Martial Inverse

Chapter 110: Breaking the Restriction!

At the moment, the behavior of the people in the God Prison obviously made De Fenghao and Xian'er feel astonished, and they fled without fighting.

What kind of thing is this.

At this moment, even Qilin Yaolong was speechless, he just said a few words, and the other side turned around and left, what a mess.

"What now."

Qilin Yaolong also asked, is the situation in front of them exactly as they expected? Normally, at this time, shouldn't the two sides fight.

"You ask me, how do I know."

Feng Hao rolled his eyes and said depressedly, this unicorn demon dragon is absolutely honest and took the initiative to expose Xian'er's identity. Inside, I'm afraid things are really big.

Previously, Feng Hao was only suspected to have seen the Supreme Evil Immortal. In order to catch him, the Immortal would not hesitate to turn against the two giants, and even declared war directly. I knew there would be an overreaction.

"If they are passing on news, I'm afraid we will be in trouble."

At this time, Xian'er spoke slowly, and glanced around. At this time, once the restrictions of the God Prison are fully opened, unless the people inside close it, the people outside will have no way to enter. , unless it is broken by brute force.

It's quite funny to say it, this prohibition was arranged countless years ago by the Supreme Evil Immortal himself, but after countless years, Xian'er stood in front of this prohibition, but was stopped, no doubt more like A joke of fate.

"Send the message,,."

Feng Hao frowned immediately when he heard the words, and his face suddenly became gloomy. If this is the case, he might be in big trouble.

He didn't know how far Xian's real headquarters was from the Great Wilderness Mountains, but once the news was passed on, I'm afraid Xian would come here even if he tried his best.

Because, the Supreme Evil Immortal is here.

Even though Supreme Xie Yue and others could not be sure whether Xian'er was really Supreme Xie Xian, but the appearance of someone who looked exactly like Supreme Xie Xian would definitely shock Xian'er.

Once all the powerhouses who are waiting to be immortal rush over, even with the help of the unicorn and demon dragon, it may not be of much use.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao immediately said in a deep voice: "Besides taking the initiative to undo this restriction, there may be other ways."

Qilin Yaolong lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head, indicating that he was not clear. Even he had no way to do anything about the current restriction. The Evil Immortal Supreme is almost standing at the pinnacle of this world, how can her methods be so easily broken.

After a while, Xian'er said slowly, "Yes, but it's very difficult."

Hearing this, Feng Hao's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked: "Did you remember something?"

Logically speaking, after being reshaped, Xian'er will no longer have anything to do with the past, even if she was the Supreme Evil Immortal, it is the same, everything in the past is accompanied by her other A fate soul, dissipated between heaven and earth, will not reappear.

This has always been what Feng Hao thought, but following what the Qilin Yaolong said earlier, Feng Hao's heart began to shake. If Xian'er really can't get rid of this fate, even if it is the reshaping of the soul , It is also possible to restore the past memory, what will happen, even he himself is not clear.

"Break it by force."

Xian'er said in a deep voice, this is the method she thought of. Apart from this method, there is no other way. It is possible to easily break this restriction.

Hearing this, Feng Hao was speechless immediately, and forcibly broke it. This restriction was arranged by the Supreme Evil Immortal himself, let alone him, even if Supreme Master Hongmeng and others came, he dare not say that with their power It is able to tyrannically break the restriction of the Evil Immortal Supreme.

On this point, looking at the strongest in the world, those few people are not sure about this.

Because, back then, the Supreme Evil Immortal was too powerful, so powerful that everyone could only look up to her. Otherwise, she would not have been able to almost turn the Xuandao Valley over by herself. come over.

"No, this restriction is not as powerful as you imagined."

At this time, Xian'er spoke slowly, a strange light flashed in her eyes, she slowly touched her palm, touched the space in front of her, and then ripples emerged, like There is an invisible force blocking the progress of her palm.

"In the past, this restriction was indeed very strong, but countless years have passed, no matter how powerful it is, it will gradually weaken in the face of time." Xian'er said calmly: "This restriction is no longer as indestructible as before. It seems to be very strong now, but as long as the energy it bears exceeds a certain limit, this restriction will directly collapse."

After Feng Hao heard this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. What Xian'er said was not wrong. The most powerful existence in this world is time. After the ruthless baptism of time, it will eventually turn into a touch of loess in this world, nothing more.

Logically speaking, this restriction has existed for countless years, and the power within it must not be as strong as before, but even so, Feng Hao believes that it may be a bit difficult to shake this restriction with their current strength. reluctantly.

However, the current situation is quite anxious. If you don't try your best to break this restriction, once they let them spread the news, all the powerful immortals will come out at that time, and all of them will be concentrated in the Great Barren Mountains .

And at that time, the other clubhouse was saving people, and even Feng Hao himself fell into complete despair. "Kirin Demon Dragon, I need your help right now,"

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Hao also made up his mind, no matter what, he had to give it a try, and there was only one chance for them.

"You are crazy." At that moment, Qilin Yaolong's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "This is a restriction personally arranged by the Supreme Evil Immortal, let alone you, even if I join hands with you, there is no way to break it Lose."

"so what,."

Feng Hao also said in a deep voice: "This is something that must be done, and you probably don't want to. Once all the powerful immortals descend on the Great Wilderness Mountains, how much better will you be?"

Feng Hao felt that the Qilin Demon Dragon seemed to have the intention to retreat, and he sneered at the moment: "To them, you are indeed an existence that cannot be opposed to the enemy, but do you think that when all the strong men of the immortals come? , could it be that there is nothing I can do about you?"

"I have an agreement with them."

At the moment, Qilin Yaolong was also taken aback, and justified.

"Haha, what you did just now destroyed this so-called agreement with your own hands."

Hearing this, Feng Hao also shook his head and sneered, he found that this unicorn and demon dragon was so naive, it was extremely ridiculous.

Qilin Yaolong was stunned for a moment, indeed, as Feng Hao said, what he did just now, but in front of Supreme Xie Yue, wantonly did not take the agreement seriously, but treated the immortal All the strong descended in the Great Wilderness Mountains, I'm afraid he will be unlucky too.

He is very powerful, this is undeniable, but in front of the entire immortal, his strength is nothing.

"This is what you are reaping. If it weren't for your words, forcing them to retreat would not be in the current situation." Feng Hao also continued to sneer: "So you have no other choice at the moment, but follow me Together, break this damned restriction, then go in and get what you need, and leave the Great Wilderness Mountains as soon as possible."

"damn it."

At this time, Qilin Yaolong even felt a sense of remorse in his heart, which can be regarded as lifting a rock and hitting his own foot.

However, the current situation is as Feng Hao said, Qilin Yaolong has no other choice but to agree to Feng Hao.

"Okay, I promise you."

Qilin Yaolong also snorted coldly, this time he admits to being defeated, but there is no way to do it, the only way is to break the restriction in front of him, and then take what they need, before all the powerful immortals come, Leave the Great Barren Mountains!

"Just relying on your strength and mine is not enough, we need them."

Feng Hao also pointed to a kind of monster behind him. Obviously, he wanted to use the power of these monsters. It has to be said that the addition of such a huge force might really produce a different effect. Destroy this prohibition directly.

Qilin Yaolong's face was gloomy, and he turned around immediately, and roared at the many monsters waiting for orders, as if giving some order, and after a while, these monsters roared angrily.

"It's only half an hour, no matter what the result is after half an hour, I have to take them away." Qilin Yaolong said in a deep voice, although he agreed to Feng Hao, but obviously considering the arrival of other powerful immortals, He also has his own worries.

After half an hour, if there is no way to break the restriction, then even if he gives up the so-called supreme divine soldier suppressed by the so-called divine prison, he will turn around and leave. Once the powerful immortal descends, the result is not something he can admit afford it.

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