Martial Inverse

Chapter 108 Arrival

Xie Yue Zhizun's face was livid, and he answered speechlessly. Although the other party was only the guards of the **** prison, these were all people who were guarding the **** prison. In his hands, this has nothing to do with him.

"No. 2, it's useless to say these things now. It's better to discuss how to catch Feng Hao and force him to hand over those two rules."

At this time, Supreme Yin Sun was also smoothing things over. The current situation is not a time for internal fighting. The most important thing is how to capture Feng Hao, and then get back those two things.

The burly man, the so-called No. 2 snorted coldly, and said: "Although Feng Hao is strong, but you two elders attack together, I am afraid he will not be able to resist, there is nothing to discuss."

The implication of the number two is obvious, if you want to do something, you two are the strongest, and if you refuse to do it, you have to let their god prison guards be cannon fodder. How could he agree to such a thing.

"No. 2, you don't know. Beside that kid, there is a mysterious woman who also seems to have a supreme cultivation level. There is really no way to capture Feng Hao just by the two of us." The Yin Sun Supreme said in a deep voice Said: "That's why at this moment, you will be asked to help the guards of God Prison."

"That's right, and that kid has defeated my illusion. I can't use the same method to deal with him again."

Xieyue Supreme also said in a cold voice, this was almost the last thing he wanted to say, after all, a dignified Supreme's method was actually broken by a kid in the God Master Realm, and it would be quite embarrassing to say it.

"Then what should we do now." No. 2 said in a deep voice, "It's impossible for me to send guards from the divine prison. There is no way to deal with it, and besides, we must have someone stay in the God Prison to suppress the sinners in prison.”

"Then wait until that kid comes to the door automatically." The Supreme Xie Yue pondered for a while, and then said in a concentrated voice: "The kid is here for spring, no matter what, he will come to this **** prison!"

"You mean, let us wait here for him." Number Two frowned.

"That's right, according to my understanding of him, I'm afraid he will find this place in a short time, and he will undoubtedly be sent to die at that time." Supreme Xie Yue said confidently.

"Hmph, I hope you guessed it right, Elder, this is God's Prison, and anyone who is a little more normal will not take risks with their own lives." No. 2 snorted coldly. Fear, there is not much respect in the current tone.

"Don't worry, I understand that kid's character very well. He was imprisoned here in spring, so he must have found this place."

Xie Yue sneered again and again, although he was displeased with the attitude of number two towards him, but he could only bear with it if he wanted something from others. Anyway, as long as he regained the inheritance of the two powers of law, then he could be Leaving this place, when the time comes, this so-called God's Prison, no matter how many people die, it will have nothing to do with him.

"Report! Something went wrong!"

However, at this moment, a loud and clear voice suddenly broke the atmosphere between them, and immediately a hurried figure came running, with an anxious expression on his face, as if something terrible had happened.

"What's the matter, so flustered."

Number two also said with a gloomy face, rather displeased.

"The person the elder is looking for is here." The guard who hurried over quickly explained.

"Huh? It's really here." Supreme Xie Yue and Supreme Yin Sun glanced at each other, and their eyes lit up. This guy really came to die by himself.

"He actually came, where is he?"

No. 2 was also quite surprised. I didn't expect that there are actually people who know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to travel to the mountains.

"It's just outside the restriction but" the guard hesitated all of a sudden, as if he didn't want to express it.

"But what but, if you have something to say, make it clear once.


Number two waved his big hand and said coldly.

"Following him, there are also ancient monsters headed by the Qilin Monster Dragon."

Hearing this sentence, no matter it was the Supreme Lord Xie Yue or the Supreme Yin Sun, and even the many guards of the divine prison beside him, they all looked shocked.

The unicorn dragon is also here, how is this possible.

The place where the God Prison is located has a restriction. The monsters can't break through the restriction and find the God Prison. This is why the God Prison can last for so long. Otherwise, the God Prison may have been destroyed long ago Those monsters were destroyed.

"What the hell is going on here! Why did the Qilin Demon Dragon come here too?" No. 2 was a little angry, joking, the Qilin Demon Dragon is undoubtedly the existence of the top supreme, with such a guy, I am afraid that today's God Prison will not be able to keep .

"According to my subordinate's observation, it seems that that person is with the Qilin Demon Dragon." The guard also stammered, expressing his opinion.

However, at this time, everyone's face was even more gloomy, Xie Yue Zhizun gritted his teeth and said: "How is it possible, that guy, how could he be in collusion with the Qilin Demon Dragon."

This news is undoubtedly very bad news for them. It is quite difficult for them to deal with Feng Hao and the mysterious female supreme alone, let alone the addition of the unicorn and demon dragon at this time.

"It's a good plan. He also knows that with his own strength, he can't have any thoughts about God's Prison, so he also joined forces with the Qilin and Demon Dragon. Are they going to destroy God's Prison together?" No. 2 also said coldly, this Feng Hao really is It is extremely difficult to deal with, unexpectedly playing cards not according to common sense, and even being able to persuade the unicorn and demon dragon, which is simply impossible for ordinary people.

"Then what to do now."

Behind No. 2, there was also a person frowning and said, "I'm afraid their situation has become extremely bad right now. Scary monsters like the Qilin Demon Dragon have come to their door."

"No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, you keep your hands on God's Prison, and the rest go out with me."

At the moment, the number two is also acting decisively. There seems to be no way to escape the current situation. If you ignore it arbitrarily, the prohibition possessed by the God Prison simply cannot withstand the attack of the unicorn and demon dragon. I am afraid that it will not last for half a day. is completely destroyed.

However, at that time, once the restrictions of the God Prison are broken, those who are suppressed in the God Prison may be able to escape directly. Those people in the God Prison alone are enough to worry them.

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