Martial Inverse

Chapter 131 Final Baptism

However, Feng Hao didn't know that he had comprehended the mysterious form of the power of space, and it was just the beginning of this test.

In the following time, Feng Hao felt the pain from the power of nothingness, which made him relax a lot, but then, he felt that his dantian was rapidly gathering a lot of power of nothingness, and the ball of bronze The aura of color became more and more solid, vaguely showing a kind of alchemy.

About half an hour passed, Feng Hao felt his abdomen, and suddenly there was a hot feeling, and immediately he felt that the whole person had become different, and in an instant, the power of nothingness permeated all around was against him. As far as he is concerned, there is no threat at all.

The pain in the body has become weaker and weaker. In the end, Feng Hao can no longer feel the pain. He can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Is the test over?

However, when Feng Hao opened his eyes, he found that he was still shrouded in a hazy bronze-colored aura, and his surroundings were still filled with nothingness.

"What's the matter?"

Feng Hao was a little stunned, he couldn't understand what was going on, logically speaking, the power of nothingness had no sense of his body now, after a while, Feng Hao's expression suddenly changed, because he noticed The power of nothingness in the surrounding area has changed again.

"Seventy percent, the next step is the final baptism."

However, the Haotian general who has been observing Fenghao's state at this time slowly opened his mouth and said, he knows exactly what Fenghao's state is at this time, and for this first test, he realized the ultimate meaning of the law of space , is just the first step.

The next second step is to completely reshape the physical body into a truly immortal body.

At the beginning, the body of the Immortal of Nothingness, even Pan Gu, was amazed by it, because he cultivated the power of nothingness, which made his body extremely powerful. Even in the end, the Immortal of Nothingness fell, because the soul suffered An indelible wound, otherwise, the body of the Immortal of Nothingness would be the most powerful body in this sea world!

The body of nothingness.

If Feng Hao knew that the power of nothingness wanted to reshape his physical body and become a body of nothingness, he would definitely be dumbfounded, because he himself has the physique of a body of nothingness!

After a while, the last surviving emptiness rushed into Feng Hao's body crazily, almost as if trying to break Feng Hao's body abruptly. This kind of change made Feng Hao astonished. He also came back to his senses and wanted to make some moves.

But then, he discovered that these nihilistic forces had entered his body, directly into his dantian, without any reaction.

"This..." Feng Hao was a little stunned. At first he thought that these nihilistic forces were going to do something to him, but after entering his body, he sank into the sea like a mud cow, and he didn't react at all.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao simply ignored it. Anyway, after these emptiness forces entered his body, he didn't react at all, and it shouldn't be harmful to him, so he didn't have the slightest resistance at the moment. These nihilistic forces entered his dantian.

At this time, the Haotian general who was beside him also had a look of astonishment, because he also found out that something was wrong. Logically speaking, these powers of nothingness should directly reshape Feng Hao's body. Under the circumstances, Feng Hao should not be able to bear it, at least he would have to scream.

The pain of reshaping the physical body is almost unbearable, especially if it is still conscious, only three of the previous twelve strong men survived to this level, but they all fell at this level , that is to say, no one can survive the reshaping of the flesh.

However, Feng Hao's performance this time is very different. Faced with the reshaping of the body by the power of nothingness, there is no accident at all, but he is silently accepting the change.

For this point, Haotian God will always be puzzled,

However, after a while, his pupils widened suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his face revealed a look of joy, and he said: "Could it be that he is a body of nothingness,,,."

The body of nothingness.

If Feng Hao himself has such a physique, then for him, these powers of nothingness will only make him stronger now.

"By the way, it must be a body of nothingness, it must be." Haotian God will continue to walk back and forth, talking to himself authentically: "At the beginning, the fairy of nothingness used his last obsession to turn into more than a dozen energies and scattered them in the next generation. , those who get these energies will become a body of nothingness, or their next generation will become a body of nothingness."

"I understand."

At this time, the Haotian God General showed an excited expression, and finally understood why the Immortal of Nothingness warned that only people of the human race could accept the inheritance before he died, because the body of nothingness can only appear among the human race.

As for the twelve strong men that the Void Martial Tower encountered before, none of them had a body of nothingness, so they couldn't pass this final transformation, but for a person who has a body of nothingness, it would be different up.

A person who is a body of nothingness, relatively speaking, can avoid a lot of troubles, and at the same time, can complete this first test more easily.

As time passed, the power of nothingness filled in the tower of nothingness gradually became thinner, and Feng Hao was constantly absorbing a lot of power of nothingness at this time, because he vaguely felt that, with the The power of nothingness was continuously absorbed by him, and his body became stronger invisibly.

This powerful feeling made Feng Hao work harder to absorb the power of nothingness, and the God General Haotian next to him was 100% sure at this time that Feng Hao in front of him was a body of nothingness, but if this time it was If it is a body of nothingness, then it is very likely to be able to pass all the tests thoroughly.

At that time, he will be able to inherit the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness, thus leaving the realm of nothingness, and if Feng Hao can leave the realm of nothingness, then he can also leave, so relatively speaking, he still hopes that Feng Hao can complete the whole ordeal.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the power of nothingness in the tower of nothingness has finally become completely weak, but Feng Hao's aura has also become majestic, as if he has completed some kind of transformation.

The next moment, Feng Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and two bronze-colored lights appeared through the air.

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