Martial Inverse

Chapter 107 Alliance

Now from the words of Qilin Yaolong, Xian'er's identity is obvious.

"It seems that you have really forgotten all this."

The Qilin Yaolong smiled strangely. Judging from Xian'er's puzzled expression, it can tell that this is definitely not pretending, but that it has really lost this memory. Totally forgot.

"Her soul has been reshaped, and it is impossible for her to remember everything in the past."

Feng Hao said indifferently at this time, obviously, now Xian'er's identity is very clear, that is definitely the Supreme Evil Immortal, but however, that is always the past, Xian'er is now Xian'er, and has nothing to do with the Supreme Evil Immortal.

Qilin Yaolong glanced at Xian'er, then smiled and said: "After accepting the inheritance, the cause and effect will be cut continuously, and you will eventually think about it one day."

"Inheritance." Feng Hao was surprised and suspicious, he didn't understand what Qilin Yaolong said.

"I will know in the future."

Qilin Yaolong shook his head, and immediately changed the topic, saying: "Looking at the Nine Life Grass, I can agree to join forces with you, but I have one condition."

"Go ahead."

Feng Hao also understood in his heart that it might not be that simple to ask this unicorn demon dragon to cooperate with him, but now he wants to hear what conditions the unicorn demon dragon has.

"Under the Divine Prison, there is a treasure called Binding Dragon Cable, which is a Supreme Divine Weapon, and belongs to me."

When Qilin Yaolong said these words, his eyes couldn't help showing a fiery look, as if the bundle of dragon ropes was very important to him.

Feng Hao and Xian'er looked at each other and nodded. The supreme soldier is certainly rare, but what they want to rescue is spring. As for the so-called dragon-tying rope, Feng Hao has no intention of it. Since the unicorn and the demon dragon If you want it, just give it.

"As far as I know, there are now two supreme-level powerhouses in the God Prison, and then there are fourteen God Prison guards. Except for these people, the others are probably not much of a threat." Feng Hao said slowly. Slowly, he said everything he knew.

"Two supreme powerhouses, I can deal with one, she can deal with the other."

Qilin Yaolong said indifferently: "As for the other so-called god prison guards, I can only know seven monsters at most, and I can help you."

Hearing this, Feng Hao immediately showed joy, this is already enough, if Qilin Yaolong agrees to such a request, then relatively speaking, the action against God Prison this time will become extremely easy.

"In that case, it's an agreement between us."

The Qilin Demon Dragon also has hot eyes at this time, he has always wanted to ask for the things that are suppressed by the God Prison, but his own cultivation is not enough to break through the restrictions of the God Prison, and now Feng Hao appears , it can logically capture and guard the Supreme God Soldiers suppressed under the God Prison.

"Feng Hao, why do I feel that something is wrong with this unicorn demon dragon?" Xian'er also quietly transmitted the voice at this time, the attitude of this unicorn demon dragon changed too fast, almost to the point of making people suspicious.

However, Feng Hao also thought this way in his heart, and he fell into thinking at the moment. The unicorn monster dragon had been chasing and killing him for so long a moment ago, and he was able to be with him in the next moment. I am afraid that the plot in it is not just The supreme divine soldier suppressed by the divine prison.

However, the current situation is in their favor. It has to be said that with the help of Qilin Yaolong, they will get twice the result with half the effort in dealing with God Prison.

"Okay, the agreement between us has been established."

Feng Hao smiled softly, and cast a look at Xian'er, indicating that he would be careful. Even if the time comes, it may not be so easy for this unicorn and monster dragon to pay him any attention.

Qilin Yaolong also nodded, and immediately said: "When are we going to attack God Prison?"

Feng Hao looked at Xian'er and said, "The sooner the better."


Now, taking advantage of the chaos in the God Prison, choosing this time to formally attack the God Prison will be a very suitable opportunity.

"Okay, wait for me here for a while, and I'll call it."

At the moment, the unicorn demon dragon is also unambiguous, turning around directly means soaring to the upper half of the sky, and changing into its own body again, almost blinding this half of the sky.

The unicorn monster dragon let out low-pitched roars continuously, as if they were conveying some message. However, after a while, Feng Hao discovered that there were gradually some monsters running towards this direction starting from the surrounding area. come.

These were all monsters that had chased Feng Hao before, but at this time they all rushed over under the call of the Qilin Monster Dragon.

It took about half an hour before the summoning of the unicorn monster dragon was completed. At that moment, Feng Hao found that there were dozens of monster beasts gathered around him one after another, and several of them had a particularly majestic breath. It's annoying.

Most of the other monsters are under the cultivation level of the God Master Realm. With such a force, they can indeed attack the God Prison.

"It's enough. There are a few monsters that can go with you to deal with the prison guards. The rest can deal with some insignificant idlers."

At this time, the Qilin Demon Dragon also transformed into a human form again, and appeared in front of Feng Hao. At this time, these monsters, after seeing the Qilin Demon Dragon haunting, did not dare to breathe loudly at all, and all of them were trembling without exception. Tremblingly surrendered to the side of the unicorn dragon.

From this scene, it can be seen that the status of the unicorn monster dragon is indeed above these monster beasts.

Feng Hao nodded, and also said: "In that case, let's go."

At the moment, this group of people and monsters are marching forward in a mighty way, and the goal is the God Prison!

At this time, in the God Prison, the remaining fourteen God Prison guards, as well as the Yin Sun Supreme and Xie Yue Supreme, all gathered together. This happened to Hao.

"Supreme Xie Yue, I think you have to give us an explanation for the prison guards. Including number one, four guards of the prison have died in Feng Hao's hands in a row. Once such losses are reported to the council, I'm afraid you can't afford to go without food."

One of the burly men said coldly, his eyes were on the Xie Yue Supreme. Although he was not a strong man in the Supreme Realm, he was not afraid. The brothers under him, including the leader of the guards of the **** prison, were all Died by one of his orders.

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