Martial Inverse

Chapter 109 Fierce Battle

At this time, Feng Hao, Xian'er, Qilin Yaolong and other monsters all descended directly in front of God Prison!

Through No. 9's soul-searching memory, Feng Hao easily knew the real place where the divine prison was located. It's just a restriction, and God's Prison is hidden in another space through the restriction.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Feng Hao would have never imagined that God Prison would have such means.

"Are you sure God Prison is here."

Qilin Yaolong also had a puzzled look on his face. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but that even though he was standing in front of this divine prison, he didn't notice anything unusual. How could he be convinced that this is where the divine prison is located? place.

"There are restrictions around here, so it can be hidden." Feng Hao smiled lightly. He didn't expect that even the unicorn and demon dragon would not be able to detect it. It is conceivable that the restriction of this god prison, What a pleasure.

Qilin Yaolong nodded, and immediately said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, then what are we waiting for!"

When the words of Qilin Yaolong fell, the many monsters behind him also raised their heads and roared, as if they wanted to flatten this prison!

"Don't worry, we can't break this restriction. Now those people should know that we are here." Feng Hao shook his head and said with a light smile: "What we have to do now is wait for them to come out."

Qilin Yaolong was suspicious in his heart, even at this time, he couldn't let go of his suspicion, and asked: "Are you sure they will come out to die."

What the Qilin Demon Dragon said is correct. If those people in the God Prison appear, they will undoubtedly be sent to death. Just such a terrifying existence like the Qilin Demon Dragon almost makes the opponent have no power to fight back, let alone There are also Feng Hao and Xian'er, and even other monsters.

Once the restriction is opened, this force can directly destroy the entire God Prison!

"Yes." Feng Hao said confidently, and after a while, as expected, in the empty space above this valley, small ripples suddenly appeared, Feng Hao Glancing at it, he raised his eyebrows, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Isn't this just here.

After a few breaths, several figures appeared in front of Feng Hao and the others, and the leader was a familiar old face, Supreme Xie Yue.

Beside Xie Yue Supreme, there is an old man with a gloomy complexion. From the aura emanating from his body, Da Na is probably not a weak person. Behind the two of them, there are several black robes standing. Warrior, the breath is majestic.

Prison Guards!

Feng Hao recognized it all at once, and immediately grinned and said: "Supreme Xie Yue, we finally meet again."

"Feng Hao, I remember I told you once to let you come here alone, but it seems that you have violated the agreement. Aren't you afraid that I will attack Spring!"

The face of Xie Yue Zhizun became particularly livid. Feng Hao's words were undoubtedly mocking him. This time Feng Hao not only came alone, but even attracted the overlord in the wild mountain range. come over.

Qilin demon dragon.

The Supreme Xie Yue and the Supreme Yin Sun looked at each other. What they were most afraid of was not Feng Hao, but Feng Hao's giant monster, the Qilin Demon Dragon.

"If you wanted to do something, you would have done it long ago. If you didn't guess wrong, you don't have the qualifications to do something against Spring." Feng Hao sneered, this Xie Yue Supreme has reached this point, so he still plays with himself, really Ridiculous.

"What to do with nonsense, directly level this god prison."

However, at this time, the Qilin Demon Dragon said impatiently, it didn't understand why it was so long-winded, a single word, isn't it just a fight, as for talking so much nonsense.

"Kirin Demon Dragon, you are also the overlord of the Great Wilderness Mountains. Why did you want to oppose my God Prison for no reason today?

I remember that many years ago, God's Prison had an agreement with many of your overlords in the wilderness, that the river water will not violate the well water!"

At this time, Supreme Yin Ri also noticed the words of Qilin Yaolong, and immediately said politely with his hands clasped together.

"Oh, you said an agreement."

Qilin Yaolong crossed his arms and showed a strange smile and said: "That's just an agreement we made with you strongest, what does it have to do with you."


Hearing the words of the unicorn demon dragon, the Supreme Yin Sun almost spit out blood in anger. At the beginning, the Supreme Evil Immortal built the god prison here, but there were about five or six unicorn demon dragons in the Great Wilderness Mountains back then. Such an overlord exists.

For the appearance of the immortals, these overlords of the Great Wilderness Mountains were naturally not happy. They gave up so much territory out of thin air, and none of them were convinced, but in the end the Supreme Evil Immortal made a move, and all monsters at the level of the Great Wilderness Overlord were completely settled. down.

This is the case with the overlord-level giants, and there is no need to say more about other monsters.

Therefore, the Divine Prison can exist peacefully in this Great Wilderness Mountain Range for many years. In addition to being restricted, there is also the remaining power of the Evil Immortal Supreme to suppress all the monsters in this Great Wilderness Mountain Range.

Feng Hao couldn't help but fell into deep thought slightly. This divine prison was built by the Supreme Evil Immortal himself, but why is this? The Supreme Evil Immortal wants to build a divine prison in this wild mountain range. Amazing secret.

Feng Hao set his eyes on Xian'er, but the latter had a dazed expression on his face. I'm afraid he couldn't remember these things. Feng Hao also sighed. There are too many things that cannot be solved. The secret is gone.

"Haha, besides, I'm not breaking the agreement. Let's see who she is."

At this time, the Qilin Yaolong laughed, pointed at Xian'er next to him, and sneered at the Yin Sun Supreme and Xie Yue Supreme, his expressions were full of irony.

Supreme Xie Yue and Supreme Yin Sun were very puzzled. They had never noticed the identity of the woman next to Feng Hao before. They just knew that she was a female supreme, but they hadn't identified it carefully. After speaking, the two supreme beings also began to look carefully.

However, the next moment, after seeing Xian'er's appearance, the Yin Sun Supreme and Xie Yue Supreme were both stunned, even frightened.

In contrast, those guards of the God Prison were puzzled. They became the guards of the God Prison hundreds of years later, and they didn't know what happened at the moment.

However, the Xieyue Supreme and the Yinri Supreme are different. They have existed for thousands of years. It can be said that they have experienced the era of the Xiexian Supreme. After seeing the appearance of Xianer, the reason why they are so shocked , because it was discovered that Xian'er's appearance was exactly the same as that of the Xiexian Supreme.

Feng Hao frowned, I'm afraid something is wrong now, he couldn't help but glanced at Qilin Yaolong, this guy probably did it on purpose.

However, at this moment, Supreme Xie Yue and Supreme Yin Sun were unaware, and a touch of fear emerged from their hearts. If this is really Supreme Xie Xian, then they can give up this so-called resistance.

But soon, Supreme Xie Yue was the first to calm down. He also calmed down and looked at Xian'er's appearance. It's exactly the same as the Evil Immortal Supreme, but with a different temperament.

The former Supreme Evil Immortal was the existence of a world-defying hero. Of course, there is no need to say more about how terrifying his aura is.

However, the Xian'er in front of him did not show that kind of temperament, so it also made Supreme Xie Yue suspicious.

"Don't be nervous, she seems a little different from Xie Yue Supreme."

At the moment, Xie Yue Supreme also said in a low voice: "Although the appearance is exactly the same, the temperament is completely different."

Supreme Yinri frowned, and immediately realized it. After careful observation, it was indeed just as Supreme Xieyue said, and it did not have the aura of Supreme Xiexian in the past.

"Damn it, could it be that this kid did it on purpose." Yin Sun Supreme also said coldly, if this is the case, Feng Hao's behavior should really suffer the wrath from the immortal.

However, just when the two of them were wondering, Qilin Yaolong laughed, looked at the two supreme beings and said: "Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide."

Feng Hao next to him couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He is almost certain now that the unicorn and demon dragon did it on purpose to let the other side guess Xian'er's identity. You know, the person who knows Xian'er's identity now not much.

Together with Penglai World, there are only a few people who know about it, let alone other people who are immortals.

However, once this news reaches the ears of some powerful immortals, especially the ruler, they will definitely come to verify it at all costs, not to mention letting the ruler of the immortal know that he has met evil spirits before. The Immortal Supreme, combined with everything that happened in front of him, and the woman who is exactly the same as the Xiexian Supreme, it is easy to make people guess something.

After the Qilin Yaolong's words fell, the two supreme beings were even more uncertain. It was simply difficult for them to decide whether the fairy in front of them was the evil immortal supreme.

"Back, open all restrictions."

However, in a short while, the figures of Xie Yue Zhizun and Yin Sun Zhizun became blurred again, accompanied by the guards of the God Prison behind them, they disappeared again directly, but their movements like this made the wind Hao and others were unexpected.

What kind of situation is this.

He actually ran back.

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on the Qilin Yaolong, just kidding, you made this up, it was about to fight, but now it's better, and ran back again.

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