Martial Inverse

Chapter 128 Power of nothingness!

"I am the general of the Immortal of Nothingness, you can call me Haotian."

The phantom said slowly, and immediately glanced at Feng Hao and said: "The tower of nothingness, only the human race can enter. For you, this is an opportunity. If you step over, you can have the tower of nothingness." If you can’t cross the tower, you will be turned into dust in nothingness along with the twelve people before.”

Feng Hao took a deep breath. He stared at the figure in front of him, but many thoughts flashed through his mind rapidly. From the words of this so-called God General of Haotian, he could draw some conclusions. .

First, the strong man under Pan Gu's seat, the Immortal of Nothingness, this tower of nothingness was left behind by him.

Second, I am not the first person to enter here. Before I came, there were twelve strong people, and they were all human without exception!

Third, I seem to be facing a choice that I have no room for now, and that is to pass some kind of test, otherwise, I will never be able to leave this realm of nothingness!

"What test."

At the moment, Feng Hao also squinted his eyes and asked in a deep voice. He didn't want to ask where this place is. At present, he is very clear that those things can only be understood if he can survive, otherwise, he will be considered to know it at all. , also has no effect.

"Your body, as well as your soul, must undergo the baptism of the power of nothingness, so as to obtain the inheritance of the tower of nothingness."

The God General Haotian said slowly, even though it was a phantom, there was still a power that could not be ignored, which made Feng Hao unable to bear the shock. It's so terrifying, but the energy fluctuations that pervade it now are powerful like never before!

"With the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness, I will be able to leave the Realm of Nothingness." Feng Hao is most concerned about this issue.

"That's right." Haotian God General nodded. Of course, he can complete the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness. It seems that countless years have passed, and no one has appeared. Compared with the meaning of the Tower of Nothingness, he has not said it yet.

If you can't pass the inheritance, it won't do anything if you know it. Only by passing the test can you be qualified to know all of this!

"Okay, I choose to start the test."

Feng Hao is categorical, without any hesitation, what he wants most is to leave here, as for the test, he has no choice but to face it!

"You are really so sure." Seeing Feng Hao's demeanor, Haotian God General couldn't help being a little bit taken aback. To be honest, in these countless long years, among the twelve people before Feng Hao, some of them were bigger than Feng Hao. Feng Hao is more powerful, and some are more evil than Feng Hao, but they all decided to start the test after careful questioning, almost none of them, like Feng Hao, did not ask anything, and directly started to choose test.

"I have no choice." Feng Hao said slowly: "I must leave here, no matter what is blocking me in front of me."

"Very good, tenacity. I hope that this quality in you will allow you to pass the test." Haotian God General smiled, and immediately waved his hand. At the moment, around the Tower of Nothingness, bursts of explosions suddenly burst out. A unit of violent fluctuations.

When the God of Haotian waved his hand, immediately pieces of hazy bronze-colored aura poured down like a galaxy above Feng Hao's head. The vast momentum almost made Feng Hao feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart. .

However, in the face of all this, he can only choose to face it.

The four spirit beads in the body immediately began to rotate crazily, the power of divine punishment in the dantian quickly covered the body surface, and amazing energy fluctuations permeated from Feng Hao's body!

"Reckless mystery."

At that moment, Feng Hao shouted angrily, and immediately his body changed, and his aura became even fiercer!

"The first test: the power of nothingness."

However, at this time, Haotian God General slowly opened his mouth and said: "The power of nothingness contained in the Tower of Nothingness will completely cleanse your body,

If you can bear it to the end, you will pass the first test, if you fail, then your physical body will be completely turned into nothingness by the power of nothingness. "

As soon as the voice of the God General Haotian fell, Feng Hao's face suddenly changed at this moment, because at this moment, those hazy bronze-colored divine lights had already covered his body completely!


When these nihilistic forces touched his own body, Feng Hao's legs were slightly bent at the moment, and he felt an unprecedented pressure quickly falling on his body!

These bronze-colored nihilistic powers fell continuously, just after touching for a moment, it made De Fenghao feel overwhelmed, which also made De Fenghao feel astonished, but at the moment, he quickly adjusted his mentality , concentrate on this power against nothingness!

However, the unfavorable situation soon made Feng Hao more cautious in his heart. After these emptiness powers fell from the sky, after falling into his body, they gradually formed a layer of light chrysalis, which spread from all around his body. Start squeezing through.

From the looks of the current situation, it was these emptiness powers descending from the sky that gradually submerged Feng Hao's entire body, completely disappearing without a trace.

However, seeing this scene, Haotian God General also sat down slowly cross-legged, glanced at the power of nothingness in front of him, among which Feng Hao's figure was no longer to be found, he also said slowly: "Countless years, witness one by one Proud son of heaven, Immortal of Nothingness, what exactly did you see back then, why must the people of the human race accept the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness?"

Obviously, this Tower of Nothingness is not so simple, but has another meaning, involving a very long time ago, even an era longer than ancient times.

God Venerable Pangu, this is not just a legendary figure, but has really appeared. The God Venerable Pangu opened up the whole world at the beginning, but even now, the era of those years has passed, and the Immortal of Nothingness He fell in that battle of gods.

He is a general of Haotian, who was about to die, but was merged into this tower of nothingness with his soul by the immortal of nothingness, and he was exiled to the realm of nothingness, waiting for the strong man of the human race , to inherit it all.

Countless years have passed. The God General Haotian has seen the appearance of a strong man from the human race. Feng Hao is the thirteenth, but none of them can complete the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness. They all died in the Tower of Nothingness. in.

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