Martial Inverse

Chapter 127: The Tower of Nothingness

What happened in the Hundred Clans Continent, Feng Hao is in the realm of nothingness, naturally he can't know, even if he knows, he has nothing to do.

Now, Feng Hao is trapped in this so-called realm of nothingness. He doesn't even know how long he has been looking for, but he still can't find a way to leave the realm of nothingness, but he also got some opportunities.

In the realm of nothingness, the law of space is the most abundant, and it is extremely pure. Taking advantage of this period of time, Feng Hao has even vaguely comprehended the ultimate meaning of the law of space. Compared to this, he is quite satisfied .

Because once he comprehends the ultimate mystery of a certain law, it is equivalent to leaping to a new level. His body has the power of divine punishment, which is equivalent to the ultimate mystery of the thunder attribute, but this kind of power is not comprehended by himself after all. Come out, but get it by devouring the scourge.

If he can comprehend the ultimate meaning of the law of space, I am afraid that this so-called realm of nothingness will not be able to stop him at all.

However, Feng Hao found that he was still close to comprehending the ultimate mystery of the law of space. He could vaguely feel that there was an invisible bondage suppressing him. Only by breaking through this invisible bondage could he be able to succeed to comprehend the ultimate mysteries.

"How the hell is it going to be able to leave the realm of nothingness?"

Opening his eyes slowly, Feng Hao was also quite irritable after practicing the law of space again. Day after day, even he himself didn't know how long it had passed in the realm of nothingness. time.

Because in the realm of nothingness, it seems that everything is still, and people can't feel the passage of time at all.

This time, he still hadn't comprehended the ultimate meaning of the law of space. At that moment, he slowly raised his head, glanced across this void realm like a vast star, and sighed in his heart, but at this moment, he suddenly raised his head. At the beginning, he showed a terrified expression.

Ahead, far ahead, there is a chaotic law of space, and it is rapidly sweeping past the direction where you are!

Space storm.

These four words flickered again in Feng Hao's mind. In such a situation, it is very possible that a space storm appeared.

"Damn it, it can't be a space storm."

Feng Hao cursed inwardly, if so, it would be really unlucky, this time, if he really encounters a space storm, who can save him.

However, the chaotic spatial fluctuations coming from a distance are getting closer and closer, and Feng Hao is very familiar with that violent aura, it is a space storm.

The silver fragments of the law, like stars, are constantly drawn together by an invisible suction force, forming a storm, which is gradually approaching him, Feng Hao smiled wryly, it seems that now he can only blame himself for his lack of luck it is good.

The space storm swept across the entire realm of nothingness. Even if he escaped, he would never be able to escape.

The speed of space storm spreading is very fast, it is only a short time, even if it has already appeared in Feng Hao's line of sight, even though the distance is quite far, but Feng Hao knows that this space storm will sweep to his side, I'm afraid It won't take long.

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and fled, it must be too late, he didn't have confidence in his speed, it was faster than a storm, especially a space storm, and he had nowhere to escape, a space storm swept past Its range is hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is impossible to escape.

"I can't help it, it seems that I can only hold on at the moment."

Feng Hao said with a calm face, it is very simple now, that is, he will give it a go, Bo himself can survive the space storm relying on the protection of the law of space, he has no choice.

At the moment, Feng Hao's body also slowly presented a bright silver light. These bright silver lights emerged from his body bit by bit, and soon covered Feng Hao like a pair of armor. body, completely enveloped him.

This is formed by the power of the law of space in Feng Hao's body. Feng Hao can't think of a better way to deal with the space storm, so he can only do this at the moment. He hopes that the law of space in his body can keep him away. Died in a space storm.

The space storm that was constantly roaring in the distance soon came to Feng Hao. This was the first time that Feng Hao faced the space storm consciously.

Suddenly, a strong suction force made Feng Hao almost unable to control his body, and even the fragments of the law of space contained in the storm quickly shattered like silver light blades. pass by.

These fragments, under the blessing of the space storm, are undoubtedly equivalent to the sharpest magic weapons. Even with Feng Hao's tyrannical body, he dare not forcefully attack the law of these fragments.

The storm gradually approached, Feng Hao let out a roar, and the laws of space in his body began to operate rapidly, and along with the space debris gradually broke through the defenses on the surface of his body. His strength also emerged, quickly repairing the wound.

However, the good times didn't last long. The power of the space storm obviously exceeded Feng Hao's expectations. He couldn't hold it for a moment, but his body gradually lost his balance. The terrible suction from the space storm made him He leaned gradually.

The whistling sound of the wind kept ringing in his ears, and his body felt the pain caused by the fragments of the law. Even though Feng Hao had reached this point, he still refused to give up, because he knew that this was his chance to survive. If he can't hold on, then his body will be strangled to pieces in the endless space storm, no matter how evil he is.

However, in front of the storm, Feng Hao's power seemed much slimmer. At this time, he was infinitely close to the center of the space storm. However, as the power from the space storm became more and more terrifying, Feng Hao was about to be unable to Continue to contend.

"Am I really going to be buried in this void?" In a trance, Feng Hao had such a thought in his mind. He knew that his body seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. It was torn apart abruptly by the space storm.

However, at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly felt a dazzling bronze aura appearing in front of his eyes. However, such strange changes appeared in the space storm, which surprised him and made him even more shocked. He finds it strange that at this moment, the law of space in his body is even more active several times than before.

Feng Hao couldn't allow Feng Hao to think too much, at this moment, his body suddenly lost his balance, and his whole body just flew upside down like this.

Feng Hao roared, wanting to continue to struggle and resist, but it was in vain. He just felt that in front of him, there was no longer a bright silver light, but a bronze light, and suddenly, the suction from all around him, It disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared before.

"what's going on."

A thought flashed in Feng Hao's mind, but before he had any reaction, Feng Hao's body that had lost its center of gravity fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, Feng Hao just opened his eyes, but he found that he seemed to have come to another world, and there were bronze walls everywhere, as if these walls were made of bronze, with many mysterious talismans engraved on them. Wen, looks very mysterious.

"Where is this place?"

Feng Hao was extremely astonished. One moment ago, he was still in the mortal space storm, and the next moment, he was in a mysterious space.

"This is the Tower of Nothingness."

However, at this moment, a majestic and majestic voice immediately resounded in this space, but the appearance of this voice startled Feng Hao.

"who is it,."

Feng Hao showed vigilance, but at the moment he suddenly came back to his senses. Is the Tower of Nothingness the place he has been looking for? The palace left by the Immortal of Nothingness contains a way to leave the realm of nothingness.

"Enter the Tower of Nothingness and pass the test before you can leave, otherwise you will die."

The ruthless and indifferent voice kept coming back to Feng Hao's ears, but Feng Hao glanced around, but he did not find the existence of any energy, and he couldn't find out who was hiding.

"Can you tell me what is going on with the test of the Tower of Nothingness, and there is a way to leave the realm of nothingness." In desperation, Feng Hao also roared to the surroundings. He simply doesn't understand the current situation. , which makes him very passive.

"You are the thirteenth human race to step here in the past hundreds of millions of years. If you fail the test, your end will be the same as the previous twelve strong human races, death."

However, that voice ignored Feng Hao's question. It seemed to be talking to himself, but it was actually warning Feng Hao. It seemed that Feng Hao would admit some kind of test next time. His end is death.

However, what makes Di Fenghao most concerned is that he is the thirteenth human race that entered here. Could it be said that there are twelve strong human races before him? How is this possible? This is the realm of nothingness. The strong people of the human race generally do not appear in Penglai mainland, how could it be possible.

"The Immortal of Nothingness is one of the Eighteen Immortals under Pan Gu's seat. Only by passing the test can you be qualified to know all of this. If you fail the test, so what if you know it."

However, at this time, a different voice from just now quietly sounded behind Feng Hao, which shocked Feng Hao suddenly, and immediately turned around, seeing a phantom appearing behind him.

"who are you,."

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