Martial Inverse

Chapter 117 Not Messy Enough

"Give me five minutes."

Spring also knew that the time was urgent, and she didn't delay at the moment. One of the two laws of power belonged to her, and she was refining it directly at the moment. This process didn't need much time. After condensing this law of power, then one can break free from the shackles of these chains.

Feng Hao nodded, five minutes is enough, and now he is also facing the burly No. is diffused out.

No. 2's expression became extremely dignified. He knew that Feng Hao was very strong, so strong that he could kill the black crow who was blessed with two kinds of laws and had comprehended the profound meaning of power. But he didn't retreat.

Since the establishment of the Immortal, the God Prison has existed together, and no one who was imprisoned in the God Prison has ever been able to go out. This is also the heavy responsibility of the guards of the God Prison in the past. It is impossible to let Feng Hao lead people out of this divine prison.

"You are not my opponent, you can't stop me."

Feng Hao said indifferently, although the No. 2 in front of him is very strong, and his cultivation level may be higher than his own, but he has never been afraid, because he can trigger the fourth stage of Kaitian Jue right now. Under the outbreak, No. 2 couldn't stop himself at all.

"I know, but I still have to stop you."

No. 2 said in a deep voice, and slowly assumed an attacking posture. The next moment, there was a long sword with a cold light in his hand. Suddenly, in this dark dungeon, it was because of this cold sword The long sword appeared and became even colder.

"Since that's the case, it's life and death with one move."

Feng Hao glanced at No. 2, and also shook his head. He didn't have much time to stay here to procrastinate, but he closed his eyes slightly, and the Kaitian Art was silently activated in his body. This time, he wanted to trigger the Kaitian Art. Tian Jue, once it succeeds, it will be a four-fold increase in combat power.

I have to say that as my understanding of Kaitian Jue has improved, I have become more and more proficient at triggering Kaitian Jue. After only a few times, Feng Hao felt that he had already It was a successful trigger to the Art of Opening Heaven.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, the number two also stepped out, the long sword flickering with cold light in his hand flashed away, and went straight to Fenghao!

Feng Hao yelled angrily, and immediately swung his fist straight away. In an instant, the majestic nine-color divine light completely filled the dark prison. It's like the god prison is overturned.


With a loud bang, Feng Hao's energy collided violently with the long sword in No. 2's hand. After a while, the terrifying aftermath of energy continued to spread out, as if to completely raze the dark prison cell to the ground. .

After a few breaths, the terrifying energy fluctuations subsided slowly, but a figure shot out suddenly.

At the same time, a long sword was blown out, and it was firmly inserted into the ground not far away. Many cracks even appeared on the blade.

"you lose."

A faint voice came, and Feng Hao's figure also appeared in front of No. 2 instantly, looking down at No. 2 whose whole body was covered in bloodstains, his eyes were ruthless.

Number two forced a smile, but the vitality in his eyes was gradually disappearing. He lost, but the price of losing was death.

"You can't run away, they're coming soon."

This was the last sentence No. 2 said before he died. However, Feng Hao frowned when he heard the words. He knew very well who they were referring to in No. 2's mouth. He set his sights on Spring behind him.

At this time, the two kinds of auras of gold and silver are constantly lingering in Chunchun's body, and as these two laws are constantly refined, the aura of Chunchun's whole person is also constantly changing,

After a while, the two golden lights gradually dimmed.

But at this time, Spring suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils were golden on one side and silver on the other.

"Are you ready?" Feng Hao asked softly, they don't have much time, they must leave God Prison as soon as possible, no, even leave the Great Barren Mountains as soon as possible.

"Well, I even feel that I am vaguely about to make a breakthrough."

Right now, Spring also said with a smile on her face, this feeling of regaining strength is really wonderful, but she also gave a soft drink at the moment, and immediately the chains on her body were broken in response. It cannot be broken, but once the imprisoned person recovers his own strength, it is easy to break the imprisonment.

"No. 2 has a piece of jade slip on his body. If you crush him, the restrictions on everyone in this divine prison will be automatically removed."

But at this time, after Chunchun broke free from the chain, he also spoke to Feng Hao.

"Are you going to?" Feng Hao looked at the spring with a little confusion.

"If I'm not wrong, the immortal is coming soon. Instead of doing this, it's better to take the opportunity to make this place even more chaotic, so that it will be more beneficial for us to leave the divine prison." Chunchun said with a smile.

Feng Hao suddenly realized, it turned out that this is indeed a solution, at that moment he groped for a piece of black jade slip on top of the No. "


The black jade slip in his hand shattered in response to the sound. As soon as the black jade slip was shattered, there was an excited roar from the entire God Prison. These prisoners originally thought that they would be trapped in this dark God Prison for the rest of their lives. However, at this moment, they finally gained freedom.


At present, Feng Hao and Chun Chun didn't hesitate at all, they looked at each other directly, their bodies shot out suddenly, and they went straight to the exit, their time is really running out, the strong immortals are always ready It is possible to come.

However, when Feng Hao appeared outside, he found that it was indeed a chaos, full of battles everywhere, the battle between the ancient monsters and the guards of the prison, and Xian'er was also entangled with the Xie Yue Supreme. Perhaps it was because the restriction of the God Prison was broken, and some other monsters also took the opportunity to enter, making this place extremely chaotic.

"You actually destroyed God Prison,,."

Seeing the appearance of Feng Hao and others, Xie Yue Zhizun's eyes widened, which really made him unacceptable

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