Martial Inverse

Chapter 116 Who dares to stop me!

In the spring, she was imprisoned in the deepest part of the Divine Prison, but there was a commotion outside the Divine Prison. Obviously, she was quite surprised, but she didn't think that it had something to do with her, but at this moment, she was vaguely, I heard someone calling my name, and the voice is so familiar 1

"It's really Feng Hao."

At that moment, Chunchun stood up slowly, and as she got up, the iron chains tied to her body also made harsh sounds, Chunchun's face showed a slight excitement, at first she thought she had an illusion, but the cold sound in her ears , getting closer, she knew that she did not have an illusion.

Feng Hao really came, Feng Hao came to God Prison to save her.

Chunchun wept with joy, she didn't know how to describe her mood at this time, from being a saint to being a prisoner, facing this dark and dull day, she had had enough, and she was looking forward to someone to rescue her every day. She, but she is very clear every time, she is just a delusion, how could someone come to save her.

However, today Feng Hao appeared in the God Prison, which made her not know how to express her emotions, and she couldn't help but cry in a low voice. She suddenly felt that perhaps looking at the world of Penglai, only Feng Hao could Care about your own safety.

Feng Hao kept rushing forward in the surrounding space where he couldn't see his fingers, while calling Xian'er's name, but he didn't realize at all that there were only countless cries for help all around, but there were no voices of his own. people who want to save.

"Could it be that old bastard lied to me?"

At that moment, Feng Hao couldn't help feeling a bit of hesitation in his heart. He had searched for so long, but he couldn't find the spring. It is very likely that the spring was imprisoned here at all.

However, when Feng Hao was in doubt, he suddenly heard a low cry, and suddenly stopped in his footsteps. He felt that the voice seemed very familiar. Could it be someone he knew, but in the prison, he I'm afraid the only one who knows each other is Spring!

"Spring, is that you? I'm Feng Hao. Where are you?"

Feng Hao roared suddenly, the voice echoed continuously in the dark prison cell, but he already vaguely guessed that the spring is near here.

"Feng Hao, I'm here."

After a while, a crying sound came from the left. Feng Hao paused for a while, and felt it slightly. After confirming the position, he shot out suddenly. After sprinting to the left for a while, He just paused.

"Spring, is that you?"

Feng Hao stayed in front of one of the dark cells, but he saw a woman in a plain robe, her hands and feet were chained at this time, and a familiar pretty face was staring at her with tears in her eyes. look at yourself.

"Feng Hao, you actually came to save me"

That's right, it was indeed spring that appeared in front of Feng Hao at this moment, and she was weeping with joy, she didn't know what to say, Feng Hao was her longing to appear and save herself, but she didn't dare to think too much, because She knew that Feng Hao would not come to save her, but today, Feng Hao really appeared in front of her eyes, which made her not know how to express it.

"It's me, don't worry, I'm here to save you."

When Feng Hao saw Chunchun, he also smiled in relief, and immediately his eyes fell on the chains on Chunchun's body. There was a faint cold light in his eyes, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth and said: "These beasts dare to lock you up."

However, at this moment, Chunchun seemed to think of something, and immediately said hastily: "Feng Hao, hurry up! There are also guards from the Divine Prison here, they are all very strong, and there are a lot of them."

Feng Hao grinned, and said: "It's okay, those so-called god prison guards are probably suffering from a headache right now, I'll rescue you out."

At that moment, Feng Hao shouted angrily, raised his palm, surrounded by extremely bright nine-color divine light, as if it completely illuminated this dark dungeon in an instant, and swung it down suddenly. iron bars,

There is no blocking effect at all.

However, a problem arose at this time. He found that he couldn't break the chains on Chunchun's body. Even if he used the power of divine punishment, these chains did not move at all, which immediately made Feng Hao feel worried. up.

"This chain contains the power of restraint, and it cannot be broken by external force at all, unless I recover my cultivation and break free by myself."

At this time, Chunchun also looked gloomy and authentic. If she was at the peak of her power, she would naturally not worry about this. However, all the cultivation bases of those imprisoned in the God Prison will be temporarily imprisoned, and even Chunchun can control it by herself. The laws of time are all pulled out, and at this time she is a soft woman without any strength.

"Restore strength." Feng Hao was taken aback, and immediately remembered something, but at this moment, a roar came from behind, causing Feng Hao and Chunchun's expressions to change suddenly.

"Feng Hao, so you are here, die."

A strong wind came from behind, and at that moment, Feng Hao came from deep in his palm, pushed it backward, and the next moment, a bright nine-colored aura suddenly appeared, and a subtle voice spread out immediately .

This Feng Hao resisted an attack, but when Feng Hao turned around, he found that the one who stopped him was a black-robed guard, and it seemed that he belonged to the guard of the god prison.

"He is No. 2, the current leader of this God Prison." Spring also whispered, obviously this guy's background is not weak.

"No. 2." Feng Hao shook his head with a smile, and said, "Even their No. 1 black crow is dead, and the mere guard of the divine prison wants to stop me."

"What, the black crow is dead." At that moment, Chunxuan showed a look of astonishment. She found that Fenghao's progress in cultivation seemed to make her unable to see through it. At the beginning, the power laws in her and Chunxuan's bodies were drawn out. Obviously for the sake of No. 1.

However, at this time, she learned that the black crow was dead from Feng Hao's mouth, how could she not be shocked.

"It should be easy for you to refine these two powers, and then you can break free on your own, and I will deal with the number two."

At that moment, Feng Hao also slowly took out two shining things, and handed them directly to Chunchun. Even though he turned around to face No. 2, when Chunchun saw the two things in his hand, he was taken aback suddenly. One kind of gold, one kind of silver, this is the law of time and the law of space.

How could these two rules fall into Feng Hao's hands.

At the moment, Chunchun couldn't figure it out, but she suddenly said, if the black crow was killed by Feng Hao, then it is not surprising that these two forces fell into Feng Hao's hands.

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