a rule." Le Huang walked over slowly at this time, and said as he walked.

"Rules are nothing more than people's final say. Rules are dead and people are alive. This time, if we can be more open and transparent to participate in the competition for the birth, wouldn't it be more convincing to everyone?" Gui Yi saw When Le Huang appeared, he spoke calmly.

Yue Huang had a headache for Gui Yi's scoundrel's statement, because he found that since Gui Yi said this, many strong people present actually showed acquiescing expressions, which is not a good thing.

But if he strongly denies it, wouldn't that give Deta Xianlou an unfair reputation? How can he gather this group of strong men by his side in the future?

If this matter is not handled well today, the impact will be considerable.

Le Huang pondered for a while, and finally compromised. I have to say that he is quite courageous, at least in these matters, he will stop when he knows what to do, and he must not be ambiguous.

"Since Elder Guiyi said so, if I don't agree, then I will look petty." Le Huang also said calmly, his eyes glanced at the many strong men present, and his voice was a little dignified, saying: "But the rules are the rules. There is no rule without rules, let’s not set an example!"

As Yue Huang nodded, the matter was naturally a lot easier to handle, and in this way, many strong men admired Ta Xianlou's courage even more.

"Then let Baoxian and his family members go out in person." Le Huang also waved his hand,

Signaled to Crimson.

Miss Crimson nodded, but Feng Hao was a little puzzled, who is this Baoxian? This stepping fairy tower is really a stepping fairy building, capable people come forth in large numbers, there is a mysterious doctor, and there is a treasure fairy?

"Brother Le, who is this treasure fairy?"

Taking advantage of his spare time, Feng Hao turned his head and asked Le Huangdao who had just walked beside him.

"Baoxian, he can be said to be an old antique in the fairy tower, and his cultivation base is mediocre, but he is very good at appraising treasures. He is a rare talent and has a wide range of knowledge. This time, the spiritual fetus was obtained through his relationship. of."

Le Huang also replied quietly.

Hearing this, Feng Hao also nodded, admiring the background of the strength of these two giants even more in his heart, I am afraid that only existences like them with a terrifying background can manage this Taxian Tower instead of other forces. Even Feng Hao himself obviously couldn't do it.

However, soon, there was an old man in a black robe. The old man who seemed to be much older walked out slowly under the support of two maids.

"I've seen Baoxian, I'll trouble you to go there today."

Seeing his appearance, Le Huang restrained his cynical expression, and said to him very respectfully.

"It's okay, my old bones are like this, since there are still people looking for trouble, I have to accompany you."

This Baoxian spoke very straightforwardly. Although he didn't name Guiyi directly, he vaguely said that Guiyi didn't know what was good and what was wrong. Many people present were obviously accustomed to his temper.

"I said old guy, you turned around and hurt your bones, come to me, don't worry about you jumping around." Seeing Baoxian's appearance, the Xuan doctor was obviously in a good mood.

"Xuan doctor, you are an old man." Baoxian also cursed, and it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

"Okay, there are not many things. Please take out the things in your hands, and let the old Baoxian appraise them. If the value is the highest in the end, it will naturally be able to trade with us in the fairy tower, and get this time. The spirit fetus." Miss Scarlet smiled lightly.

And after Miss Crimson's words fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly exploded again. After all, this time it involves things that are rare in ten thousand years, such as spiritual fetuses, and the things that can be exchanged with them will definitely not be Where is the difference, this time I'm afraid it will really be an eye-opener.

"You guys, hurry up, don't interfere with the old man's sleeping time, if you don't come up with something good, I really don't blame the old man for turning his face and denying others." Baoxian's temper is also very hot, and he said directly, especially the last sentence, His eyes turned to Guiyi inadvertently.

Gui Yi's face was extremely calm about this, which was obviously expected by him, but he kept silent at this time, and didn't make any statement. He really didn't know what people were guessing what was going on in his heart.

"Brother Hao, it depends on your performance whether you can make that old man fall hard." At this time, Le Huang also patted Feng Hao on the shoulder quietly.

Regarding Le Huang's words, Feng Hao was obviously slightly taken aback, but he also nodded.

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